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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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Three or four. The denialists are definitely the sweariest bunch on here. I don't see the need to name them: anyone can identify them by reading back through the thread. 8den is the prime culprit, clearly enough.

I'm not saying their constant intemperance and obscenity necessarily proves them wrong,

And making a baseless accusation that someone is "directly responsible for a plot to murder millions", isn't obscene?

Jesus Dwyer your sensibility are fucking warped.

but it certainly doesn't make their case look good. I do appreciate the fact that you've just warned them--let's see if they pay attention.

I thought Olson's re-marriage was interesting, that's why I mentioned it.

And why is it interesting?
He's not a very pleasant character.

In fact, I think he's utterly despicable.

I'd be very surprised if anyone here disagrees, frankly.

Yeah fighting to overturn a ban on gay marriage, the bastard.

He's a republican lawyer Phil, I doubt there are few people here who'd really care for him, but you're suggesting he's directly responsible for a plot to kill millions, and thats fucking wrong.

Also the argument you're having is basically "I'm not saying Ted Oslon lied about his wife's calls to him, it's just I think he's despicable, a mass murderer, and remarried the next year, my isn't that interesting".

It's dishonest and it's cowardly.

Remember Oslon got brought into this when you leapt to Jazzz's defence, about "how dare you suggest he's said anything wrong about the victims or their families" (or words to that effect), I pointed to Jazzz's comments about Oslon on a previous thread. You've taken that little thing and basically tried to suggest Oslon is some kind of evil republican genius who's murdered millions.

It's very classy.
That was Dywer's claim two pages ago. I know you have the intelligence of gnat but try and keep up.

it is also your claim to me, every time I make a speeeeelling mistake/gramatical error, I was just retarding the favour. (see what I did there? :cool: )
Lol break
it is also your claim to me, every time I make a speeeeelling mistake/gramatical error, I was just retarding the favour.

Xes, if you think I have nothing better to do then spell check all your posts, you're even more delusional than I thought.

Now do you have anything constructive to say? No?

(see what I did there?

Yes you misspelled "grammatical" :cool:
Have you actually got anything to add to the thread, or are you just going to keep popping-in to post totally off-topic nonsense and demonstrating what a complete ignorant twat you are?

did you listen to the song?

Urgh urgh woof woof meow meow i've got Tourettes!!
It's valid he's a nutcase.

Are you so dicklessly insane that you're going to compare the crash search methology of a plane lost at sea to a plane that crashed into the biggest building in the world.

This is really fucking tired shit debunked in 2005.

8,000 people worked on the Pentagon, over the course of the day of the attack and the days after.

These include.

All these groups were in on it Jazzz?

This is the work that happened when any human remains were found

A Case study on Urban search and rescue

All these people are in on it too Jazzz?

There is nothing different about the protocol for the Air France crash and any other. Finding the serial numbers is crucial. It is your hardest evidence that the plane actually ended up there. Note that even with passengers washing up, and a ticket being found, they were still keen to find serial numbers - because that's the only way to really be utterly certain the plane ended up there.

Here's a defence against a freedom of information act request which seems to suggest they didn't bother to match up any serial numbers:

Since being served with the Summons and Amended Complaint, Federal Defendant, with assistance of its attorneys, has analyzed Plaintiff’s request and conducted a search for responsive records. Federal Defendant has determined that there are no responsive records. The identities of the airplanes hijacked in the September 11 attacks was never in question, and, therefore, there were no records generated “revealing the process by which wreckage recovered by defendant, from aircraft used during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, was positively identified by defendant . . . as belonging to said aircraft .
F.B.I. Counsel: No Records Available Revealing ID Process Of Recovered 9/11 Plane Wreckage

Plenty more stuff on that blog also revealing a lack of serial numbers on the black box and CDR.

No, I don't think all those groups were 'in on it'. They could have all been entirely genuine. It would only take a few people to go around before planting body parts, and there you go (that is simply one method by which the results could have been corrupted).
No, I don't think all those groups were 'in on it'. They could have all been entirely genuine. It would only take a few people to go around before planting body parts, and there you go (that is simply one method by which the results could have been corrupted).

You’re a sick man; no one is interested in your delusional ramblings, why do you keep posting this shit?
There is nothing different about the protocol for the Air France crash and any other. Finding the serial numbers is crucial. It is your hardest evidence that the plane actually ended up there. Note that even with passengers washing up, and a ticket being found, they were still keen to find serial numbers - because that's the only way to really be utterly certain the plane ended up there.

Jazzz theres a difference between a plane going missing and then minutes later crashing into a building intentionally and trying to piece together the mysterious last moments of a plane crash into the atlantic.

For example the black boxes of U77 turned up at the pentagon.

