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Conspiraloon 9/11- 7/7 Truther outed as Holocaust denier

They are the ones saying it, not me.
They are also renouncing what they said, some of them. Which I fully support.

That is nonsense reply.

I asked where they gave irrefutable evidence that what they said or did or plotted to do is a command of Islam or in any way condoned/incited by Islam.

If they didn't (and they can't) but you still claim they did, who is the gullible brainwashed here, wanting to believe they in fact did give evidence while there is none?

As to me being quite dangerous, you're pretty laughably misinformed on that score as well

How so?

How am i 'misinformed'?

Go on, show me.

All you've shown on this thread is supreme subjectivity, occasionally mixed in with argument based on emotiveness, not objectivity.

I mean, you want to grass someone up for their opinion? That is violence you're using. You're close to putting yourself into the same category as the man you despise.

The reason i mentioned bush and blair is to try and get your shrieks about this man into some kind of context.
And you're not guilty of 'emotiveness' then Fela. Don't make me laugh - you're the worst offender by a long straw, constantly telling us here what the British people think, despite you having absolutely no grip on the media or perceptions over here.
That is nonsense reply.

I asked where they gave irrefutable evidence that what they said or did or plotted to do is a command of Islam or in any way condoned/incited by Islam.

If they didn't (and they can't) but you still claim they did, who is the gullible brainwashed here, wanting to believe they in fact did give evidence while there is none?


Are you wilfully misunderstanding me? Because I know you are not stupid.

They are the ones citing Islam as their inspiration for attacking civilians. They are the ones saying things like

“I’m doing this . . . to punish and to humiliate the kuffar [unbeliever], to teach them a lesson that they will never forget. It’s to tell them that we Muslim people have pride, our people of Allah, the people of Islam, we are brave. We are not cowards. Enough is enough.”

He added: “Sheikh Osama [bin Laden] warned you many times to leave our lands or you will be destroyed and now the time has come for you to be destroyed.”

They are quite wrong to say so: the Qu'ran does not justify or condone this. Islam does not justify or condone this

But they say it and they say that they do this in the name of Islam.

There is a trial going on at the moment and their videos are being played. They said it.

I know the point you are trying to make, and it is a pointless point, because you are ignoring ( deliberately) what I am posting. I'm not saying Islam condones this: THEY ARE.

I say they are wrong to do this and doubtless, so do you.

But quit pretending that these men are not saying that they are acting as they do for the sake of Allah, and Islam, and Muslims, because they are.

Given that they are, I asked you how you would describe them and their particular brand of terrorism which uses Islam as a [false, obviously] justification.

If you are so touchy about the fact that these men self-identify as Muslims and deliberately cite Islam as their justification for doing what they do[ even though it's wrong, there's nothing in the Qur'an to justify it, etc etc] then you are indenial, because they ARE saying it and they DID say it and there you flipping well go.

And no, for the nth time, of course this does not make me thing all Muslims are terrorists. Please treat me, and other posters with some respect.
Where did this thread switched to comparison between holocaust denier lunatic and Bush/Blair lunatics?

Proof eh? Fucking wow.

Now how does this man's 'crime' compare to bush or blair's crimes?

What? We're not talking about Bush, or Blair, or Charles Manson, or Jack the Ripper, or Ian Brady or Bill the burglar or anyone else.

We're talking about Nick Kollerstrom.

If you haven't got anything to say about him and his holocaust denial, why don't you stop posting and do something else?
How so?

How am i 'misinformed'?

Go on, show me.

All you've shown on this thread is supreme subjectivity, occasionally mixed in with argument based on emotiveness, not objectivity.

I mean, you want to grass someone up for their opinion? That is violence you're using. You're close to putting yourself into the same category as the man you despise.

The reason i mentioned bush and blair is to try and get your shrieks about this man into some kind of context.

No, I have not advocated violence at all. In fact, if you read the thread properly you can see me saying precisely the opposite.

How are you misinformed?
Very misinformed.

Go and do some research. Or don't, but if you can't be arsed, quit calling me' dangerous'.
Are you wilfully misunderstanding me? Because I know you are not stupid.

No. You insist they are "quoting Islam". Where? Why do you take the things you quoted about their sayings as "Islam"?

But they say it and they say that they do this in the name of Islam.

There is a trial going on at the moment and their videos are being played. They said it.

So? Because they say it, it is? Where on earth do you get this?

I know the point you are trying to make, and it is a pointless point, because you are ignoring ( deliberately) what I am posting. I'm not saying Islam condones this: THEY ARE.

Same question.

But quit pretending that these men are not saying that they are acting as they do for the sake of Allah, and Islam, and Muslims, because they are.

And again.

Given that they are, I asked you how you would describe them and their particular brand of terrorism which uses Islam as a [false, obviously] justification.

