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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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I don't agree with everything Jazzz says, but he's quite obviously a highly intelligent, highly educated man.

Just a couple of recent examples, he used a quote off the whale.to site from a 'cancer expert' without knowing the quack in question lived in the early 1900s and had a case proved against him for treating a cancer patient with his quack remedy by post! He also quoted as a reliable source a website sponsored by a miracle cure for AIDS, cancer, swine flu, etc. etc.

I don't think using such information to support his agenda is the sign of a highly intelligent, highly educated man myself and I would suggest you re-consider your position.
I agree, all other things aren't equal.

But still, it makes you wonder. Just because 8den is a moron, it doesn't necessarily follow that everything he believes is wrong. Just because Jazzz is very clever, it doesn't necessarily follow that his claims are true. But it makes you wonder.

Like the time he claimed that holographic planes were real and pointed to a military manual that proved this? Alas the manual was a piece of science fiction, and no thats not a euphemism, the author wrote a military manual of weapons that were common place in 2030.

He's a fucking genius is Jazzz.
Just a couple of recent examples, he used a quote off the whale.to site from a 'cancer expert' without knowing the quack in question lived in the early 1900s and had a case proved against him for treating a cancer patient with his quack remedy by post! He also quoted as a reliable source a website sponsored by a miracle cure for AIDS, cancer, swine flu, etc. etc.

I don't think using such information to support his agenda is the sign of a highly intelligent, highly educated man myself and I would suggest you re-consider your position.

OK. I agree that, in the service of his case, Jazzz can sometimes cite some dubious sources. I'm not here to defend everything he says. But he's quite clearly very clever, and very well-read too.

You won't harm your case by admitting this (although to be frank you could do without the support of completely uneducated ignorant idiots like 8den).
dwyer said:
I don't agree with everything Jazzz says, but he's quite obviously a highly intelligent, highly educated man.

claphamboy said:
Just a couple of recent examples, he used a quote off the whale.to site from a 'cancer expert' without knowing the quack in question lived in the early 1900s and had a case proved against him for treating a cancer patient with his quack remedy by post! He also quoted as a reliable source a website sponsored by a miracle cure for AIDS, cancer, swine flu, etc. etc.

I don't think using such information to support his agenda is the sign of a highly intelligent, highly educated man myself and I would suggest you re-consider your position.

He doesn't need to consider his real position :hmm:

Just his increasingly over-obvious tactical manoeuvres ... ;) :rolleyes:

I think Jazzz should reconsider his gullible gratitude for dwyer's 'support', however ....
OK. I agree that, in the service of his case, Jazzz can sometimes cite some dubious sources. I'm not here to defend everything he says. But he's quite clearly very clever, and very well-read too.

You won't harm your case by admitting this (although to be frank you could do without the support of completely uneducated ignorant idiots like 8den).

Coming from a witless idiot who didn't know the difference between anti viral drugs, and a vaccine, that means nothing at all.
OK. I agree that, in the service of his case, Jazzz can sometimes cite some dubious sources. I'm not here to defend everything he says. But he's quite clearly very clever, and very well-read too.

You won't harm your case by admitting this (although to be frank you could do without the support of completely uneducated ignorant idiots like 8den).

OK. I agree that, in the service of his case, Jazzz can sometimes cite some dubious sources. I'm not here to defend everything he says. But he's quite clearly very clever, and very well-read too.

Happy to agree with all of that.

There's no doubt he's a clever guy, and when not discussing health or conspiracies, I've plenty of confidence in what he has to say.

I think talking about Jazzz as if he's not here is a bit weird, though, so I'm going to leave it at that.
OK. I agree that, in the service of his case, Jazzz can sometimes cite some dubious sources. I'm not here to defend everything he says. But he's quite clearly very clever, and very well-read too.

You won't harm your case by admitting this (although to be frank you could do without the support of completely uneducated ignorant idiots like 8den).

Can 'sometimes' cite some dubious sources?????

He does it almost all the time he cites any source on conspiracy threads, whereas on other occasions he just posts total bollocks without anything to back it up, demands others disproves it and when that's done, he ignores it completely. His claim that the west spends more on vaccines than providing clean water supplies in the third world being a classic example for this.

If you call reading conspiracy sites well read, I would have to agree with you, but I don't think you do.

ETA - my comments are only in regards to conspiracy threads, because that is what this thread is about.
He doesn't need to consider his real position :hmm:

Just his increasingly over-obvious tactical manoeuvres ... ;) :rolleyes:

I think Jazzz should reconsider his gullible gratitude for dwyer's 'support', however ....

