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England fans: the racism and the violence

The defacing of the mural was being emphatically reported by MSM as racist on Monday - sparking a massive social media response and a knee taking vigil at what now appears to be something less clear. As you say we don't know what the motivation was for drawing a cock on a footballers face or stating he was shite: or for attacking another United player: "fuck, fuck Sancho". It could be purely juvenile pissed up footballing rivalry, it could be a racially motivated daubing that doesn't mention race; it might be both. What is undeniable is that the reporting of this on Monday seemed more concerned with establishing a narrative and sparking predictable responses.
Nah, not my reading. As many people have said, a racist backlash against the black players who missed penalties felt sadly inevitable as soon as the game was over. And sure enough, that backlash occurred, including the defacing of this mural.

The term 'woke' has been sadly debased and appropriated nowadays, but it's for exactly this kind of thing that it was originally coined by African Americans back in the 1930s. Stay 'woke', stay awake to the ways in which you are being held down, don't accept the excuses. See racism for what it is and where it is. The defacing of this mural may also be other things, but it is very certainly a racist thing. Put it this way: do you think it is even remotely conceivable that the idiot(s) who did this is(are) black?
Mr Roberts said there had been “significant disorder all around the country” during the tournament.

“The 2018 World Cup in Russia was the worst we had seen, but sadly this tournament surpassed that,” he added.
I think this is unlikely. In 2018 as in 2016, groups of russians in matching tshirts and combat gloves were allowed to run around battering people willy nilly. Whether matching tshirts and combat gloves are pfwc compliant or not is another question.
I'm sorry that you appear to be going through a stressful time right now and I hope that things get better for you soon. I had interpreted your comment about "the most arrogant, entitled, macho idiot, diseased country in the world" as being something to do with English nationalism, but if it was actually about something else then I suppose it must be about whatever else it's about. I'm happy to agree that this place is a shithole in many ways and should be changed, I just think that most of the ways it's a shithole are due to social systems that are more or less worldwide at this point and not because we're somehow special.
You are sorry for me? 🤣 fucking moron. And no, dear, you/England are not special, that’s pretty obvious.
See racism for what it is and where it is.

which seems to have become 'see racism everywhere', take this:

As many people have said, a racist backlash against the black players who missed penalties felt sadly inevitable as soon as the game was over.

Which could easily be stated as:

As many people have said, a backlash against the players, some of it racist, who missed penalties felt sadly inevitable as soon as the game was over.

Then there's this:

The defacing of this mural may also be other things, but it is very certainly a racist thing.

it 'certainly' could be or not be.
I'm not in the habit of defending racists and, to be honest, don't really give a shit about this individual. Same time, universities looking through social media of people not yet actual students, who presumably haven't even been interviewed by the police (that wasn't clear in the reporting)? Purely about reputational damage and virtue signalling, Nottingham Trent don't give a fuck about black footballers.
. The defacing of this mural may also be other things, but it is very certainly a racist thing. Put it this way: do you think it is even remotely conceivable that the idiot(s) who did this is(are) black?

I’m not clear as to why anyone can assert with any authority what the defacing is and isn’t. I mean how much intellectual rigour can be applied to analysing the motives behind drawing a spunking cock on someone’s head??

Turning back to my point about constructing narratives, I really think there needs to be some reflection about what the narrative is, who controls it and where it leads to.

It might be revealing of just how old and out of touch I am but when I think about racism I think about it’s structural and institutional forms, I think about how it intersects with class and I resist any attempts to limit the debate to disparity correction politics and about how to emphasise points of unity that isolate the racists and allow them to be effectively confronted.
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grass up the nazis. destroy their lives. unless you want to lose the culture war. Because you need to kick them when they are down.

Le Pen just lost everything in France. Trump is obviously destroyed, just a matter of time. Antagonise his children and encourage his prostitutes to speak.

Don't anybody come here and say "we need to re-educate these people with class politics" because you cannot bargain with evil.

We do not give them any quarter. We need to kick them in the goolies, not once but ten times.

I will not be happy until Darren Grimes is a squealing, shitting mess. And Paul Joseph Watson, you are next.
grass up the nazis. destroy their lives. unless you want to lose the culture war. Because you need to kick them when they are down.

Le Pen just lost everything in France. Trump is obviously destroyed, just a matter of time. Antagonise his children and encourage his prostitutes to speak.

Don't anybody come here and say "we need to re-educate these people with class politics" because you cannot bargain with evil.

We do not give them any quarter. We need to kick them in the goolies, not once but ten times.

I will not be happy until Darren Grimes is a squealing, shitting mess. And Paul Joseph Watson, you are next.
This /\ is really stupid because on a strategic level it a) relies on other people - social media companies, employers, police etc - to act as you wish them to; b) it changes nothing - these life destroyed racists, assuming you succeed, are still racists just angrier and more embittered; c) none of this empowers anyone, there is no actual progress made, all it is is people reporting racism and hoping the authorities do something.

Sometimes the cops and employers and social media companies will act. But what will you do when they don't? What will you do when racists get together on their own social media - like Stormfront for example - on a racist-friendly ISP? Where racists work for other racists?

Where there are successes against racism it's through bringing people together, either on an occasional basis like the auld afa unity carnivals or demonstrations like the afa walk round the east end or longer term community based projects. I can't see your proposal making anything better for the victims of individual or systemic racism as nothing you say opposes racism or proposes an alternative - you've abandoned all the people who've spent a load of time online while isolated the last sixteen months and simply gone down a rabbit hole. It's feeble. It's disempowering. It's myopic, and politically appalling
I’m not part of the ‘culture war’, I don’t want to be part of it. I don’t have a side in it. The working class does not have a side in it. I actively oppose both sides engaged in it.

If you want to know how racism and racists have been effectively beaten before read Pickman’s post above.
is rock against racism and the much wider antiracism in music not part of a culture war?
I’m not part of the ‘culture war’, I don’t want to be part of it. I don’t have a side in it. The working class does not have a side in it. I actively oppose both sides engaged in it.

If you want to know how racism and racists have been effectively beaten before read Pickman’s post above.
I'm not sure I understand what you take to be the 'culture war' in this instance. From what I can tell, it is a war that has largely been declared and defined by one particular side - the side that uses meaningless terms such as 'cultural Marxism', the side that vocally decries the pulling down of the statues of slave traders, the side that wilfully misunderstands and misrepresents the message of BLM in order to discredit it.

Or are you referring to some other cultural war that I'm not aware of? Because I know what side I'm on in the one I describe above.
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