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Donald Trump the road that might not lead to the White House - Redux 2024 thread.

Go to Georgia and attack the bloke who'll run the campaign on the ground there:
Erick Erickson, a prominent conservative host in Georgia, said of Trump, “He can’t help himself.”

“Donald Trump is really trying to build unity in Georgia by attacking the sitting Republican Governor whose ground game he will need to win and also that Governor’s wife,” Erickson wrote on X. “And if he loses, it’ll be because of this stuff, not a stolen election.”
Getting a softball interview from Sky, and I believe one with GBeebies, so we know how that will go. I hope the Dems will get a right of reply to his bullshit, as the reporter was useless.

Anyway, it seems that we should expect even more craziness as the orange thing continues to meltdown. Pete is spot on. Keep calling him out as a coward and weird and watch him spontaneously combust.

Eric’s voice sounds like his balls haven’t dropped yet.
Shawn Fain in the membrane


SFs endorsement of Harris has got right under Trump's thin skin.

SF rightly points out that Trump stands for corporate greed and is everything that the unions is against.

Trump and the UAW have frequently traded barbs, with Trump calling for Fain to be “fired immediately” during his speech at the Republican national convention in July.

In response, the UAW called Trump a “scab”
wow - whose idea was it to have him grilled by black journalists? great to see the hate-clown actaully being called to acount for once. And he really doesnt like it.
Fucking hell - starting to think hes going to lose. (bigly)
The contrast between him and KH is really really striking - shes all positive, laughing, articulate, confident and not intmidated by him whilst he's old, tired, angry, scowling and often incoherent.

His base loves fear porn. They'll be offended by Harris' positivity. Not that its difficult to offend them. They're looking for things to be offended over.
I dont buy the "he knows what hes doing" like its all planned response. He has always been impulsive, going by his gut and without any regard for usual convnetions - not just of politics - but basic socail conventions - hes suceeded becasue of his towering self belief and drive that has seen him continune to win - or to seem like hes winning. Its a role he has inhabitted for so long its no longer an act - its instiinctive. He wont listed to advisors or campaing strategists unless they tell him what he wants to hear. Hes very similar or many other dictator types in that regard - and they all fail becasue eventually the bullshit comes up agasint the reality. Trump will just contunues to double down with the threats, the "hilarious" insults, his "greatest hits" - he will see Harris as another Hilary - but they are very different people with a different resonance with the publuic - Hilary was well known, part of a elite dynasty, cold, stiff, evasive - far too much baggage. KH is far more engerised and "human" - she laughts and smiles a lot - and the republicans trying to use that agasint her may only serve to highlight what a misserable scowling old git trump is. And Harris laughting at him, refusing to take him seriously, painting him as pathetic and desperate - whihc may well prove the killer tactic.

I believe that much of this has been planned, just not by Trump. There's a core group in the US that would like to see something like Sharia law in the US based on Old Testament law. Amy Coney Barrett is a representative of this faction, as is Gorsuch, Alito, and Thomas. There are some deep pockets there that want Trump to win so they can overturn society as we know it and institute the death penalty for homosexuality, abortion, and other "sins." They'll rip out any of the legal underpinning that enables women to live independent lives. However, they'll never call Trump on his violation of every single one of the Ten Commandments.

This gentleman is the son of a prominent Evangelical preacher. He rejected all of these teachings and is trying to warn about what he heard, saw, and participated in, from this group. He lays out what they intend for the future:

Here he gives some background on his culpability in this and provides some history of the movement.

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At Trump's last rally, he started attacking his fellow republicans.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has revived his feud with Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp seemingly out of nowhere, for some reason.

“He’s a bad guy,” Trump said of Kemp during an Atlanta campaign rally Saturday. “He’s a disloyal guy, and he’s a very average governor.”

Trump’s feud with Kemp and other Georgia Republicans stems from the 2020 election, in which then-President Trump embarrassingly lost the traditionally red state. Following his defeat, Trump attempted to pressure state officials to overturn the results of the 2020 election in the state.