No, I don't think all those groups were 'in on it'. They could have all been entirely genuine. It would only take a few people to go around before planting body parts, and there you go (that is simply one method by which the results could have been corrupted).

Jesus fucking christ it was next to an eight lane highway at rushhour, how fucking retarded are you? Whole people were found strapped into chairs.

What are fucking suggesting. They got the passengers killed them, charred and mutilated their remains, and then snuck them out onto the lawn of a military base, and no one noticed?
Oh Noes Jazzz!


"The part in question is the power supply for the emergency lights. ...I assure you it was Flight 77, AA 757 5BP."


Firefighters Carlton Burkhammer and Brian Moravitz "spotted an intact seat from the plane's cockpit with a chunk of the floor still attached."

Ladies and Gentlemen heres the two arguments.

On Sept 11th AA 77 took off at 8:20. Sometime around 8:51 or 8:54 the plane was hijacked. Between 9:12 and 9:30 Aprrox, passengers and flight attendants rang loved ones, and tried to raise the Alarm.

Around 9:36, AA 77 flew above a eight lane highway, fast and low, clipping lamposts. Over 150 eyewitnesses, including pilots and firemen witnessed this, and 23 witnesses say it had American Airlines markings. Over a dozen correctly described the make and model.

Immediately hundred of people ran to the crash site. Some say they saw charred smoking human remains still buckled into their seats.

Over the following few days, personal effects, human remains, the flight recording, black boxes, as well as parts consistent with a 757, and with United Airlines markings, are recovered, in a painstaking search, involving experts in the field of aviation, forensics, and search and rescue.

Now apparently the alternative......

AA77 took off, or maybe it didn't, and all the passengers went onto a different plane, or something. At some point another plane appeared or something. Then for someone faked/forced/bribed family members called their loved ones and pretended they were on a plane and it was hijacked or something. Then a missile/other plane/something was fired at the pentagon, or something. Immediately an elite team of special ops/ninja/faeries or something leapt into action and infront of thousands of people littered the lawn with fake evidence, body parts or something. Now the passenger had been killed/were killed/went to Bali or something, and Godzilla ate the real AA 77 or something. And they went to all this trouble, all this effort, bribed/threated FBI agents/Flight Crash investigators etc etc etc, but this entire stupidly idiotic plot is unravelling because of a FOI about serial numbers, and the fact that they went to all these other steps to fake the crash but failed to do something so elementary according to you or something.

Did I miss anything Jazzz or would you care to give a more coherent description of what you think happened?
Did I miss anything Jazzz or would you care to give a more coherent description of what you think happened?

Unless I'm very much mistaken, there is not one piece of aircraft wreckage that has been formally identified as coming from flight 77 (or indeed any of the other four flights). That would include the black box and voice recorder where it seems the identifying numbers have been withheld.

Has anyone actually matched the numbers up on that piece?
Unless I'm very much mistaken,

WHAT WOULD BE THE ODDS OF THAT :facepalm::facepalm:

there is not one piece of aircraft wreckage that has been formally identified as coming from flight 77 (or indeed any of the other four flights). That would include the black box and voice recorder where it seems the identifying numbers have been withheld.

NTSB: Flight 77 Flight Data Recorder (FDR) report

Has anyone actually matched the numbers up on that piece?


Now explain how all the bodies of passengers turned up on the lawn and the wreckage of a 757?

Now Jazzz you disagree with my above assertion of what you think happened on sept 11th?
Because he keeps posting it up.

Yeh, but he keeps posting it up to meet some psychological need to try to convince people of his delusional fantasy and to wind people up. You can all see that and yet you continue to argue as though rational argument and evidence will make a jot of difference to how he sees the world.
It would only take a few people to go around before planting body parts, and there you go (that is simply one method by which the results could have been corrupted).
have you ever tried going around and planting body parts? it's by no means as simple as you make out. why, the last time i was doing it i was lucky not to be arrested. :mad:

You'd assume they matched up the serial number there, wouldn't you?

But no:

THE FBI WITHHELD THE SERIAL NUMBER of the Flight Data Recorder from the NTSB

Of course, the number DCA01MA064 is not the serial number of the recorder: it is the document reference.

9/11 Aircraft 'Black Box' Serial Numbers Mysteriously Absent

Of all major U.S. airline crashes within the U.S. investigated and published by the National Transportation Safety Board during the past 20 years, the 9/11 'black boxes' are virtually the only ones without listed inventory control serial numbers.
Aidan Monaghan

Now, why on earth would they need to do that if there is nothing to hide?

:hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

8den said:
Jazzz said:
Has anyone actually matched the numbers up on that piece?

I DO hope you are not shabbily making that up. Kindly direct us to the confirmation please.
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