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Do you disapprove of people who are planning an overseas holiday this summer?

Is planning an overseas holiday this summer the right thing to do

  • Yes - I’m already booked and will go away regardless of the rules

    Votes: 5 3.7%
  • I’d be booked if the testing regime was more relaxed

    Votes: 7 5.1%
  • I would like a holiday abroad but not until Covid restrictions are over

    Votes: 56 41.2%
  • No they’re selfish bastards thinking only of themselves

    Votes: 32 23.5%
  • NA - I always holiday within the UK

    Votes: 11 8.1%
  • What’s a holiday? I work 400 days a year down the mines

    Votes: 25 18.4%

  • Total voters
Ah right. My lads in Corfu on an all inclusive with two mates for £25 a day 😂 The room is fucking hilarious, three lads on three single beds, an old school TV bolted to the wall, and no air con during an actual fucking 40 degree heat wave. Between the three of them, one has had his phone nicked, one dropped it in the pool, and my lad left his in the sun and it packed in. Flying back to Manchester at 11.30pm Turkish time (that’ll be the £40 flight) with no way to access tickets or boarding passes with Ryan Air who are gonna shaft them. Character building 😬

edit: I really want him home 😭

It really is character building.

And yes, there is a heatwave here, every interaction with Greek person starts with them saying how hot it is. At least we have our own pool...
Ah right. My lads in Corfu on an all inclusive with two mates for £25 a day 😂 The room is fucking hilarious, three lads on three single beds, an old school TV bolted to the wall, and no air con during an actual fucking 40 degree heat wave. Between the three of them, one has had his phone nicked, one dropped it in the pool, and my lad left his in the sun and it packed in. Flying back to Manchester at 11.30pm Turkish time (that’ll be the £40 flight) with no way to access tickets or boarding passes with Ryan Air who are gonna shaft them. Character building 😬

edit: I really want him home 😭
Ah right. My lads in Corfu on an all inclusive with two mates for £25 a day 😂 The room is fucking hilarious, three lads on three single beds, an old school TV bolted to the wall, and no air con during an actual fucking 40 degree heat wave. Between the three of them, one has had his phone nicked, one dropped it in the pool, and my lad left his in the sun and it packed in. Flying back to Manchester at 11.30pm Turkish time (that’ll be the £40 flight) with no way to access tickets or boarding passes with Ryan Air who are gonna shaft them. Character building 😬

edit: I really want him home 😭
Don't worry, now he's done this:

Another few years and it's:
Crete's a bit crap isnt it, apart from the ancient stuff.

Yeah, no seriously stunning beaches, but hot, nice food and drink, acceptable beaches and the place we figured least likely to go to red list. We went to Knossos yesterday and that was interesting, have been horse riding up a mountain and to a water park. We also got a four bedroom villa with the biggest and deepest pool we have ever had (15m long and 3m deep) for 12 nights for £2500, so can't knock it it too much. I prefer Spain as I speak the language, there is less litter and steaks are on every menu. But nice to see somewhere different for a change and the Greek people have been lovely to us all the way. So would recommend, after 25 years of slagging off the place after my last visit.
Yeah, no seriously stunning beaches, but hot, nice food and drink, acceptable beaches and the place we figured least likely to go to red list. We went to Knossos yesterday and that was interesting, have been horse riding up a mountain and to a water park. We also got a four bedroom villa with the biggest and deepest pool we have ever had (15m long and 3m deep) for 12 nights for £2500, so can't knock it it too much. I prefer Spain as I speak the language, there is less litter and steaks are on every menu. But nice to see somewhere different for a change and the Greek people have been lovely to us all the way. So would recommend, after 25 years of slagging off the place after my last visit.
You should have gone to Loutro. Which is quite literally one of the most beautiful places in the world. Spymaster may not know this, but he mentioned it on here about a decade ago and I’ve taken the lads twice since. No roads or cars, you have to get the ferry there. Stay in the Loutro hotel. It’s basic but perfect. No pool (there’s no space due to the mountain) but the sea is like… there. The first opportunity I have I’m going back. I actually seriously dream of somehow learning Greek and living there. There are turtles. And a mountain (hence no roads).
The first time I went I was actually terrified as it was my first trip as a single mum. I’d booked it impulsively from the joint account (£1300!!) at New Year, the first miserable new year after our hearts were broken. We had to get a flight, a taxi (😱), and then a ferry!!!! But I somehow managed with two kids. And my god, that ferry ride, the mountains and coastline, the sea, and knowing I’d got us there!! It was amazing

You should have gone to Loutro. Which is quite literally one of the most beautiful places in the world. Spymaster may not know this, but he mentioned it on here about a decade ago and I’ve taken the lads twice since. No roads or cars, you have to get the ferry there. Stay in the Loutro hotel. It’s basic but perfect. No pool (there’s no space due to the mountain) but the sea is like… there. The first opportunity I have I’m going back. I actually seriously dream of somehow learning Greek and living there. There are turtles. And a mountain (hence no roads).

