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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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You've been at total liberty to use these boards to state your case and post up quotes and links over tens of thousands of posts, yet less and less people bother paying attention to you now. I doubt if even 0.1% of active members believe you now.
I seriously doubt that 99.9% of active posters still believe the official story straight. We could have a poll if you like.
I seriously doubt that 99.9% of active posters still believe the official story straight.
I don't care what you believe, but the hard fact of the matter is that in all the time you've been freely posting up your 'proof' here, you've only managed to alienate posters to the point where barely a soul now believes in any of the tripe you post.

Usually, the more someone explains their case and produces their evidence, the more people who agree with them.

In your case, it's been the reverse. Again, why is that do you think?
Anyway, it's not credible new evidence, so this thread is warming up for the bin, as will any future ones spouting the same stuff that has already been discussed to death.

As I predicted, this would be your reaction when I refused to answer your incessant questioning. Toys out of the pram!

I was tempted to retire from the thread anyway once phildwyer was banned from it, while far more abusive posters like 8den were allowed to remain. Ridiculous.

Anyway, I shall retire from this thread with my head held high. I have patiently rebutted vast streams of nonsense from all comers especially 8den and editor.

The official story lies totally discredited. It just doesn't add up.

That is emotionally difficult to deal with for some, but it is nevertheless true.

We had better start getting over it.
Anyway, I shall retire from this thread with my head held high. I have patiently rebutted vast streams of nonsense from all comers especially 8den and editor.
You're either deluded or a liar because a fair bit of this thread is all about people patiently trying to get a straight answer out of you - something you consistently refuse to do.

Just like now. I've asked you a question and you're running off again. It's gone beyond a joke now.

*bangs head
...so this thread is warming up for the bin, as will any future ones spouting the same stuff that has already been discussed to death.

Dont see the need for the bin and would ask to reconsider that.

For some time I think this was one of the better CT threads - the thread is specficially supposed to about the amount of interest in CTs and not individual CTs themselves which have, as too often, dragged things down somewhat. The internet especially has given rise to a large increase in alternative world views / narratives. It is a phenomena worthy of discussion regardless of how credible one thinks a paticular world view or CT might be. Some are more or less credible / plausible than others.

We have endless circular discussions on lots of things, especially socialism, fascism and aspects of direct action. I dont see why this should be treated differently. Sometimes those discussions do make progress. If you think these threads are mostly garbage then they only conform to the standard ratio of stuff on the net and one might wonder why you spend so much time on them yourself.

Finally, it is the nature of things that these issues will crop up no matter how many threads you consign to history. 68 pages in a fairly short time speaks to that, even if it would only be 50 pages once we knock out 8dens naughty words. Having 1 or 2 places where CTs can be discussed is pretty healthy and probably prevents other threads being derailed into the squabbles that can just take place on threads like this instead.

The computer models haven't. At least no-one can properly check them because they aren't releasing the details. It seems they reverse engineered the model to get the results they wanted.

With Calum Douglas and Pilots for 9/11 Truth, they are positively inviting others to do their own analysis and explain how the data in the FDR works when plainly doesn't follow the right trajectory. The FBI refuses to do so or make any comment.

Jazzz I'm tired.

I've got work.

And one thing that you have shown comprehensively is that you get things wrong. Over the years I've been beating you over the head with reality that is the only thing you have convinced me of.

Sometimes it takes a long time to find the source that refutes you and frankly I don't see the point. The chances of your complaints having any basis in reality is so small that it's not worth looking into.

Now, a question for you: You've been trying to convince me for going on five years, where have you been going wrong? Why have you failed to convince me that you have a point.
Anyway, I shall retire from this thread with my head held high.

Massive lol. :D Delusional twat.

And one thing that you have shown comprehensively is that you get things wrong. Over the years I've been beating you over the head with reality that is the only thing you have convinced me of.

Sometimes it takes a long time to find the source that refutes you and frankly I don't see the point. The chances of your complaints having any basis in reality is so small that it's not worth looking into.

