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Donald Trump's 2nd term

I do wonder what would happen if Trump gets jailed or otherwise taken out of the running...

According to reports I've read, and seen on TV, if he's jailed that doesn't stop him from running, and in theory doesn't stop him leading the country from his cell, although if elected he would probably just pardon himself and get released. Although, I guess, the party may find some way of stopping him, if he's jailed.

The situation is simply down to no one never considering such a situation would arise, so there's nothing in the constitution to stop it.
Have been wondering where to put this and it applies just as much to Europe, but here seems as good a place as any. Not read it all because it's huge but the central idea seems logical enough:

You've reminded me of the "Long Shadow" podcast series, which traced the rise of Trump's supporters and the Proud Boys and the like back to early, initially isolated cases where people fought against law enforcement because of gun related incidents or land ownership disputes.
According to reports I've read, and seen on TV, if he's jailed that doesn't stop him from running, and in theory doesn't stop him leading the country from his cell, although if elected he would probably just pardon himself and get released. Although, I guess, the party may find some way of stopping him, if he's jailed.

The situation is simply down to no one never considering such a situation would arise, so there's nothing in the constitution to stop it.
Which is why Trump's legal team found themselves answering seemingly bonkers questions the other day on things like, could a President order the assassination of an opponent with immunity (the current life raft being clung to) and it wasn't a very convincing response. The Constitution is being tested in ways it was not supposed to
I do wonder what would happen if Trump gets jailed or otherwise taken out of the running - will the masses rise up in revolt on Washington, or would they lose all momentum without Trump? Could they rally round someone else immediately, or could someone else see an opportunity and keep the MAGA bullshit-wagon rolling in some form?
Never forget that other Trumps are available, including the erudite and witty Don junior.
According to reports I've read, and seen on TV, if he's jailed that doesn't stop him from running, and in theory doesn't stop him leading the country from his cell, although if elected he would probably just pardon himself and get released. Although, I guess, the party may find some way of stopping him, if he's jailed.

The situation is simply down to no one never considering such a situation would arise, so there's nothing in the constitution to stop it.
It seems so bizarre that they have conditions about no one born outside America being POTUS, but have never specified no convicted felons. You'd have thought the latter would be a bit more of an issue.

So true. Even if Trump is too thick and narcissistic to permanently lock in his sadistic vision of governance in the US his victory in itself will represent a moral and epistemic collapse unparalleled in a democracy. The truth is cheap in politics, but most dishonest politicians anchor their claims in some sort of reality, Trump doesn't just just mislead, Trump inverts reality in a manner that would make Orwell's Big Brother blush. Whilst many politicians are hypocrites, at least hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue. Trumpism is the tribute that vice plays to vice. To borrow a phrase from Trotsky, Trumpism is 'capitalist society is puking up the undigested barbarism'. Trump doesn't just lie, he bullshits. Like his puppet master Putin, him and his minions spray a firehose of falsehood so relentlessly his critics cannot keep track of his misinformation. The future of civilisation hangs in the balance. Trump and his deranged cult (aka the Republican Party) must be totally wiped out as a political force by any means necessary.
Does that include violence? Because their side are entirely comfortable with deploying violence to further their aims.
According to reports I've read, and seen on TV, if he's jailed that doesn't stop him from running, and in theory doesn't stop him leading the country from his cell, although if elected he would probably just pardon himself and get released. Although, I guess, the party may find some way of stopping him, if he's jailed.

The situation is simply down to no one never considering such a situation would arise, so there's nothing in the constitution to stop it.
The party has been utterly powerless and, in most cases, totally complicit in the face of him and his supporters thus far. What makes you think they will acquire morals, principles, or even a spine by that point?
It seems so bizarre that they have conditions about no one born outside America being POTUS, but have never specified no convicted felons. You'd have thought the latter would be a bit more of an issue.
TBF, when they wrote it they were expecting it to be a living, breathing document that would get amended and updated as circumstance rquired. They could not forsee the ossification of their political process, the rampant and overwhelming corruption abroad in the system, and their living, breathing democratic document effectively being a reanimated corpse. They were, after all, a bunch of 17th century plantation owners, lawyers, and former soldiers; not omipotent beings capable of predicting every outcome (including ones that would have been an utter anathema to them when they wrote it).
I can see someone trying, but will they succeed necessarily. I mean, Trump has a unique combination of total lack of self awareness or really having any principles except 'Donald J Trump wins everything'; I wonder if others might somehow seem too earnest in comparison compared to Trump's raging ego that appeals so much to people who are failing so hard at life.

My guess is that if Trump did fall out of the running, no one could immediately take on his mantle, but someone could build up to a similar following in a few years.

I am not sure they would, at least from the same position Trump is (as in from the far right).

