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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

There's a (credible) rumour that they will be rearing their ugly head in one of Sandwell's six towns later. I'm doing a pub crawl to see if there's any outsiders about but it's all very peaceful here at the mo.

Does the town begin with T by any chance?
Whats the substance of the Croydon rumours anyone know?
Just been through WC bus station & surrounds and on the bus home...fairly quiet by usual standards and no sign whatsoever of any OB in any of the likely hiding streets. Doesn't look like they think there's any credibility.
Apparently riots going off in Queens park Chesterfield. :eek: :(

And you can describe them? Or give a verifiable news source?


I take it they're under full steam by now, there appears to be a news blackout on this. Though I did hear something about them damaging the church spire? Got twisted or something?

Let's be anti-fascist. Not fucking NextDoor or Mum'sNet*.

*Tiny disclaimer. I really don't know what mum'snet is. And don't want to thanks.
Claim to be having an early night then sneak out using the bedroom window.
Well, I got away with a walk to the gym as I'd been smoking weed earlier and couldn't drive. :thumbs: So more on RUMOURWATCH:

Today in Bishop Auckland, Durham Police were putting out a more specific warning about the fash meeting up at a pub about 3 miles from the town. Partner's daughter's kid is in a nursery close to there and they were told to close at 3, which they did. However there doesn't seem to be the almost blanket closures of yesterday. After the gym I walked part of what would have been the route into town if the fash were coming in directly from their meet up point. Hard to know the effect as the takeaways wouldn't have opened yet anyway, but everything else was looking normal. That is until I came to a Turkish owned barbers and the owners were boarding it up. :(

My guess is next to nothing will happen aside from, perhaps, some local kids jumping on the bandwagon and putting the odd window through or getting a bit of cat and mouse with the police. Same time, if i was an Asian business owner, I'd probably be shitting it, thinking about shutting up for the day. Suppose that's the thing with rumours, the mixture of the real, the plausible and the downright bullshit.
Rumours were so rife this morning that shops and other businesses around the Hessle Rd Boulevard area in Hull have closed including the charity were my son works, he's come here as he didn't want to go home to his flat which is in the area (autistic anxiety) but thankfully all quiet so far and nothing is happening. I can't even get my head around about how anxiety inducing this situation is for people who aren't white.
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I suppose the excuse is that this lot have turned up sheepish and recalcitrant in court whereas JSO were arguing that they'd done the right thing and clearly intended to do it again. How do these sentences stack up against 2011?
Well a more recent example would be the "Kill the Bill" protest in Bristol, where more were charged with riot, rather than violent disorder.
fucking ridiculous. People being sent home early from work in Leeds - which isnt even on their "Hit List". We should be publically showing our solidariuty with those they are targetting and sending out a mesage that we will not cower from these sad act brown shorts.
GF has been sent home from work and clients have been told not to come to their appointments (mental health support unit in the middle of a housing estate). Neither of us think the part of London she works in is likely to kick off - there have been threats - but for her job it's wise to be extra cautious.

FWIW I'd much prefer this thread to be in the community forum as well as any thread about actually organising stuff.
Watching a livestream of Walthamstow and I'm starting to suspect this list was put together by old bill after some OT in collaboration with chippies who can "board up your windows, just in case".

Gonna keep an eye on it but not sure my presence will be needed or wanted. Nothing but gongoozlers on socials so far.
Just checking - is the one that was a year old earlier?

Huh. Serves me right to believe Urban then! My GF says her mate did see the motorway bikers, not just people throwing stuff from a bridge (which could actually have been unrelated, sad as that is, though it turns out it's not).
Huh. Serves me right to believe Urban then! My GF says her mate did see the motorway bikers, not just people throwing stuff from a bridge (which could actually have been unrelated, sad as that is, though it turns out it's not).

It’s the express so I’m assuming they just saw shit on Twitter and did a news story on it with no verification

I’m not taking it seriously until I get reliable confirmation
Just checking - is the one that was a year old earlier?

So it was last night. Not today.

And "The Met Police say that the incident was not related to the spate of riots plaguing the UK"

Glad we've sorted that out.
So it was last night. Not today.

And "The Met Police say that the incident was not related to the spate of riots plaguing the UK"

Glad we've sorted that out.

I understand your tense but I am checking as politely and calmly as possible in the circumstances and not attempting to stir up panic.
It’s the express so I’m assuming they just saw shit on Twitter and did a news story on it with no verification

I’m not taking it seriously until I get reliable confirmation

They're quoting the Met. It is a relief that it's supposedly not connected to the riots - it does look different, though still really fucking intimidating - but it turns out that the "year ago" thing was also misinformation.
It was the Oddfellows Arms on Church Street.

As an aside, the Keys is now an HMO, and the Town Hall is dying on its arse with no customers.

Eccles has a lot of the ingredients for discontent. Which isn't channeled properly. 😔
Aye, I was there a few weeks back. Busy on Gilda Brook Rd but hardly anyone on the precinct. It's desolate ever since they pulled down the market and put a Morrisons in its place. Nowt against shopping in Morrisons but for fuck sake, they tore the heart out of the place.
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