And this is the biggest problem with Jazzz, he constantly gets it wrong, he regularly demands others disprove his claims and after they spend a long time doing so he will just ignore it and either disappear off the thread completely or pop-up again later, or on another thread, repeating the same old claptrap again.

In Jazzz’s world he is right and no amount of evidence or facts are allowed to get in the way of that delusion.
Having 1 or 2 places where CTs can be discussed is pretty healthy and probably prevents other threads being derailed into the squabbles that can just take place on threads like this instead..
But it's not about discussion with Jazzz.

It's all about him propogating his latest 'theory' which inevitable involves accusing untold amounts of people of having complicit invovement in mass murder and then refusing to engage in any critique or analysis of his 'theory.'

His latest yarn was the final straw because it was frankly obscene.

He suggested that the passengers of the Pentagon plane were taken off somewhere, methodically slaughtered en masse, and then had their bodies sliced, diced, burnt and mutilated down to near-microscopic slices which were then smuggled into a forensics lab.

Naturally, there's not a shred of proof to support this disgusting fantasy and I see no reason why he should be allowed to continue to post up his ghoulish fantasies without offering anything approaching proof.

It's more than distasteful. It's sick.
And this is the biggest problem with Jazzz, he constantly gets it wrong, he regularly demands others disprove his claims and after they spend a long time doing so he will just ignore it and either disappear off the thread completely or pop-up again later, or on another thread, repeating the same old claptrap again.
I just want to share this with the group, as the thread was closed before I could post this:

But corporate capitalism essentially is a conspiracy--a conspiracy by bankers to invent fictional money and use it to control the world. I have come to the conclusion that by opposing conspiracies carte blanche and in general, and by demonizing conspiracy theorists as nutters, organized capital is attempting to make any opposition to its reign literally unthinkable.

The difference being we're all willing (even the lefties) participants in the creation and continuation of it - a conspiracy, by it's very nature, is something hidden, something that cannot be seen, whereas capitalism and the creation of money (as a part of it) can be seen everywhere.

The other difference, of course, is that analysis of capital is far from the evidence free extrapolations of Alex Jones and his ilk - and also that ultimately, it's the current manifestation of a hierarchical system that has been in place since humans aggregated in large numbers coupled with agriculture (and I suspect even before then that the tribal groups that were most successful when life was a mix of h-g and primitive agri were the ones who established clear orders of hierarchy based around imminent and guessed/predicted future needs because they had grown beyond the optimum group size of 150, after which flattened, distributed systems fail, because that's the limit on immediate human trust boundaries.
I just want to share this with the group, as the thread was closed before I could post this:

The difference being we're all willing (even the lefties) participants in the creation and continuation of it - a conspiracy, by it's very nature, is something hidden, something that cannot be seen, whereas capitalism and the creation of money (as a part of it) can be seen everywhere.

The other difference, of course, is that analysis of capital is far from the evidence free extrapolations of Alex Jones and his ilk - and also that ultimately, it's the current manifestation of a hierarchical system that has been in place since humans aggregated in large numbers coupled with agriculture (and I suspect even before then that the tribal groups that were most successful when life was a mix of h-g and primitive agri were the ones who established clear orders of hierarchy based around imminent and guessed/predicted future needs because they had grown beyond the optimum group size of 150, after which flattened, distributed systems fail, because that's the limit on immediate human trust boundaries.

:( This sort of thoughtful, intelligent answer is wasted on conspiracy threads. And that makes me:mad:
I wonder if there is a single piece of evidence that would convince the bulk of the posters on this thread (ie non-9/11 CT posters) that 9/11 was in indeed an inside job?

Yep. A chain of alternative evidence that can't be set aside through reference to scientific procedure and/or rationality.
That's the big problem with the sort of credulity that enables you to speak of "nano-thermite residues". The rational comparison of building materials used within the WTC complex in its' construction, with the constituents of "nano-thermite" show that all constituents are common to steel-skeleton multi-storey construction.
I wonder if there is a single piece of evidence that would convince the bulk of the posters on this thread (ie non-9/11 CT posters) that 9/11 was in indeed an inside job?

