it does my head in that people still rally against the right or centre or left like there are only 3 options... most people as a mixture of all points of the spectrum dependant on the topic at the time. sure they may have guiding principals but these are all to often kicked to the kerb once things impact them on a personal level.
You are an intellectual giant, Garfield. Do you understand anything at all about politics ? Are you about 15 years old ? It's true that as an everyday reality most people hold to a grab bag of often mutually contradictory opinions and models of the world. But then we are all fed a jumble of contradictory shit by the mass media all the time. Its called "ideology", eg, some people who think they are "Left wing" and "for the workers" sometimes also still love the Queen, and/or are hostile to Muslims or Jews. This is not a "good thing"... it hides the true nature of society and the real interests of the 99% from people.
So we can all have a "pick'n'mix" approach to sorting out the greatest world capitalist crisis since the 1930's can we ? "Neo Liberalist policies which defend the wealth of the 1%" , seamlessly meets "socialist policies to protect the working class" . Wake up Garfield, the real world isn't actually one where you can just choose from a "menu" of politics to suit yourself, where nobody loses out .. its time to decide whose side you're on. But I think we all know which side that is don't we ?