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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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Hang on... sorry... not sure I should be siding with you. Phil has more posts. Which one of you is a "big boy"? This popularity game is fucking confusing. :confused:

It can be at first, but you're with me now. Your worries are over.

Now, it's basically a bit like prison here. What you need to do is find the biggest, hardest mother, walk straight up to him and tell him he's a pussy-ass bitch. Don't worry if you get your ass kicked a few times. You'll soon have the respect of the people who matter. Before you know it the Mods will be sharing their snout with you and 8den will be sucking your dick on work detail.
It can be at first, but you're with me now. Your worries are over.

Now, it's basically a bit like prison here. What you need to do is find the biggest, hardest mother, walk straight up to him and tell him he's a pussy-ass bitch. Don't worry if you get your ass kicked a few times. You'll soon have the respect of the people who matter. Before you know it the Mods will be sharing their snout with you and 8den will be sucking your dick on work detail.
You shoulda gone out for that pint of bitter rather than hanging around and feeling bitter. :(
It can be at first, but you're with me now. Your worries are over.

Now, it's basically a bit like prison here. What you need to do is find the biggest, hardest mother, walk straight up to him and tell him he's a pussy-ass bitch. Don't worry if you get your ass kicked a few times. You'll soon have the respect of the people who matter.

Phil aside from the blatant homoerotic subtext going on with your language, You've been hurling abuse at people here for years, and no one respects you.

Seriously tho Phil "biggest hardest", is that what you think when you were abusing Pickman's last night?

PhilDire said:
Hmmmmm yeah Pickman's. Yeah. You're soooooo big aren't you Pickmans? Hmmmmm yeah oh I thought so......soooooo big.....and oooooohhhhhh sooooo hard......Mmmmmm yeah......
LOL. Quite impressed with Beanburger on his first encounter with fuck off dywer. :D

I've said it before recently Phil; you're losing your edge. Getting pwned by n00bs now? What is the world coming to? :D
LOL. Quite impressed with Beanburger on his first encounter with fuck off dywer. :D

I've said it before recently Phil; you're losing your edge. Getting pwned by n00bs now? What is the world coming to? :D
I'd love to take the credit, but phil's the one who's been putting all the hard work in. I couldn't have done it without him.
I'd love to take the credit, but phil's the one who's been putting all the hard work in. I couldn't have done it without him.

Beanburger, seems to me phildwyer has you down to the proverbial T. It's painful seeing you try to ingratiate yourself with nothing but childish abuse and sycophantic posts. I wouldn't expect it to work either. I've told you to sod off once already.
Oh look Jazzz respects you Phil. Jazzz who cites holocaust deniers while parading the fact his grandad escaped the holocaust, respects you.

Another lie, this time a (seriously) disgraceful one.

I'd sooner have Jazzz's respect than that of a thousand 8dens.
Beanburger, seems to me phildwyer has you down to the proverbial T. It's painful seeing you try to ingratiate yourself with nothing but childish abuse and sycophantic posts. I wouldn't expect it to work either. I've told you to sod off once already.

Ahem Jazzz firstly all this righteous indignation over my language looks really really fucking pathetic when you consistently tell people to sod off. Tell me whats so wrong with my swearing, but what's okay with yours? Is it the words? Tell me what words are okay, what terms, and which ones are boo boos?

Secondly Posts 1555, and 1556 Jazzz, when you're not busy saying mean things to posters could you respond?
Another lie, this time a (seriously) disgraceful one.

No it's in an old Icke thread, someone showed Jazzz a link where David Icke discusses the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and Jazzz waved his grandad's passport around, and basically said "My Grandad escaped the Nazis, I trust Icke, QED Icke is not Anti Semitic".

It happened Phil, you loudly denounce it, demand I prove it, expect me to to search the archives for it, and then you can engage in some weird dance of semantics where you start bleating "No Jazzz was just being metaphorical"

It's a nice dance Phil, but your knee is gone, and I think you'd better sit this one out.
No it's in an old Icke thread, someone showed Jazzz a link where David Icke discusses the Protocols of the Elders of Zion

So you believe that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion denies the holocaust.

You pitiful, ignorant berk.
When people are seriously arguing of "Protocols" it is probably time to step back and admit that a constructive discussion has gone somewhat downhill.

To get back to the thread title somewhat, here is Jones interviewing Jon Ronson about a week ago regarding "Men Who Stare At Goats" (good film for what it is, but not nearly as based on the book as viewers might think)

Jones makes the usual dick of himself in places but any idea that Ronson pwns him (or vice versa) would be silly, they get on very well and disagreements are cordial. Perhaps there is a lesson in there somewhere :p

So you believe that The Protocols of the Elders of Zion denies the holocaust.

You pitiful, ignorant berk.

