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Donald Trump's 2nd term

Trump is that fucking thick he thinks his title was Commander AND Chief

all the evidence that was rejected by everyone whilst i was in power and did not know trying to steal an election as illegal
i'm the victim and do not shit my pants every day#

i do like you have stuff like this bullshit and the other side

being i'm cause more insurrection if you find me guilty of insurrection

but hey how trump and tucker fans need something to stroke themselves to sleep with
From the Guardian

Donald Trump told the president of the European Commission in 2020 that the US would “never come help” if Europe was attacked and also said “Nato is dead”, a senior European commissioner said.

Multiple news outlets said the exchange between Trump and Ursula von der Leyen at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2020 was described in Brussels on Tuesday by Thierry Breton, a French European commissioner responsible for the internal market, with responsibilities including defence.

“You need to understand that if Europe is under attack we will never come to help you and to support you,” Trump said, according to Breton, who was speaking at the European parliament.

According to Breton, Trump also said: “By the way, Nato is dead, and we will leave, we will quit Nato.”

According to the Jerusalem Post, Trump added: “And by the way, you owe me $400bn, because you didn’t pay, you Germans, what you had to pay for defence.”

As Germany’s defence minister, von der Leyen was among European officials who pushed back at Trump on the issue of funding.

But threats to quit Nato, and demands that European nations increase contributions to it, were as much a feature of Trump’s presidency as concern over his opaque, apparently submissive relationship with Vladimir Putin.

Trump claims to understand the Russian president, who he says waited until Trump was out of office before invading Ukraine.

In Brussels, Breton reportedly said Trump’s 2020 remarks were “a big wake-up call” and warned: “He may come back.”
From the Guardian
Sort of explains Trump 2.0 is major security risk to UK, warn top British-US diplomats. Though should involve Poland and the Baltics as they'd be on the frontline.

Trump is not the first President to be exasperated by Grrman defense spending (though they did pull their weight in Afghanistan). Don't think the Germans openly laughing at his UN speech helped.

Also explains Congress approves bill barring any president from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO
“Absent public virtue, a republic can fall. And a Trump win in 2024 would absolutely convince countless Americans that virtue is for suckers, and vice is the key to victory. If Trump loses a second time, there is a chance he’ll end up a painful aberration in American politics, a depressing footnote in our national story. But if he wins again, the equation will change and history may record that he was not the culmination of a short-lived reactionary moment, but rather the harbinger of a greater darkness to come.”

So true. Even if Trump is too thick and narcissistic to permanently lock in his sadistic vision of governance in the US his victory in itself will represent a moral and epistemic collapse unparalleled in a democracy. The truth is cheap in politics, but most dishonest politicians anchor their claims in some sort of reality, Trump doesn't just just mislead, Trump inverts reality in a manner that would make Orwell's Big Brother blush. Whilst many politicians are hypocrites, at least hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue. Trumpism is the tribute that vice plays to vice. To borrow a phrase from Trotsky, Trumpism is 'capitalist society is puking up the undigested barbarism'. Trump doesn't just lie, he bullshits. Like his puppet master Putin, him and his minions spray a firehose of falsehood so relentlessly his critics cannot keep track of his misinformation. The future of civilisation hangs in the balance. Trump and his deranged cult (aka the Republican Party) must be totally wiped out as a political force by any means necessary.
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I do wonder what would happen if Trump gets jailed or otherwise taken out of the running - will the masses rise up in revolt on Washington, or would they lose all momentum without Trump? Could they rally round someone else immediately, or could someone else see an opportunity and keep the MAGA bullshit-wagon rolling in some form?
I do wonder what would happen if Trump gets jailed or otherwise taken out of the running - will the masses rise up in revolt on Washington, or would they lose all momentum without Trump? Could they rally round someone else immediately, or could someone else see an opportunity and keep the MAGA bullshit-wagon rolling in some form?
Trump's just a symptom of a far bigger and older problem that ails the US. Imho, the genie won't be going back in the bottle and yes, as you say, someone else will see an opportunity to harness the rage.
Trump's just a symptom of a far bigger and older problem that ails the US. Imho, the genie won't be going back in the bottle and yes, as you say, someone else will see an opportunity to harness the rage.
I can see someone trying, but will they succeed necessarily. I mean, Trump has a unique combination of total lack of self awareness or really having any principles except 'Donald J Trump wins everything'; I wonder if others might somehow seem too earnest in comparison compared to Trump's raging ego that appeals so much to people who are failing so hard at life.

My guess is that if Trump did fall out of the running, no one could immediately take on his mantle, but someone could build up to a similar following in a few years.
My guess is that if Trump did fall out of the running, no one could immediately take on his mantle, but someone could build up to a similar following in a few years.

Absolutely no doubt that there are a few outright nutters in the Republican party that the American right would get behind if Trump was jailed. Though I can't see him being that easily put behind bars... and I would assume there would be a lot of violence from his supporters in protest if such a sentence was handed out.
I wonder if others might somehow seem too earnest in comparison
i think that's a good observation, lots of people who voted for him the first time did so because he was willing to wreck it. anybody in office now, however trumpian, is just another politician.

compared to Trump's raging ego that appeals so much to people who are failing so hard at life.

Trump's core vote is solidly middle-class suburban. they're not failing, they just hate the libs.
Trump's core vote is solidly middle-class suburban. they're not failing, they just hate the libs.
Perhaps they are sometimes located in failing places, though. So the world around them appears to be constantly worsening.
Trump's core vote is solidly middle-class suburban. they're not failing, they just hate the libs.
Does that mean we can criticise Trump voters without worrying about JD McClatchy? (I mean, 100 years ago I thought he had something worth listening to, however uncomfortable, but now not so sure realising it's just the same old.)
Perhaps they are sometimes located in failing places, though. So the world around them appears to be constantly worsening.

that would apply for the first group i mentioned: "nothing else is working so why not" is the quote i remember. for the second group a constantly worsening world is one where the libs and the trans and the migrants "are in control of everything now and we need to take our country back".
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