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Contact Tracing: Will You Self Isolate? (and related discussion)

Will you self isolate if told to by the tracing team?

  • Yes, I will self isolate

    Votes: 89 74.8%
  • No, I won't

    Votes: 12 10.1%
  • Something else

    Votes: 18 15.1%

  • Total voters
This thread has nothing to do with the app. The government obvious need to work on their messaging.

I would isolate but the best chance I'd have of catching it would be a work colleague so I'd imagine I'd know before I got the call.
Yeah I was thinking this. Most people contacted will be very likely to know already or at least be able to guess why they had been contacted.
Trust is a big issue here. Thinking about myself, if I were contacted today, there are only two possible people it could have been, both of whose phone numbers I have. I'd phone them both up and ask if they had tested positive. If the answer is no, I can reasonably know that there has been a mistake somewhere. If there are too many such mistakes, trust in the system is bound to break down.
This is for people who are meeting people they know then?
Mostly yes (until the app anyway)
Coronavirus: How will contact tracing work in England?
Anyone in England with coronavirus symptoms can now get a test . If it's positive you'll be contacted by text, email or phone and asked to log on to the NHS Test and Trace website.

There you will be asked for personal information including:
  • Name, date of birth and postcode
  • Who you live with
  • Places you visited recently
  • Names and contact details of people you have been in close contact with in the 48 hours before your symptoms started
Close contacts are:
  • people you spend 15 minutes or more with at a distance of less than 2m
  • people you have direct contact with - such as sexual partners, household members or people with whom you have had face-to-face conversations at a distance of less than 1m
The contact must have taken place between two days before and up to seven days after symptoms appeared.
T&T was being used in the early days of the pandemic. I know someone that spent an hour on the phone to the team after they were in contact with one of the early positive cases. They were told they didn't need to self isolate btw, so I don't think it's certain, I think it depends on type/length of contact.
I would if I was told to, but it's probably unlikely since I'm spending absolutely minimal time outside the house.

No way am I going anywhere near that app, though, and if I was to be contacted by the T&T bods I'd demand to know how they got my number and details of whatever contact I'd supposedly had.
I don’t think they can tell you. Best to take that up centrally than direct it at the person calling you.
It's not fleeting contact, it's people with significant contact, and it's the person that tests + that tells T&T who they've been in touch with and passes your details on I think.
I would isolate , however on another forum I belong to someone was saying that their work mates had all agreed not to name each other if contacted so they would not have to miss 14 days work as they can't afford it. That's the problem right there and they won't be the only ones I would imagine. :(
I would isolate , however on another forum I belong to someone was saying that their work mates had all agreed not to name each other if contacted so they would not have to miss 14 days work as they can't afford it. That's the problem right there and they won't be the only ones I would imagine. :(

It's obviously not completely human-proof, but like the lockdown where it didn't need to be 100% of people abiding by it all the time for it to significantly help (I think the Imperial study figured on 60-70% compliance) this is kind of the same. It's one answer, not the only answer.
I would isolate , however on another forum I belong to someone was saying that their work mates had all agreed not to name each other if contacted so they would not have to miss 14 days work as they can't afford it. That's the problem right there and they won't be the only ones I would imagine. :(
Am sure the government will provide for them and make the process easy/quick.
you don't need the app. Misgivings about how the whole thing has been handled, commissioned etc, doesn't negate the fact it's one of the few correct things we can do as individuals.

So, yeah.

…Although, if it keeps happening, like every month or so, I can't say I'll be 100% compliant.
I would isolate , however on another forum I belong to someone was saying that their work mates had all agreed not to name each other if contacted so they would not have to miss 14 days work as they can't afford it. That's the problem right there and they won't be the only ones I would imagine. :(

And initially that might be true, but I bet if one of them then also developed symptoms and ended up on a ventilator people might have a different perspective quite quickly.
…Although, if it keeps happening, like every month or so, I can't say I'll be 100% compliant.

I think statistically the chances of that happening are very small and hopefully getting increasingly so.

Unless people ignore self-isolating instructions then it'll increase...
And initially that might be true, but I bet if one of them then also developed symptoms and ended up on a ventilator people might have a different perspective quite quickly.

Well quite , but that might be too late in terms of preventing others from being infected/or infecting others.
My fear is that if you live in a big city you might be getting a lot of these calls. It will become tiresome if every time you come out of your 2 week quarantine you get the call again within a few days.

No, statistically that's highly unlikely. Especially since we're still social distancing for the forseeable.
You don’t need to have the app to be contacted by the T&T team.

Well, apart from shopping I haven't seen anyone since lockdown started.
Apart from seeing my parents outdoors well over 2m apart hopefully over the weekend I can't see that changing.
But yes I would self isolate for 14 days if I needed to.
No, statistically that's highly unlikely. Especially since we're still social distancing for the forseeable.

OK , good.

I will almost certainly do the whole 2 week thing. I have a friend on the 12 week sheltering thing at the moment. If he can do that I can do 2 weeks. I'm lucky in that I am working from home anyway.
OK , good.

I will almost certainly do the whole 2 week thing. I have a friend on the 12 week sheltering thing at the moment. If he can do that I can do 2 weeks. I'm lucky in that I am working from home anyway.

Yeah, my brother is on the shielding list after a transplant. He's got no end in sight at all, and it's getting really complex as the kids want to go back to school which massively increases his risk.
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