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Donald Trump the road that might not lead to the White House - Redux 2024 thread.

So - Trump is going after the Canadian prime minister again.

On Monday, former U.S. president Donald Trump repeated the false claim that Fidel Castro could be Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's real father. While Trump frequently expresses his love for Canada, he has previously taken aim at Trudeau for being "two faced," "weak" and a "far-left lunatic."

"Personal dynamics between presidents and prime ministers have always mattered," Carleton University political scientist Aaron Ettinger told CTVNews.ca in an email. "If Trump is elected and Trudeau remains Prime Minister, they would be restarting the relationship from a place of mistrust."

Here's a look at Trump's latest jab and what he has publicly said about Trudeau:

'The son of Fidel Castro'

During an online interview on Monday(opens in a new tab), Trump repeated the false claim about the late Cuban revolutionary leader, who enjoyed a warm relationship with Trudeau's parents.

"He's turned very liberal, actually they say he's the son of Fidel Castro, and could be," Trump told streamer Adin Ross. "Anything's possible in this world, you know?"

The debunked theory(opens in a new tab) was shared widely after Castro's 2016 death when Trudeau was criticized for remarks praising the communist dictator. Former Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau and wife Margaret made a controversial Cold War trip to Cuba in 1976, years after their eldest son Justin was born.

I wonder if it could have anything to do with this

In a post of his own, Walz wrote(opens in a new tab), "It is the honor of a lifetime to join Kamala Harris in this campaign. I'm all in... It reminds me a bit of the first day of school."

"(Harris) spent early years, or formative years, in Montreal growing up," Heyman said in an interview with CTV News. "(Walz) lives next door to you and looks forward to much trade, our number one trading partner in Minnesota is Canada."

"This is the Canada team," he said.

eta - Trump really, really doesn't like Trudeau

Didn't he also claim Ted Cruz's father killed Kennedy or did I imagine it?
Have we had this meltdown? I've seen it before, not sure whether it was urban too.
The what-was-that post left people wondering what was wrong with Trump:

“What are the chances that Crooked Joe Biden, the WORST president in the history of the US, whose presidency was unconstitutionally STOLEN from him by Kamabla, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Shifty Adam Schiff, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer and others on the lunatic left, CRASHES the Democrat National Convention and tries to take back the nomination, beginning with challenging me to another DEBATE. He feels that he made a historically tragic mistake by handing over the US presidency, a COUP, to the people in the world he most hates. And he wants it back NOW!!!”

Michael Steele, former Republican National Chairman, tweeted: “Umm, GOP, is DonaldTrump ok? Perhaps, the campaign has become too much for him — what with now having to run against VP Kamala Harris, watching his VP choice JD Vance say something stupid — again; or popular Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz joining the Harris campaign.

“I know it can be a lot. Maybe a nap? Or, you know, a commonly used form of psychotherapy is cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). Trump’s been saying he wants to do something cognitive. The goal of CBT is to manage intense stress and anxiety by changing the way one thinks, feels and behaves. Failing that, how about CBD?”

George Conway, an attorney who once worked for Republicans and former husband of Trump ex-spokesperson Kellyanne Conway, tweeted a question to Trump’s campaign staff and his children: “Are you guys gonna get this guy the help he so obviously needs, or are you all just there to cash his checks?”

Conway recently launched a new political action committee, the Anti-Psychopath PAC, which he says will “highlight the existential threat Donald Trump poses to democracy and remind voters of the former president’s mental unfitness for office.”

Rick Wilson, founder of the Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump political organization, tried to explain the Trump post: “I promise you, Trump is watching this rally and throwing sh*t against the wall, absolutely losing his [bleeping] mind,” Wilson tweeted. “He hates how good she’s getting. He hates that the audience that looks like America instead of a convention of inbred catalytic-converter thieves.”

