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Contact Tracing: Will You Self Isolate? (and related discussion)

Will you self isolate if told to by the tracing team?

  • Yes, I will self isolate

    Votes: 89 74.8%
  • No, I won't

    Votes: 12 10.1%
  • Something else

    Votes: 18 15.1%

  • Total voters
I'd have an app, if given a free phone with free contract. I'd isolate, but I'm doing that already. If a cold caller rings up and knows me by the alias i give the app, then I may listen to their instruction, but I'll want detail. If I caught the virus I'd want to drive 250 miles to a holiday home to isolate properly.

They'll get detail as someone you almost certainly know will have told them where they had close contact with you, for how long, what type, and then passed your name and contact details on to T&T.
Nice to see some community collective spirit here. Asked to self isolate to save other people getting infected and possibly dying? No.

How do people square this with the rest of the posts and discussion on here that's been generally supportive of the lockdown and critical of the government and people breaking it?
FWIW, I think what you are seeing is the squandered goodwill that Johnston et all have all-too-successfully spaffed up the wall.

For my part - I pre-empted the Government lockdown, and I haven't really exploited the (Welsh) lockdown restrictions to any extent, so I reckon the problem just isn't going to arise. But if I was advised that I'd been in contact with someone infected, I would almost certainly err on the side of self-isolating, at least until I could get a test and confirm exposure.

However, I feel that - again - what has happened is that government is expecting individuals to pick up the slack their own chaotic policies have resulted in, and I can see situations where people are expected to "voluntarily" self-isolate with no provision made for their wellbeing or financial state. I can work from home; if someone can't, I can well understand why they might dismiss the warning.
It's all very well people saying they're already isolating. But will they be for the rest of this year? And then next year? That's what this T&T is for, not just the next few weeks, it's a long term way of dealing with the virus.
This is why I'm sceptical that people will comply in the long term. It's all very well saying of course we would now but what about next year when there's loads at stake? You're not going to get paid and maybe lose your job to boot etc. What if you're due to go on holiday and a few days before you get the phone call? I'd lay a decent sized bet that half the people who've voted "yes" above would have second thoughts if they'd had no symptoms whatsoever, someone on the phone is telling them to isolate and they're just about to lose a few grand's worth of holiday. I certainly would.
...people are expected to "voluntarily" self-isolate with no provision made for their wellbeing or financial state. I can work from home; if someone can't, I can well understand why they might dismiss the warning.
This is the strange part of this whole thing.

The government has forked out huge amounts of money in furlough payments and other support for (mostly) employers, yet there is apparently no provision made to support people who have been IDed as being a specific risk of spreading the virus further, but who in many cases will be financially unable to quarantine themselves for two weeks.

In those circumstances there will inevitably be significant numbers who won't follow the instruction to self isolate.

(personally, I'd jump at the chance. I've been working as normal the past few months, and would love a couple of weeks at home with my feet up on full pay, which I'd be lucky enough to get if I was IDed)
This is the strange part of this whole thing.

The government has forked out huge amounts of money in furlough payments and other support for (mostly) employers, yet there is apparently no provision made to support people who have been IDed as being a specific risk of spreading the virus further, but who in many cases will be financially unable to quarantine themselves for two weeks.

In those circumstances there will inevitably be significant numbers who won't follow the instruction to self isolate.

(personally, I'd jump at the chance. I've been working as normal the past few months, and would love a couple of weeks at home with my feet up on full pay, which I'd be lucky enough to get if I was IDed)
As you say they are throwing money at the wealthy (with furloughing and also other things) and not at real people so it doesn't seem all that strange to me. About the only part that I can see that is of general benefit is that universal credit is now easier to get, and I bet that won't last long.
As you say they are throwing money at the wealthy (with furloughing and also other things) and not at real people so it doesn't seem all that strange to me. About the only part that I can see that is of general benefit is that universal credit is now easier to get, and I bet that won't last long.
Yeah, "strange" was the wrong word.

I should have said "self defeating if all too bloody predictable"
Good for you. Tell that to the single mum who's had no symptoms, won't be able to feed the kids if she takes 2 weeks off and might lose her job.


I get it.

But the pressure needs to be on the government and employers to back this up with the cash to allow people to take the 14 days.

...but OTOH I've no sympathy for the sort of mouthy fuckers refusing to self-isolate cos they'll lose money when they can afford to.
Nice to see some community collective spirit here. Asked to self isolate to save other people getting infected and possibly dying? No.

How do people square this with the rest of the posts and discussion on here that's been generally supportive of the lockdown and critical of the government and people breaking it?
Where I live in South London two bars have been open this week, illegally, for outside drinking. Fair few people squashed at small standing tables. Lockdown is over and from what I can see plenty of people no longer give a shit. They took all the necessary cues from government. Track and trace is doomed imo.

I get it.

