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'Conspiraloons' in the ascendancy?

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Yes because calling people on benefits "scroungers" is a really new thing that newspapers never engaged in until the government benefits clampdowns.

well not with such intensity. Notice they've slackened off on it now they all got their own way
yes i can. Try to claim a crisis loan, then come back and tell me you managed it.

Yeah, I wouldn't even qualify, so why. No I mean, show me that the media blitz on benefits was worse than ever before.

And crisis loans thats your entire point?
Yeah, I wouldn't even qualify, so why. No I mean, show me that the media blitz on benefits was worse than ever before.

And crisis loans thats your entire point?

as you don't qualify you won't know how bad it is. If the COUNCIL were as awkward and bureaucratic concerning bins as the DWP are with the most vulnerable in society, the media would be screaming blue murder, but hey ho, it's only those scruffs that live on council estates, so why care...
as you don't qualify you won't know how bad it is. If the COUNCIL were as awkward and bureaucratic concerning bins as the DWP are with the most vulnerable in society, the media would be screaming blue murder, but hey ho, it's only those scruffs that live on council estates, so why care...

Ah bless, so this is the tangent you're on now, the government had Diana killed and the media covered it up, and you know all this, because the media works for the government, because you don't hear about crisis loans, and the bins! yeah, oh and the Dept of Works and Pensions!

So the DWP arranged to have Diana killed. WE'RE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS PEOPLE!
dwyer said:
But in these debates I'm seeing more and more anti- conspiracy nuts, or "conspiracy denialists."

People who, perhaps in reaction to the more outlandish conspiracy theories, simply refuse to believe that powerful people ever get together to plan sinister actions in secret. Which is about as naive as you can possibly get.

Both extremes are mistaken. But the conspiracy denialists are far more dangerous and harmful, for they encourage and actively foster a blind faith in what our rulers choose to tell us.

brilliant post. I think i'll cut and paste it every time the terminally naive argue with me on here.

It's a brilliant example of dwyer's continuing pseudo-campaign against conspiracy-sceptics, yes, but it would be somewhat more convincing if he actually believed any of it.

Which he doesn't, not a word.

He's only adopted the anti-conspiracy-sceptic faux-'stance' that he has, as a deliberately 'contrarian' shitstir, and for no other reason. He's only repeating this 'anti-conspiracists blindly back up the establishment' rubbish for the same reason.

FWIW I agree with what free spirit (and elbows) posted a few pages back about the build up to the Iraq war and with what kyser said about why the mainstream media so often (but not in every instance) echo ruling class/establishment themes.

I'm also very much an anti-conspiracist, but the above paragraph hardly makes me someone who's 'actively fostering a blind faith in what our rulers tell us' as per dwyer's lie quoted above ...
It's a brilliant example of dwyer's continuing pseudo-campaign against conspiracy-sceptics, yes, but it would be somewhat more convincing if he actually believed any of it.

Another example of William's continuing pseudo-campaign to establish that I don't believe what I haven't not said which would be more convincing if he actually didn't believe that I believed in real ale what he said (as quoted by dwyer above) about not believing that he has him on real ale ignore, while he believes dwyer that I wouldn't say anything that Glastonbury he didn't believe wasn't true against the pseudo-anti-conspiraloon non-believers who wouldn't spliff claim that he didn't believe a single word of what he wasn't saying Glastonbury when he claimed to believe a word of what William was pretending to not think about the conspiracy to prevent anyone from believing the shitstirring purpose behind his pseudo-conspiracy dwyer unbelief in the kind of thing that wasn't believed by the shitstirring unconvincing non-posting lying conspiracy-believing troll-going Glastonbury claiming that he wouldn't believe the "fact" (as quoted above) yesterday that the shitstirring Guardian-reading non-pseudo conspiring true lies against the troll non-weed smoking believers real ale-drinking untrolling non-dwyer example of pseudo-Guardian spliff pint trolling unreal Glastonbury mad William head exploding ale dwyerequse troll-supporting non-conspiring pseudo-bollocks.

It's a brilliant example of dwyer's continuing pseudo-campaign against conspiracy-sceptics, yes, but it would be somewhat more convincing if he actually believed any of it.

Which he doesn't, not a word.

He's only adopted the anti-conspiracy-sceptic faux-'stance' that he has, as a deliberately 'contrarian' shitstir, and for no other reason. He's only repeating this 'anti-conspiracists blindly back up the establishment' rubbish for the same reason.

FWIW I agree with what free spirit (and elbows) posted a few pages back about the build up to the Iraq war and with what kyser said about why the mainstream media so often (but not in every instance) echo ruling class/establishment themes.