No not a single piece, but the same kind of evidence that exposes all conspiracies - accounts, memos, aide-memoirs, emails that all combine to provide multiple, interlocking connections that show who, how and why something was done.

See: Watergate & Iran Contra. Actual evidence of wrong doing, rather than assertion, supposition, extrapolation and bullshit that masquearades as science. Also, an aggregator who has no prior agenda on this issue so they aren't out to show one result or another, but construct a narrative based on the evidence.
No not a single piece, but the same kind of evidence that exposes all conspiracies - accounts, memos, aide-memoirs, emails that all combine to provide multiple, interlocking connections that show who, how and why something was done.

See: Watergate & Iran Contra. Actual evidence of wrong doing, rather than assertion, supposition, extrapolation and bullshit that masquearades as science. Also, an aggregator who has no prior agenda on this issue so they aren't out to show one result or another, but construct a narrative based on the evidence.

Exactly -- no preset conspiracist agenda, and/or to be fair no establishment one either .
Wa-hey! A brand-new (to me) conspiraloon theory!

The people at Northwestern University who ran the cap-and-trade simluation which demonstrated the profits possible with a 350ppm cap, also partnered with Boeing and Honeywell to guide the planes on 9/11 and sabotage the evacuation of their number one rival CO2e.com from the North Tower.

The ADT dispatcher told everyone in the Twin Towers to return to their offices on 9/11 where Honeywell / Vulcain ventilation systems were rigged to kill them with a toxic/explosive mix of gases

9/11 real purposes was to scare the climate deniers and remove the competition to the racketeering launch of the Chicago Climate Exchange by Al Gore and Maurcie Strong and Richard Sandor.

comment to James Dellingpole in the Telegraph

Can't exclude the possibility that sarcasm is present in the above...
Just got this link from a friend on facebook. It's a claim for a scientific link to autism.


...They found unique corollary relationships between various brain chemicals (neurohormones, neurotransmitters, etc.). This apparent pattern led to a new path of research for the team outside of business. By looking at extensive scientific literature they discovered a cascade of hormones that emanate from the brain (hypothalamus). This same pattern of correlations was again apparent throughout the cascade. The group added a research biologist and started to test the pattern on genes (proteins). It remained consistent. The Center then called upon advisors from chemistry and physics to see if the pattern would apply in physical sciences.

To the amazement of the group, it became apparent that this pattern of corollary relationships could be applied to scientific processes for maintaining equilibrium (homeostatic relationships) throughout all of science; from subatomic particles to chemistry as well as between biological substances.

While the entire scientific community knows that homeostasis exists, this tacit knowledge has not been converted into a step-by-step, replicable model. The Center identified precisely such an explicit process.

Challenged by several of The Center's advisors, members of the team decided to test the efficacy of the model to determine if the disruptions that cause autism could be identified.

The article goes on much more. I read it. I don't really understand it, its way above my head. I've added it here, cos I don't know if it's bollocks or not and it would be a shame to start another thread that was complete bollocks.
Interesting poll of 'conspiraloons'

They either don't vote or they vote UKIP or BNP.

http://www.david icke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=109010

Link broken for obvious reasons.
Labour 1 0.93%
Conservative 2 1.87%
Liberal democrat 3 2.80%
UKIP 32 29.91%
BNP 20 18.69%
plaid cymra 1 0.93%
Green party 0 0%
Other Party 7 6.54%
Haven't decided / don't know 4 3.74%
Not bothering 37 34.58%

That is interesting. Surprised at not a single green vote. I wonder if there's any mileage in having a look at the social composition of the loons given that they seem to be hard-righters.
The UKIP thing doesn't suprise me, a predictable reaction to the venal CT hatred of the EU as a percieved arm of NWO.

The fascist thing does worry me - I think there will be 2 camps: 1 will be the raving anti-semites, nationalists and racists using an agenda they have some amount in common with to suck in dupes (anti globalisation or "globalism" as they call it).
They may have packed what is a small and thus highly riggable poll.

The other lot will be the dupes, many of them clearly won't be aware of NG's father's role as a very prominent mason.

I'm suprised Greens scored zero, that is probably due to association with climate change politics.
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