But the pressure needs to be on the government and employers to back this up with the cash to allow people to take the 14 days.

...but OTOH I've no sympathy for the sort of mouthy fuckers refusing to self-isolate cos they'll lose money when they can afford to.

A decent place to start with that might be someone asking Sunak at today's press conference whether there are plans to do that, pointing out that the thing will be less effective if such measures aren't taken, and that it's likely to be a relatively small amount of money compared to the large scale funding of employers through furloughs etc.

But I'm not holding my breath...

ETA Sunak, not Hancock
Where I live in South London two bars have been open this week, illegally, for outside drinking. Fair few people squashed at small standing tables. Lockdown is over and from what I can see plenty of people no longer give a shit. They took all the necessary cues from government. Track and trace is doomed imo.
I took a run though the park an hour ago and it was absolutely packed. Loads of large groups having picnics and drinks.
Where I live in South London two bars have been open this week, illegally, for outside drinking. Fair few people squashed at small standing tables. Lockdown is over and from what I can see plenty of people no longer give a shit. They took all the necessary cues from government. Track and trace is doomed imo.

Then we'll get thousands more deaths.
I took a run though the park an hour ago and it was absolutely packed. Loads of large groups having picnics and drinks.
Yup. And this is allowed, but even if it's okay in principle all the signals from government are basically do what you want... Rather than a gradual careful easing out of lockdown it all looks shattered to me. The press have played their Happy Monday part. I might be getting carried away here, but I think they've rushed this to "move on" from CumGate.

Track and trace is going to flop I expect
Yep, it's all over. I've just got back form Asda and everything - literally everything - that could possibly be conceived as relevant to a party or BBQ was stripped bare, booze included. They'd even sold out of paddling pools ffs. The entire country is seemingly about to have a massive party. We are fucked.
FWIW, I think what you are seeing is the squandered goodwill that Johnston et all have all-too-successfully spaffed up the wall.

For my part - I pre-empted the Government lockdown, and I haven't really exploited the (Welsh) lockdown restrictions to any extent, so I reckon the problem just isn't going to arise. But if I was advised that I'd been in contact with someone infected, I would almost certainly err on the side of self-isolating, at least until I could get a test and confirm exposure.

However, I feel that - again - what has happened is that government is expecting individuals to pick up the slack their own chaotic policies have resulted in, and I can see situations where people are expected to "voluntarily" self-isolate with no provision made for their wellbeing or financial state. I can work from home; if someone can't, I can well understand why they might dismiss the warning.
Great post, says pretty much how I feel about it all.
I took a run though the park an hour ago and it was absolutely packed. Loads of large groups having picnics and drinks.
Parks won't do much. Tbh even open air bars won't do much. What will really hit is schools, commuting and offices/workplaces, just like every other respiratory virus that spreads by close contact in restricted airflow for an extended period, and hits harder when it's then distributed across the whole of the damn city when people go home.
The only little vector I have is too young to own a smartphone and will be going to school. I'm not sure this is a failsafe scheme tbh.

Did you read the thread? This isn't anything to do with the app.
Did you read the thread? This isn't anything to do with the app.
Yes. And I will self isolate if I get the call, as will my family. Because I'm lucky enough that I won't be hit financially. But if we're talking about the longer term here, and it sounds like you are, with the massive number of children in my kids' inner city Victorian primary school social distancing will not be an option when they all go back. So that's, what, 800 children, say someone's mum gets it, does the school get sent home each time? They will all have touched the same surfaces and there are only so many loos, even if they're not all in the same (tiny) classroom. I mean, I'm assuming that all the kids will go back to school eventually, but I don't know. My contacts list is nowhere near the size of that. It just feels a bit like pissing in the wind (which is something we definitely shouldn't be doing but I wouldn't put it past an 11 year old).
Yes. And I will self isolate if I get the call, as will my family. Because I'm lucky enough that I won't be hit financially. But if we're talking about the longer term here, and it sounds like you are, with the massive number of children in my kids' inner city Victorian primary school social distancing will not be an option when they all go back. So that's, what, 800 children, say someone's mum gets it, does the school get sent home each time? They will all have touched the same surfaces and there are only so many loos, even if they're not all in the same (tiny) classroom. I mean, I'm assuming that all the kids will go back to school eventually, but I don't know. My contacts list is nowhere near the size of that. It just feels a bit like pissing in the wind (which is something we definitely shouldn't be doing but I wouldn't put it past an 11 year old).
Only children who have had face to face contact with the mum will be isolating.
As I understand how it will work in schools and early years settings is - if a child or teacher has symptoms, they are sent home for 7 days and can go and get tested. If the test results come back positive then the adults & children in their class/group then all have to isolate for 14 days. If negative then they can come back.
If a parent has symptoms then their child isolates for 14 days unless the parent is tested and is negative.
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