Love and solidarity
Now he's even getting his mates to harass people by email
I feel a teary-voiced interview about how I'm being "intimidated" coming on...
Dear Colleague,
As a Unite member, you are eligible to vote in Labour's leadership election and it costs you nothing. To activate your vote, you just need to sign up as an affiliated Labour Party supporter by clicking here and filling in a 30 second form.
You may have seen in the media that the cost of getting a vote has increased from £3 to £25. This only applies to people who are not in an affiliated union. As a Unite member who joined before 12th January 2016, you can sign up for free.
By following the link below you can become a supporter straight away, and play your part in setting Labour's future direction.
Labour is at a point in its history when it needs the voice of people like you – from our workplaces and communities – more than ever. Sign up today to have your say.
Best wishes, Len McCluskey
P.S. if you got a vote in the Labour leadership election last year then your application to be an affiliated supporter was accepted by the Labour Party. You should receive a vote this time around too, but to be absolutely sure, click the link above and fill in the form.
I feel a teary-voiced interview about how I'm being "intimidated" coming on...