No but Icke has engaged Holocaust denial you woefully ignorant motherfucker. Jesus Phil you know fuck all about the subject, stop swaggering onto threads like John Wayne. You're John Wayne Bobbitt.

While I warm to the subject he claims American Free Press (another holocaust denial site) does "excellent research".

He also regularly links to www.whale.to on Swine Flu and Vaccine threads right there on the front page see "Holocaust Hoax".

Oh and if you're interested in this you should find out about his old mate Nic Kollerstrom, a sacked academic who called Auschwitz a holiday camp.

Now FUCK OFF DWYER. Search the archive before you start calling people liars.
When people are seriously arguing of "Protocols" it is probably time to step back and admit that a constructive discussion has gone somewhat downhill.

Taffy you wouldn't spot a constructive conversation if the foundations were being drilled into your skull.

To get back to the thread title somewhat, here is Jones interviewing Jon Ronson about a week ago regarding "Men Who Stare At Goats" (good film for what it is, but not nearly as based on the book as viewers might think)

Jones makes the usual dick of himself in places but any idea that Ronson pwns him (or vice versa) would be silly, they get on very well and disagreements are cordial. Perhaps there is a lesson in there somewhere :p

Yeah you should probably read the book version of secret rulers of the world, which differs from the documentary account a great deal. Speaking of the documentary i attended a screening of it, early in the year, and Ronson was even more unflattering of Jones in the Q&A.

Ronson uses Jones as a source for article material, and knows he needs to keep him on side to his face.

Jon also told David Shalyer to "fuck off" on a radio show a couple of years ago, BK was on it as I recall. So there is a lesson to learned there too I guess :facepalm:
Congrats and thanks for not directly swearing. I get the idea in that link that Ronson is slightly patronising towards Jones. I have read "Secret Rulers..." along with "Them" some time ago. Sometimes these things become a blur. I think Ronson would be the first to admit that there is truth and bullshit in all these areas. That's the trick: Discerning them without getting too rude or winding people up (which I aknowledge I have done somewhat)
You're probably a bit of a wanker too, but I detect a sense of humor there somewhere. You're not a sneerer.

It makes me love you more.

You'd give your right nostril for a bit of popularity. Daresay you already have.

The stench of desperation.


Oh ffs, don't worry about it. I'm sorry if I sounded harsh. Look, just stick with me and you'll be alright. I'll show you the ropes, introduce you around. I'll even help you pull a bird if you like. They're easy round here.

No. Piss off.
What did I tell you about continuing your off-topic, disruptive bullshit?

Now get off this thread and stay off it.
Congrats and thanks for not directly swearing.

Up your bum.

I get the idea in that link that Ronson is slightly patronising towards Jones. I have read "Secret Rulers..." along with "Them" some time ago. Sometimes these things become a blur. I think Ronson would be the first to admit that there is truth and bullshit in all these areas.

Really? Really? You should have heard him in February or read some of his posts on the Randi forum, since secret rulers of the world and 9/11 and 7/7 his views about conspiracies and conspiracy theorist have hardened a great deal. The sheer level of vitriol he's received from like the 7/7 truthers, accusing him of being a Zionist Shill, and Dupe and Gatekeeper, and the torrents of abuse, he considers them mentally unstable, and the theories ridiculous .

You should read some of his posts on the James Randi forum, if you don't believe me.

Otherwise be like "yeah man, he's like kinda on our wave length"

That's the trick: Discerning them without getting too rude or winding people up (which I aknowledge I have done somewhat)

Phil's accused a man of being a mass murderer without basis. Jazzz accuses crash investigators of being criminally complicit in the cover up of mass murder, without a shred of evidence, and you guys get offended when you get told to "shut the fuck up"?

Fuck off.
Hi Jazzz. Still waiting.
I am asking you come up with a remotely sane explanation of events that would make your evidence-free, gore-fest remotely possible.

You see, when you start wildly accusing people of being involved in mass murders, gross human mutilations, mass slaughters of passengers, plane disappearing tricks and cover ups involving the tacit involvement of hundreds if not thousands of people, it's up to you to explain how this act may have been achieved.

However, if you don't have a single shred of evidence to support your murderous accusations then I advise you to shut the fuck up because the ghoulish human slash'n'burn fantasies you're posting up here are positively sick.

Oh, and for the SIXTH time: could you explain who Calum Douglas is, what his relevant qualifications are to your claims and if his findings have been independently verified and properly peer reviewed?

"Fuck off"

Aw - you were doing so well.

I honestly dont think I have heard of this Randi chap. I'll look it up.

ETA: at least it's open in being a "skeptic" site. One of the more recent threads suggests there is a "racist theme" to the "truth" movement in any suggestion that "arabs in a cave" couldnt have pulled off 911.
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