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Conspiraloon 9/11- 7/7 Truther outed as Holocaust denier

That's what this says. This says last year. It's quite likely that i'm reading the info wrong or entered the wrong info...

Your first link is giving wrong info because it got confused by the http bit at the start of the url, and as a result its actually showing information about http.com.

.info addresses only came into existence around the year 2000.
The burden must be on Jazzz to explain why Kollestrom's fascinating chemistry about camp facilities (which solidly gives great weight to the argument that no Jews at all were exposed to poison gas) is all wrong.


All right-thinking people must declare re-investigate Auschwitz re-open scientific analysis of the Holocaust.

New samples must be taken to rid the old ones of carbonate impurities.

seriously, thousands of people using food banks, unemployment and precarious work higher than it was in the 1980s, wages lower than they were during the same period and being thrown destitute out onto the streets, but yet they're going on about "reinvestigating" 70+ year old events that have been proved beyond all doubt

carbonate impurities indeed, what kind of creepy fucker do you have to be to believe this shit

there's something wrong with them
seriously, thousands of people using food banks, unemployment and precarious work higher than it was in the 1980s, wages lower than they were during the same period and being thrown destitute out onto the streets, but yet they're going on about "reinvestigating" 70+ year old events that have been proved beyond all doubt

I pretty much same the said on the icke thread ages ago. People are getting caught up in the minutae of stuff that happened before they were born and is pretty much concretely proven - and in the meantime, the state stops us at airports, steals our posessions, and there were are, distracted by a sideshow. People who do this have politically themselves, silencing their own voices by this.
I pretty much same the said on the icke thread ages ago. People are getting caught up in the minutae of stuff that happened before they were born and is pretty much concretely proven - and in the meantime, the state stops us at airports, steals our posessions, and there were are, distracted by a sideshow. People who do this have politically themselves, silencing their own voices by this.

I wouldn't care if they were only silencing their own voices
I pretty much same the said on the icke thread ages ago. People are getting caught up in the minutae of stuff that happened before they were born and is pretty much concretely proven - and in the meantime, the state stops us at airports, steals our posessions, and there were are, distracted by a sideshow. People who do this have politically themselves, silencing their own voices by this.

some do, but a lot are ideologically committed to those positions and don't see it like that at all.

nobody gets anywhere holocaust denial without being an ideological anti-semite, there are plenty of people who may initially believe the 9/11 conspiracy stuff then stop well short of this or when it starts getting to this stuff walk away from it/start questioning it
I have turned into a bit of a truth seeker about the truth seekers to be honest though!

I'm still unconvinced that the most protected air-space in the modern world in, arguably, the only existing super-power could have had the piss taken out it like that.

When Russia send their bombers over towards the UKs airspace so a friendly chap on the ground can survey reaction times the RAF aren't busy


They were internal civillian flights pretty difficult to order the murder of several hundred people on the off chance it was a suicide attack :(.
Probably by the time the first plane hit the rest were en route over citys so not really saving anyone
Jesus, these people are fucking unreal.
I'm sorely tempted to post that link on to the David Icke forum along with the message "ARE YOU F--ING PROUD OF YOURSELVES?" :mad:

But no doubt they would explain to me how it was agents of the State who were really responsible for the graffiti, so as to discredit truthseekers :rolleyes:
The macro-conspiracy theories - in which 9/11 and 7/7 stuff is almost always embedded and very often JFK stuff as well - all do though. Shockingly enough wells is basically right on this.
Sure, those all-encompassing Illuminati-Zionist-LIzard Icke tendency conspiracy theories do - but that's kind of tautological: all conspiracy theories with a Zionist / Illuminati / World Govt underpinning are antisemitic. Well, yes.