Lunatics. (again, I said that already)

If you are so touchy about the fact that these men self-identify as Muslims and deliberately cite Islam as their justification for doing what they do[ even though it's wrong, there's nothing in the Qur'an to justify it, etc etc] then you are indenial, because they ARE saying it and they DID say it and there you flipping well go.

They can tell about themselves whatever they like. You are the one in denial about the simple fact that anyone claiming anything about no matter what does not imply they are correct, let alone speaking for anyone or anything else but themselves.

And no, for the nth time, of course this does not make me thing all Muslims are terrorists. Please treat me, and other posters with some respect.

Do yo always think that someone disagreeing with you does that out of "disrespect".
You are on the wrong track (and arguing the wrong argument).
That's all.

They believe they are Muslims (see video transcripts). You don't have to agree, it's nothing to do with you.

That is not what the argument is about. It is about what Badger Kitten believes, (attributing lunatics of the highest order credibility of the highest order).

Have you actually bothered to read what the men said on the video justifications for attacking airlines, Aldebaran?

Do I have to go and get it all for you? I have quoted quite a bit of it already,why don't you look for yourself?

I know that there is no justification in Islam for it, but that does not stop them saying that there is.

They are saying it not me.

No, they aren't lunatics. That is the comfortable feel-better place to file them. They are perfectly sane and they honestly think that they are right, and that what they were planning was and is going to lead to Allah rewarding them in Paradise. They said it, not me.

Go and read what they said.

Before flying off the handle at me for pointing it out.

Or deny that they said it, but it was played on a video in a court in a trial this week and many, many people saw it and heard it for themselves, and the transcripts have been reported accurately.
No, but you're splitting hairs Aldebaran.

These suicide bombers believed that, for whatever bizarre reason, their religion excused their action. Nobody's arguing whether their interpretation of the Koran was correct, or whether they're 'proper' muslims.
Freedom of speech doesn't mean no freedom to respond, fela. It works both ways.

I agree, but the likes of badger kitten want to get rid of this man, since his speech is so abhorrent to them. She seems to want to return to the macarthyism of the US. Wrong opinion, get the fucker, wipe him out, ruin him.

It's just violence.
What? We're not talking about Bush, or Blair, or Charles Manson, or Jack the Ripper, or Ian Brady or Bill the burglar or anyone else.

We're talking about Nick Kollerstrom.

If you haven't got anything to say about him and his holocaust denial, why don't you stop posting and do something else?

I"m posting about your reactions to the man. Perfectly on topic.

They are extreme. I just wonder why.
That is not what the argument is about. It is about what Badger Kitten believes, (attributing lunatics of the highest order credibility of the highest order).


I am getting a bit sick of what is either sophistry or wilful misunderstanding and misrepresentation.

You are trying to make the point that Islam condemns this kind of thing. I agree. I have said so. I know so. You're onto a hiding to nothing with that one. I do not need to be convinced that what they were planning is un-Islamic so quit it, will you? It's actually a bit insulting.

Nonetheless - and this is the point that you are consistently refusing to respond to - these men self-identify as Muslims and claim that they intend to bomb airlines because of their beliefs

I suggest you bother to familiarise yourself with what they said and what they said about why they said it.
I agree, but the likes of badger kitten want to get rid of this man, since his speech is so abhorrent to them. She seems to want to return to the macarthyism of the US. Wrong opinion, get the fucker, wipe him out, ruin him.

It's just violence.

Rubbish. All she's advocated doing is complaining about what he has said because he is in a position to influence students. If he didn't want complaints - he shouldn't have said it.
Have you actually bothered to read what the men said on the video justifications for attacking airlines, Aldebaran?

Do I have to go and get it all for you? I have quoted quite a bit of it already,why don't you look for yourself?

I'm not interested in looking at what lunatics say.

The whole point is that you say that what they say is "Islam" or "reference to Islam".
You repeat that over and over again.
Hence I ask you where you get that.
Your reply, again and again : "because they say it".

Yes, and?
Again: Where is your evidence that what they say is "Islam"?

I agree, but the likes of badger kitten want to get rid of this man, since his speech is so abhorrent to them. She seems to want to return to the macarthyism of the US. Wrong opinion, get the fucker, wipe him out, ruin him.

It's just violence.
You wot? Do you know anything about history because you're just looking stupid here. McCarthy (Note: not Mac) made stuff up, made wild unjustified allegations with no basis and lied like there was no tomorrow.

Your comparison is fucking shit.

As is your stupid, lazy and all round ignorant assault on the English Language. Buy a fucking dictionary you pillock.
I agree, but the likes of badger kitten want to get rid of this man, since his speech is so abhorrent to them. She seems to want to return to the macarthyism of the US. Wrong opinion, get the fucker, wipe him out, ruin him.

It's just violence.

Rubbish. "Wipe him out'?

Do you actually read what you post, or does this kneejerk knobbery come naturally to you?

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