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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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I'd be hurt, but frankly your use of expletives and personal attacks has undermined the credibility of your argument, and while I previously felt fairly certain that I was a wanker, I'm now seriously considering the possibility that I might not be. :p

You were right the first time.
The stench of desperation.

You really do seem to have lost all those inhibitions about name-calling and personal abuse, doncha? Watching you reveal the extent of your hypocrisy has been highly entertaining. Keep it coming please. Every childish insult is grist to my mill. ;)

You come on here, sidle up to the big boys, try to ingratiate yourself by feebly joining in with their bullying. Hanging round the back of the pack, occasionally sneering. Vileness.
I'm genuinely surprised at the speed of your retreat from the moral high-ground. It's truly entertaining though. More please! :)
I'm genuinely surprised at the speed of your retreat from the moral high-ground. It's truly entertaining though. More please! :)

Every single one of your posts on this thread has been along these lines:

That's possibly one of the best pieces of pwnage that I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. :D

I'd call it self-satisfaction, but you don't even do the insults yourself. You wait for bigger, tougher boys to do them and then you pat them on the back, hoping they'll let you share their toblerone.
Every single one of your posts on this thread has been along these lines:
You've obviously not been paying attention then. I'd go and find you a whole load of posts that contradict your assertion, but justifying myself to a troll is fairly low down my list of priorities.

I'd call it self-satisfaction, but you don't even do the insults yourself. You wait for bigger, tougher boys to do them and then you pat them on the back, hoping they'll let you share their toblerone.
No pleasing you, is there Phil? So now you're criticising people for not throwing insults around? Priceless. Call me all the names you want, mate.... don't you get it... I don't give a shit what you think. In fact, the lower your opinion of me, the better I feel about myself. Every post you make is validating all the negative things that people have said about you on this thread. You're a troll, and you're proving it. Nice work. :)
Keep it up. I've nearly stopped laughing. :)

I bet.

Look, I don't really begrudge you your search for friends. Just be a little less blatant about it, and stop trying to win them over by feebly picking on those you perceive to be unpopular. It's too obvious. Nasty too.
I bet.

Look, I don't really begrudge you your search for friends. Just be a little less blatant about it, and stop trying to win them over by feebly picking on those you perceive to be unpopular. It's too obvious. Nasty too.
Nasty? Who's the one who keeps coming back to this thread to do a bit more name-calling? Did you read the link?


What happened to the moral high-ground, Phil? I thought name-calling was bad? :eek:

Mmm. Nasty. Your type often find their way to these boards. You're a bit insecure, and think that the quickest way to popularity is to join in with a gang who are laughing at someone. Like this:

That's possibly one of the best pieces of pwnage that I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. :D

It's too obvious. If you take my advice you'll sit back and read without posting for a while. The social dynamics here are bit more complicated than you think. You'll find your way in, but this isn't the way to go about it.
Mmm. Nasty. Your type often find their way to these boards. You're a bit insecure, and think that the quickest way to popularity is to join in with a gang who are laughing at someone.
Phil mate, you're a comedian. Laughing at you is an automatic reaction. No gangs required. :)

It's too obvious. If you take my advice you'll sit back and read without posting for a while. The social dynamics here are bit more complicated than you think. You'll find your way in, but this isn't the way to go about it.
If I was bothered about fitting in, I might give your words some consideration. Clearly it's something that's important to you, as you've obviously given it a lot of thought. You really should read that link now.

I'd agree with you, but that would just be ingratiating myself with the "big boys", apparently. :rolleyes:

Oh ffs, don't worry about it. I'm sorry if I sounded harsh. Look, just stick with me and you'll be alright. I'll show you the ropes, introduce you around. I'll even help you pull a bird if you like. They're easy round here.
Oh ffs, don't worry about it. I'm sorry if I sounded harsh. Look, just stick with me and you'll be alright. I'll show you the ropes, introduce you around. I'll even help you pull a bird if you like. They're easy round here.
That's better. Tongue in cheek piss-taking without being blatantly nasty. Raises the tone and does your self-image no end of good. Feels much better than all that bile, doesn't it? :)
Actually that was a lie, there was no actual storm, it was faked, and indeed there was no actual moral high ground, it was just an illusion caused by holographic trolling. :hmm:
I'm genuinely surprised at the speed of your retreat from the moral high-ground. It's truly entertaining though. More please! :)

The moral high ground gave Phil altitude sickness. He didn't spend enough time in the moral mid ground acclimatising himself, before he attempted to to scale those heady peaks. Even his team of Sherpas said "Fuck off Dwyer", and left him.
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