Yeah there are nice pockets on the island, we have found some nice enough places that have done us as well as we could have wanted, these being fucked up times and that. Spymaster has openly shat in to the sea near here though, so that does kind of sully the whole experience. And there is now a road in to Loutro, just the one though.
You should have gone to Loutro. Which is quite literally one of the most beautiful places in the world. Spymaster may not know this, but he mentioned it on here about a decade ago and I’ve taken the lads twice since. No roads or cars, you have to get the ferry there. Stay in the Loutro hotel. It’s basic but perfect. No pool (there’s no space due to the mountain) but the sea is like… there. The first opportunity I have I’m going back. I actually seriously dream of somehow learning Greek and living there. There are turtles. And a mountain (hence no roads).


It's a secret ;)
Yeah there are nice pockets on the island, we have found some nice enough places that have done us as well as we could have wanted, these being fucked up times and that. Spymaster has openly shat in to the sea near here though, so that does kind of sully the whole experience.

That was Istanbul.
I still get that buzz every time we go somewhere, feels like proper adulting.
I don’t find it much less terrifying on my own even now. Mind you we’ve only been to Crete twice, Istanbul once (!! Istanbul), and America once in nearly twenty years. So it’s still a heart racing experience for me 😂
I don’t find it much less terrifying on my own even now. Mind you we’ve only been to Crete twice, Istanbul once (!! Istanbul), and America once in nearly twenty years. So it’s still a heart racing experience for me 😂

I know it's my job and I have been lucky enough to travel around a lot, but there's something when I am at a check in desk with Frau Bahn and the brats that hits me, 'I am taking these people half way across the world to a strange place and they are all utterly depending on me for their arrangements and wellbeing. It's a good buzz. India being the best buzz.
i only went to see my parents but there was real joy after all this time in just being in motion again, being Elsewhere, more than a few miles away from my house. Seeing new things new roads people buildings horizons whatever that i've not ever seen before & probably won't see again.
And one moment of almost crying-happy, that was just me sat at a little round table, white tablecloth, in a big sunny square in a city, having a beer, watching life go on around me, incl a small market along one side, and no masks no sign of the whole bloody thing at all.
I know it's my job and I have been lucky enough to travel around a lot, but there's something when I am at a check in desk with Frau Bahn and the brats that hits me, 'I am taking these people half way across the world to a strange place and they are all utterly depending on me for their arrangements and wellbeing. It's a good buzz. India being the best buzz.
Do you ever arrange trips for urbanites? I’d love you to help me go somewhere unknown but with your knowledge iyswim once my kids leave home (out the door lads!).
i only went to see my parents but there was real joy after all this time in just being in motion again, being Elsewhere, more than a few miles away from my house. Seeing new things new roads people buildings horizons whatever that i've not ever seen before & probably won't see again.
And one moment of almost crying-happy, that was just me sat at a little round table, white tablecloth, in a big sunny square in a city, having a beer, watching life go on around me, incl a small market along one side, and no masks no sign of the whole bloody thing at all.
Ahh mate what a lovely description. Captured it. Which country?
I try not to as people can be a pain the arse, but of course I'd be happy to for you. What would your ideal place?
Oh my goodness I don’t know, not got that far yet! Maybe if I was using your inside knowledge (so I’d want it to be a bit adventurous, outside Europe) somewhere in South America? Some jungle, ancient history, ending with a beach. No expense spared (under five grand tho cos otherwise it’d take me ages to save). I’d read all about the history and culture and wildlife. Honestly I’m having such a terrible stressful time atm with the youngest not being very well that I need a dream to hold on to!
Oh my goodness I don’t know, not got that far yet! Maybe if I was using your inside knowledge (so I’d want it to be a bit adventurous, outside Europe) somewhere in South America? Some jungle, ancient history, ending with a beach. No expense spared (under five grand tho cos otherwise it’d take me ages to save). I’d read all about the history and culture and wildlife. Honestly I’m having such a terrible stressful time atm with the youngest not being very well that I need a dream to hold on to!

Piece of piss, don't tell anyone but Colombia is the place to be. Fly to Bogota (via Madrid is cheaper), then to Providencia via San Andres (boat from there or fly if flush). The most perfect Caribbean island with no Euro/US pricks:


^^^an islet off Providencia, but you get the idea...

Then on to Cartagena for some culture and if you must you can do a jungle trek, I don't care much for spiders so will opt not to join you on that.

Starting with the beach eases you in to the culture/environment the other way around is a headfuck.
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Piece of piss, don't tell anyone but Colombia is the place to be. Fly to Bogota (via Madrid is cheaper), then to Providencia via San Andres (boat from there or fly if flush). The most perfect Caribbean island with no Euro/US pricks:

View attachment 281916

Then on to Cartagena for some culture and if you must you can do a jungle trek, I don't care much for spiders so will opt not to join you on that.

Starting with the beach eases you in to the culture/environment the other way around is a headfuck.
I’ve literally just screengrabbed that post :cool: Come the day mate, come the day when all the stress and worry and responsibility is done for a time and we do something for us xxx
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