The bedrock of his appeal amongst the population is the very real phenomenon of most of the US population watching as they get poorer, less healthy and further behind the rich with each passing year. They are becoming increasingly aware of how much the system is rigged against them. Of course Trump himself, and especially his donors and backers, have no intention of arresting that decline (if anything they want to make it even worse) - but they have been able to harness that anger because the political establishment refuses to acknowledge the need for change, and will try and crush anyone who steps outside of what it seems acceptable. Even that will only last for a few years though, before people recognize that the change that was promised is not coming from him.
The party has been utterly powerless and, in most cases, totally complicit in the face of him and his supporters thus far. What makes you think they will acquire morals, principles, or even a spine by that point?

I don't think they will necessarily, that's why I said, ' the party may find some way of stopping him.'
It seems so bizarre that they have conditions about no one born outside America being POTUS, but have never specified no convicted felons. You'd have thought the latter would be a bit more of an issue.
Not really. They'd just fought their way free from a colonial power. Would have been more worried about having another British blow in running things than some hero of the resistance who'd been a political prisoner
Dunno about that. I reckon the "saboteurs are stealing it from you" line has a pretty long shelf life.

It does - I mean they've been using it for decades - but they won't be able to keep using it with any plausibility if they are the ones in power.
It seems so bizarre that they have conditions about no one born outside America being POTUS, but have never specified no convicted felons. You'd have thought the latter would be a bit more of an issue.

Banning people with felony convictions from the presidency doesn't seem to be a particularly common feature of other countries' constitutions, though France insists that they "not be ineligible by reason of criminal conviction or judicial decision" - and also, for some reason, that they have a bank account

Banning people with felony convictions from the presidency doesn't seem to be a particularly common feature of other countries' constitutions, though France insists that they "not be ineligible by reason of criminal conviction or judicial decision" - and also, for some reason, that they have a bank account

I can understand the bank account rule. When financial matters are so opaque that you can't observe any visible means of support then you really have to wonder what they're hiding. Recently in the US, the new speaker of the House didn't note any personal bank accounts on his disclosure statement.* You would think that someone who lives in a house, has a wife and children, might have money coming in and going out somewhere.

* turns out he just didn't disclose them, which raises other issues.
I can understand the bank account rule. When financial matters are so opaque that you can't observe any visible means of support then you really have to wonder what they're hiding. Recently in the US, the new speaker of the House didn't note any personal bank accounts on his disclosure statement.* You would think that someone who lives in a house, has a wife and children, might have money coming in and going out somewhere.

* turns out he just didn't disclose them, which raises other issues.

Makes sense, I like how they've codified that level of mistrust in their constitution
Makes sense, I like how they've codified that level of mistrust in their constitution

They tried to some extent to do that with the constitution, by separating power. Over the years more and more power has been shifted to the executive branch, by both Republican and Democratic Presidents. That's been done without any real pushback. I don't think they really accounted for someone as morally bankrupt as Trump, however.
If he thought that he could get more power and adulation from flipping sides he'd do it in a heartbeat. I doubt if that would ever happen. There's part of the far right that equate him right up there with Jesus.
Fash-Jesus is such a strange concept. Real Jesus is too "woke" and liberal, but Fash-Jesus will deliver America from the radical Marxists, border hoppers and groomers who want to devour your children.
can just imagine evangelical christian who went out to vote for trump in 2016 and got a fucking biblical plague
as a return from god

putting on their snow shoes to do it again :facepalm:
I'm listening to a podcast which has played the recording of a Trump supporter who says that, in their brain, Jesus died for her sins, as Trump is taking indictment for the good of America.
No megalomania here:

Trump told Iowa supporters 'it's worth it' to go vote for him in the cold, even if they're 'sick as a dog' and die after casting their ballots

Former President Donald Trump on the eve of the Iowa caucus urged supporters to defy forecasted subzero temperatures on Monday and vote for him in the Republican presidential primary.

Speaking at a campaign event on Sunday evening, Trump portrayed the prospect of him returning to the White House as one to die for — literally.

"If you want to save America from crooked Joe Biden, you must go caucus tomorrow. First step, very first step," the former president said at the tail end of a 100-minute speech in Indianola. "We're gonna do it. We're gonna do it big, you got to get out."

"You can't sit home," Trump added, raising his voice. "If you're sick as a dog, you say: 'God I gotta make it.' Even if you vote and then pass away, it's worth it."

Too bad he isn't really Jesus. Then, he could raise his supporters who follow this advice from the dead. We have bad storm conditions and -20 degree F weather. Its not a smart time to be traveling. He's counting on his supporters being so fervent that they'll risk their life for him.
No megalomania here:

Trump told Iowa supporters 'it's worth it' to go vote for him in the cold, even if they're 'sick as a dog' and die after casting their ballots

Too bad he isn't really Jesus. Then, he could raise his supporters who follow this advice from the dead. We have bad storm conditions and -20 degree F weather. Its not a smart time to be traveling. He's counting on his supporters being so fervent that they'll risk their life for him.
A zombie horde following Trump. I'd watch that.
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