Some choice phrases there :)

a convention of inbred catalytic-converter thieves
Georgia elections board doing their best for Trump again:

That's a good site, doing good work, thanks for link. On a more positive note, this, from same link - Law Restoring Voting Rights to 55,000 Minnesotans Upheld by State Supreme Court

The Minnesota Supreme Court unanimously upheld a 2023 state law that restores voting rights to 55,000 Minnesotans on parole, probation or community release due to a felony conviction. Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, whom Vice President Kamala Harris announced yesterday as her running mate, signed the legislation last March. In today’s ruling, the state’s highest court rejected a bid from a right-wing organization known as the Minnesota Voters Alliance to invalidate the historic rights restoration legislation for allegedly violating the state constitution.
While of course I would like to see Donald Trump sealed inside a Portaloo with a swarm of murder hornets, that didn't seem like all that bad an answer to me - he offered a specific policy proposal aimed at bringing down overall inflation, including housing prices, and pointed out that the figures were better under his administration, his delivery was very Trumpish but it otherwise didn't seem that different from what any other politician might say
While of course I would like to see Donald Trump sealed inside a Portaloo with a swarm of murder hornets, that didn't seem like all that bad an answer to me - he offered a specific policy proposal aimed at bringing down overall inflation, including housing prices, and pointed out that the figures were better under his administration, his delivery was very Trumpish but it otherwise didn't seem that different from what any other politician might say
His policy proposal is batshit, but would play well with his voters.
It wasn’t the famous former San Francisco mayor on the helicopter flight at all. It was Gov. Jerry Brown, the former governor of California, who bears little resemblance to Willie Brown.
There was also no emergency landing, and the helicopter’s passengers were never in any danger at all, according to Gov. Gavin Newsom, who was also on the flight.
Jerry Brown, who left office in January, 2019, said through a spokesman, “There was no emergency landing and no discussion of Kamala Harris.”

“I call complete B.S.,” Mr. Newsom said, laughing out loud.
Mr. Trump’s errant account, delivered during a news conference at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida, came in response to a reporter who asked a leading question about Ms. Harris’s past relationship with Willie Brown, and whether Mr. Trump thought it might have had something to do with her career trajectory.
“I was on a helicopter with Jerry Brown and Trump, and it didn’t go down,” Mr. Newsom said in an interview. He said that Mr. Trump had, however, repeatedly brought up the possibility of crashing.

Does seem to be suffering from memory loss:

In a press conference at his Mar-a-Lago estate today, former President Donald Trump said that “nobody was killed on January 6,” 2021 when insurrectionists stormed the Capitol to stop the electoral certification of Trump’s 2020 opponent, President Joe Biden.

His statement was incorrect and he is being mocked online for forgetting one of his most faithful supporters.

After saying that the Jan. 6 rioters were “treated very harshly,” Trump said the riot should be compared to other events in which “a lot of people were killed.”

“Nobody was killed on January 6,” Trump said. “The people of January 6 were treated very unfairly.”

Trump’s statement is not correct: Ashli Babbitt, who was participating in the riot, was shot by Capitol Police and died. An officer fired at her as Trump’s fans attempted to push through a closed door to get to legislators.

Another Trump supporter, Rosanne Boyland, collapsed while at the riot of an accidental overdose. Two other Trump supporters also died of heart attacks.

It’s possible Trump was referring to people on the other side of the riot, but that’s also misleading. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died as a result of injuries he sustained from attempting to control the riot.

And in the aftermath of Jan. 6, four police officers died by suicide.
Nah, keep piling the pressure on the pos. The "weird" thing has definitely got traction. Keep calling him out and watch the implosion. They're coming to take him away ha ha, hee hee, ho ho 😜 🤣.
My point was she already is doing this - hardly done any interviews and trump is just digging on his own.
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American anchor furious at TV channels for showing Trump news conference in full without real-time fact checking but only showing the end of that from Harris, Olympics were shown before. Remarking that it was just like happened in 2016.

This doesn't sound good:

Have heard this a couple of times, oft said which is why Trump's said not to worry about the election.

How realistic is it that various counties/states election commissions (or US equivalents) could just fail to declare unless one side wins? Sounds a bit far fetched, but then this is the USofA we're talking about, and have you seen their food? Yes it's tasty, but the portions, dear god...
At least you'd think there could be a statement that the election result would be held up until all the votes had been counted, with Biden still President. Once all the trumpies are in a room on their own they're going to just not count democratic votes, though.
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