What I was trying to imply is that we need terminology that differentiates between the type of Mafia/CIA/Cuban-exiles-killed-JFK theories, and the lunatic Icke Illuminati lizard ones. Your term "macro-conspiracy theories" is good enough for me. :)
But that's not what Awesome Wells said.
I get depressed when elements on the left, whose politics i'm much more sympathetic to otherwise, endorse this nonsense. But people do these days because they are disenfranchised and see the hand of power as dark and controlling and thus conspiratorial. Consequently you have people like the shouty taxi bloke talking sense about the war machine and then without skipping a beat referring to the queen as a centaur and interviewing Alex Jones ffs! Recently he had Luke Redowski (sp?) from some american truther group called We Are Change.
I get depressed when elements on the left, whose politics i'm much more sympathetic to otherwise, endorse this nonsense. But people do these days because they are disenfranchised and see the hand of power as dark and controlling and thus conspiratorial. Consequently you have people like the shouty taxi bloke talking sense about the war machine and then without skipping a beat referring to the queen as a centaur and interviewing Alex Jones ffs! Recently he had Luke Redowski (sp?) from some american truther group called We Are Change.

I wish that taxi bloke would fuck off now because he does way more harm than good for the reasons you mentioned. His daily shouting act, and it is an act, is annoying enough as it is but when he does talk about a lot of things that do actually matter and that are actually happening he ruins it all by interviewing those type of people, he's even mentioned chemtrails ffs :facepalm:. His comments section is absolutely packed with 'truthers,' agenda 21ers, climate change deniers and yes holocaust deniers too.
I get depressed when elements on the left, whose politics i'm much more sympathetic to otherwise, endorse this nonsense. But people do these days because they are disenfranchised and see the hand of power as dark and controlling and thus conspiratorial. Consequently you have people like the shouty taxi bloke talking sense about the war machine and then without skipping a beat referring to the queen as a centaur and interviewing Alex Jones ffs! Recently he had Luke Redowski (sp?) from some american truther group called We Are Change.
IMHO the thing to remember about him is that he is the Artist Taxi Driver. His rants are a mixture of genuine rage at corruption, mockery of Icke-istas (hence the Queen as a centaur and having hooves, the Black Pope etc), and perhaps some self-mockery too? He is playing a role. Just IMHO. For all I know he might think Alex Jones to be 100% spot on :eek:
I wish that taxi bloke would fuck off now because he does way more harm than good for the reasons you mentioned. His daily shouting act, and it is an act, is annoying enough as it is but when he does talk about a lot of things that do actually matter and that are actually happening he ruins it all by interviewing those type of people, he's even mentioned chemtrails ffs :facepalm:. His comments section is absolutely packed with 'truthers,' agenda 21ers, climate change deniers and yes holocaust deniers too.
Maybe he's a false flag himself, or a gatekeeper or whatever they call them? :D You know, the ones who are State/MI5 operatives deliberately spouting lunacy to discredit the Movement. David Shayler is supposed to be one, Icke another. The former theory lacked crediblity for me since, if Shayler was still on MI5's books and in their pay, why then was he living on mates' sofas and in a barn?
Sure, those all-encompassing Illuminati-Zionist-LIzard Icke tendency conspiracy theories do - but that's kind of tautological: all conspiracy theories with a Zionist / Illuminati / World Govt underpinning are antisemitic. Well, yes.

What I was trying to imply is that we need terminology that differentiates between the type of Mafia/CIA/Cuban-exiles-killed-JFK theories, and the lunatic Icke Illuminati lizard ones. Your term "macro-conspiracy theories" is good enough for me. :)
But that's not what Awesome Wells said.
Macro-conspiracy implies that that sort of stuff is made of the same stuff as the micro-conspiracy stuff (the stuff we can all see is anti-semitic) but just operating on a larger scale, in fact, providing the conditions within which the micro stuff operates (ooh occult macrocosm and microcosm operations!!) and so provides some sort of support, some justification for the anti-semitic stuff.
scalyboy said:
Maybe he's a false flag himself, or a gatekeeper or whatever they call them? :D You know, the ones who are State/MI5 operatives deliberately spouting lunacy to discredit the Movement. David Shayler is supposed to be one, Icke another. The former theory lacked crediblity for me since, if Shayler was still on MI5's books and in their pay, why then was he living on mates' sofas and in a barn?
To add authenticity to his story innit *taps nose*
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