Kemp fought back against that attempt, so now he's the enemy.
Insulting one of the GOP’s most respectable governors, who is extremely popular in his home state, isn’t a recipe for success from Trump, especially when polling in Georgia indicates an even race between him and Vice President Kamala Harris.

What makes it even worse is that Trump has evidently not reflected on the very mistakes he made between 2020 and 2022, when he lost Republicans the Senate through his own selfishness.
One of my favourite articles today was this one below. I enjoyed reading it, and made me chuckle. The bolded in the quote is lovely.

Trump is a convicted felon who does nothing but angrily gripe about grievance after grievance in a way only the most loyal MAGA believers could possibly understand. He’s spiraling like a real-life Gollum from “Lord of the Rings,” obsessed with precious vengeance the way Gollum slimily hungered for the One Ring.

So where are the calls on the right to replace the 77-year-old felon who can’t talk straight with a newer, less legally encumbered version?

Face it, Republicans. The cheese has slid off Trump’s cracker, and it ain’t coming back. Friday was a preview of coming distractions for your party. Either get right or buckle up.
People are seeing him as old and unfit :(

Nicknaming President Joe Biden “Sleepy Joe” doesn’t seem to be looking so good for Donald Trump now that he’s the old man in the race.

A Morning Consult poll published Monday revealed that voters are suddenly viewing Trump as the decrepit candidate after Biden dropped his campaign. Americans are apparently far more likely to describe Vice President Kamala Harris as healthy, mentally fit, and a strong leader than the 78-year-old Republican presidential nominee.
Why only now see him as decrepit though? They both were. It's possible for two things to be true at once. The MAGAts should understand this as they believed Joe Biden was both senile and sleepy and yet also masterminding the deep state.
Because they are into the Trump mythos so badly that they believe at that age a 4 year age gap is the equivalent of more than a decade and makes a massive difference between the two old geezers -when really it doesn't...
The funny thing is in a way I believe him. I don't think he has any particular genuine commitment to insane Christian nationalism except in as far as it's convenient to him.

That's kind of the point. We know his only commitment is to himself. He's only trying to distance himself from it now because of the adverse publicity Project 2025 is getting. If it were hitting home and connecting with the less unhinged element of his supporter base, he'd be the bigliest, bible-thumping Christian in the entire unverse.
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So - Trump is going after the Canadian prime minister again.

On Monday, former U.S. president Donald Trump repeated the false claim that Fidel Castro could be Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's real father. While Trump frequently expresses his love for Canada, he has previously taken aim at Trudeau for being "two faced," "weak" and a "far-left lunatic."

"Personal dynamics between presidents and prime ministers have always mattered," Carleton University political scientist Aaron Ettinger told CTVNews.ca in an email. "If Trump is elected and Trudeau remains Prime Minister, they would be restarting the relationship from a place of mistrust."

Here's a look at Trump's latest jab and what he has publicly said about Trudeau:

'The son of Fidel Castro'

During an online interview on Monday(opens in a new tab), Trump repeated the false claim about the late Cuban revolutionary leader, who enjoyed a warm relationship with Trudeau's parents.

"He's turned very liberal, actually they say he's the son of Fidel Castro, and could be," Trump told streamer Adin Ross. "Anything's possible in this world, you know?"

The debunked theory(opens in a new tab) was shared widely after Castro's 2016 death when Trudeau was criticized for remarks praising the communist dictator. Former Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau and wife Margaret made a controversial Cold War trip to Cuba in 1976, years after their eldest son Justin was born.

I wonder if it could have anything to do with this

In a post of his own, Walz wrote(opens in a new tab), "It is the honor of a lifetime to join Kamala Harris in this campaign. I'm all in... It reminds me a bit of the first day of school."

"(Harris) spent early years, or formative years, in Montreal growing up," Heyman said in an interview with CTV News. "(Walz) lives next door to you and looks forward to much trade, our number one trading partner in Minnesota is Canada."

"This is the Canada team," he said.

eta - Trump really, really doesn't like Trudeau
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