Really William, your agenda is too transparent now.

Does anyone really believe that William really believes that I don't really believe what Jazzz really believes?

Anyone at all?
Really William, your agenda is too transparent now.

Does anyone really believe that William really believes that I don't really believe what Jazzz really believes?

Anyone at all?

I believe you'll quite gleefully post whatever you think will get the greatest rise out of people.

And you're very, very good at it :)
It hardly needs clarifying, nor should I need to repeat it, but it should be pretty transparently obvious by now that dwyer doesn't really believe a single word he's posting, either on conspiracies or most other stuff.

fogbat said:
I believe you'll quite gleefully post whatever you think will get the greatest rise out of people.

He adopts a deliberately 'controversial' pose on this and many other subjects. This 'only ever criticise anti conspiracists and scarcely ever say a critical thing about conspiracies' shtick is much of a muchness with the rest of the dwyer Urban pose .... Blagsta's pic has it right.

It's hardly a secret, but where he's good is that so many people respond to dwyer's posts as if he means them. I've fallen for that enough times myself in the past.

(Or sometimes just to take the piss back, tbf :D ).

As for Jazzz, if he really belives anything dwyer posts on conspiracies or about Jazzz himself is either sincerely meant or helpfully supportive, then he's a naive idiot.
I believe you'll quite gleefully post whatever you think will get the greatest rise out of people.

And you're very, very good at it :)

No, too be very good at it would require it to be believable, in this case far too many exceptions have been made since the initial claim, so he fails the litmus test.

<puts hand up>
Firstly, a quick search for 'Diana' on this thread only throws up one person posting in support of your conspiracy theory on Diana and that was Jazzz, but he doesn’t count because he believes any evidence-free shit that pops up in his head, from 911 being an inside job to flu vaccine being more dangerous than flu. :facepalm:

And, yes, just after the death and BEFORE the investigation and BEFORE the inquiries and BEFORE hearing any evidence, it’s possible that a large number of people did believe that it was more than just an accident.

In fact it turned-out to be more than just an accident anyway, it was an accident caused by the negligence of the driver and the photographers following.

Besides even if half of the population still believed in some conspiracy it wouldn’t be a choice between them being mental or me would it? What about the other half of the population?

You really come across as an ignorant twat at times.

Dwyer, Jazz and X-something (i forget his name) makes 3.
Plus half the Uk population.
I guess if we're stretching it it COULD have been an accident but then most drivers who have accidents don't have a bright light pointing in their eyes.

you have a way with words oh establishment whore
Dwyer, Jazz and X-something (i forget his name) makes 3.

Phil has made no mention of Diana and Xes only mentioned her once...
I don't know enough about the Diana thing to pass comment
- if you are counting that as support you are more deluded than you appear.

Plus half the Uk population.

Well, we only have your word for that; I don't suppose you have a link to prove it, I doubt it, because you're not too much into evidence, are you?

And, even if that's true, it was BEFORE the evidence was made available, again I realise why you don't get this - because you don't do evidence.

I guess if we're stretching it it COULD have been an accident but then most drivers who have accidents don't have a bright light pointing in their eyes.

There was no miracle 'bright light', other than headlights & camera flashes there was no light.

you have a way with words oh establishment whore

Ignorant twat.
Plus half the Uk population.

Half the US population believe in a literal Biblical account of creation, so I guess 6,000 years ago our grandparents were in the garden of Eden.


I guess if we're stretching it it COULD have been an accident but then most drivers who have accidents don't have a bright light pointing in their eyes.

A large portion of them are pissed and speeding though. Don't forget that part you doltish little fucktard.

you have a way with words oh establishment whore

Change the fucking record trev. Or at least mix up your insults a bit.
Jazzz said:
This obsession with what Dwyer 'actually believes' is quite fascinating.

happens to everyone who doesn't believe the establishment version of events i guess

Dwyer's trolling trev, why on earth do you think he's really agreeing with anything you're posting? :hmm:

Jazzz, perhaps you might like to ask the odd questions of dwyer's obsesseion with inventing fake positions to shir shit up and for no other reason at all.

He sure as fuck isn't agreeing with you in the slightest in reality, and is of no real help or support to you if you had any sense. He's just inventing faux-opinions simply and only to attack anti-conspiracists and for no other purpose.

He's got a track record of adopting 'contrarian' positions on Urban on any subject you care to think of, a record that's as long as your arm, remember?

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