I'm also very much an anti-conspiracist, but the above paragraph hardly makes me someone who's 'actively fostering a blind faith in what our rulers tell us' as per dwyer's lie quoted above ...

i was never having a go at you, much of what you say in other threads is sound. Its those who have a go about perfectly plausable theories.
We'll have to agree to disagree then.

If most people on Urban were putting forward conspiracy theories and defending them, he'd choose to attack them, just for maximum shit stirring and lulz purposes.

In any case, the suggestion that anti-conspiracists are 'actively fostering blind faith in what we're told' is just nonsense, not in any way logical. Even if he did mean it, which he doesn't.
We'll have to agree to disagree then.

If most people on Urban were putting forward conspiracy theories and defending them, he'd choose to attack them, just for maximum shit stirring and lulz purposes.

In any case, the suggestion that anti-conspiracists are 'actively fostering blind faith in what we're told' is just nonsense, not in any way logical. Even if he did mean it, which he doesn't.

William if you were to take up an alter ego (WOW alt) on an Internet bulletin board defending conspiracy theories against doubters (such as WOW original) how would you go about it?
William if you were to take up an alter ego (WOW alt) on an Internet bulletin board defending conspiracy theories against doubters (such as WOW original) how would you go about it?

That's just another way of describing what dwyer's doing, which is what you're getting at isn't it?
That's just another way of describing what dwyer's doing, which is what you're getting at isn't it?

How do you know that Dwyer was not

1. Originally a conspiracy theorist
2. Started posting on Urban75 against conspiracy theories just to be different.
3. Noticed that virtually everybody else on Urban was attacking conspiracy theorists
4. Went back to supporting conspiracy theories just to be different.

Dwyer eats himself, William is annoyed.
B3ta delivers



Not one single poster has agreed with your bonkers claims over Diana, not even dwyer, plausible my arse. :D

at least 3 on this thread alone and half the UK population in a Poll a few weeks after it happened.
Are half the Uk mental or is it YOU?
at least 3 on this thread alone

Jazzz, Dwyer, and... fela? taffy?

Not exactly the urban MENSA chapter now is it?

and half the UK population in a Poll a few weeks after it happened.
Are half the Uk mental or is it YOU?

In the weeks after that attack during that week of national insanity yes, half the UK population are mental.

Incidently do you think that half the population of the UK still believe in your bonkers conspiracy theory??
Jazzz, Dwyer, and... fela? taffy?

Not exactly the urban MENSA chapter now is it?

Heh. That's exactly what it is. In fact that's the major problem the conspiracy denialists on these boards face.

I don't agree with everything Jazzz says, but he's quite obviously a highly intelligent, highly educated man. All other things being equal, I'll take his opinion over that of a dullard such as yourself every time.
In the weeks after that attack during that week of national insanity yes, half the UK population are mental.

For example, this makes no sense whatsoever. Nothing to do with what 8den may be trying to say--the problem is that he's too stupid to express whatever it is he's trying to say. He's simply incapable of making himself understood in written English.

I'm not saying there are no intelligent conspiracy denialists here, because there are. But let's be honest: a clear majority of them are either mentalists like WoW or thickos like 8den.

You can't necessarily judge a cause by the intelligence of those who espouse it, but it's not a bad place to start.
at least 3 on this thread alone and half the UK population in a Poll a few weeks after it happened.
Are half the Uk mental or is it YOU?

Firstly, a quick search for 'Diana' on this thread only throws up one person posting in support of your conspiracy theory on Diana and that was Jazzz, but he doesn’t count because he believes any evidence-free shit that pops up in his head, from 911 being an inside job to flu vaccine being more dangerous than flu. :facepalm:

And, yes, just after the death and BEFORE the investigation and BEFORE the inquiries and BEFORE hearing any evidence, it’s possible that a large number of people did believe that it was more than just an accident.

In fact it turned-out to be more than just an accident anyway, it was an accident caused by the negligence of the driver and the photographers following.

Besides even if half of the population still believed in some conspiracy it wouldn’t be a choice between them being mental or me would it? What about the other half of the population?

You really come across as an ignorant twat at times.
Heh. That's exactly what it is. In fact that's the major problem the conspiracy denialists on these boards face.

I don't agree with everything Jazzz says, but he's quite obviously a highly intelligent, highly educated man. All other things being equal, I'll take his opinion over that of a dullard such as yourself every time.

There's your problem, right there.
There's your problem, right there.

I agree, all other things aren't equal.

But still, it makes you wonder. Just because 8den is a moron, it doesn't necessarily follow that everything he believes is wrong. Just because Jazzz is very clever, it doesn't necessarily follow that his claims are true. But it makes you wonder.
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