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Donald Trump's 2nd term

Yes he can, and if it looks like he's going to win a second term he probably will. Not Biden himself obviously, but his deep state goons.
the trump bible if he lose the next election

Following the arrest of Trump, Nikki Haley denied knowing him three times, but after the third denial, she heard the rooster crow and recalled the prediction as Jesus turned to look at her, Nikki then began to cry bitterly
I love the idea of the Deep State, the one that seemingly has always had the power and will to off Trump, waiting until now to do it because his second term might be annoying.

(edit: Though the downside to this comic conspiracy capering is when his inevitable massive heart attack finally carries him off it's going to be absolute bedlam).
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Interesting but unsurprising line from diplomats. Trump must be an absolute security liability both in himself and the people he surrounds himself with. He must be laughably easy to get confidential information out of if you strategically play to his vanity.

Interesting but unsurprising line from diplomats. Trump must be an absolute security liability both in himself and the people he surrounds himself with. He must be laughably easy to get confidential information out of if you strategically play to his vanity.

Preparations to help the UK cope if Mr Trump were to end US support for Ukraine and withdraw from Nato must be drawn up in secret to avoid giving him a campaign boost

But we will talk about it publicly.
Surely we can end this thread on the basis that Biden has lowered inflation, increased employment, and generally improved the country; while Trump is a criminally minded insurrectionist who vows to be a dictator on day one of his presidency?

But her emails...
I think
Interesting but unsurprising line from diplomats. Trump must be an absolute security liability both in himself and the people he surrounds himself with. He must be laughably easy to get confidential information out of if you strategically play to his vanity.

All you've got to do is get hired as staff at Mar a Lago and walk into one of his unlocked bathrooms:

I think the greatest hope against the deranged fascist Trump will be the women of America. Opinion polls show that, unsurprisingly, the majority are not fans of having their federal right to bodily autonomy stripped away from by a panel of judges Trump picked to ensure that would happen. I hope the attack ads focus strongly on this, featuring Trump bragging about being responsible for overturning Roe v Wade. Meanwhile here's hoping the non-stop bombardment with criminal prosecutions and civil lawsuits will be able to physically and mentally break Trump and his cronies. Looks like Giuliani is destined to die broke, alone and rotting in a cell (as long as Trump isn't elected president to pardon him). Here's hoping the same will be true of cheeto Mussolini!
still think it will be tight but the fact that he just frankly admitting that he going to cause chaos when he get in is going to backfired on him

not really a middle ground electoral picture and polls are showing that the non crazy republican vote is bleeding to RJK as the saner alternative :hmm:
I honestly think the attack ads should also focus on Trump's repulsive sexual attitudes towards children. People who have attitudes like this - disgusting, degenerate, sick freaks - should be shunned and preferably jailed. Its pretty shocking:


I’ve known Jeff [Epstein] for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

In other words, Trump admits he knew that Epstein was raping children and he think's he's 'terrific'. Trump supporters are objectively pro-pedo.
still think it will be tight but the fact that he just frankly admitting that he going to cause chaos when he get in is going to backfired on him

not really a middle ground electoral picture and polls are showing that the non crazy republican vote is bleeding to RJK as the saner alternative :hmm:
I've seen polling saying RJK is actually picking up more Dem waverers at the moment, or last week or so when I read it at least.
I honestly think the attack ads should also focus on Trump's repulsive sexual attitudes towards children. People who have attitudes like this - disgusting, degenerate, sick freaks - should be shunned and preferably jailed. Its pretty shocking:


In other words, Trump admits he knew that Epstein was raping children and he think's he's 'terrific'. Trump supporters are objectively pro-pedo.

hmm you not remember this story

women went into hiding because of death threats
I think the greatest hope against the deranged fascist Trump will be the women of America. Opinion polls show that, unsurprisingly, the majority are not fans of having their federal right to bodily autonomy stripped away from by a panel of judges Trump picked to ensure that would happen. I hope the attack ads focus strongly on this, featuring Trump bragging about being responsible for overturning Roe v Wade. Meanwhile here's hoping the non-stop bombardment with criminal prosecutions and civil lawsuits will be able to physically and mentally break Trump and his cronies. Looks like Giuliani is destined to die broke, alone and rotting in a cell (as long as Trump isn't elected president to pardon him). Here's hoping the same will be true of cheeto Mussolini!
Well we've seen some surprising states back abortion rights and I think this is because of the horrific (and entirely true) stories being widely shared. I reckon quite a lot of people passively go along with anti abortion legislation because they don't think about it that much; it seems bad to 'kill babies' and surely all it means is that single girls who get around will have to be a bit more careful? Hardly the end of the world.

But when you are shown that actually if you (or your wife) have complications on your 4th pregnancy these rules could mean you dying from an entirely preventable cause, leaving a widower and 3 kids without their mom. Well, that's different.
hmm you not remember this story

women went into hiding because of death threats

I didn't know about that story but I'm not in the least surprised. Some 26 women have accused him of rape, but of course the legal system is stacked against them. Still, at least one brave woman has prevailed, and now it is not libelous to call Trump a rapist. It is also accordingly appropriate to call Trump fans pro-rape filth.
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