Why are conspiracy theories so prevalent? Why are some people so keen to gulp them down that they don't even bother to check who their fellow travellers are?
people do really grim things to each other and the world is not a v pleasant place for most of the occupants
this can lead quite nice if slightly naive folk like jazz to look for a reason for that, its just too hard to accept that people behave like this to one another so it has to be either aliens doing it, or at least a group that is as alien to us and our everyday lives as possible eg freemasons, jews, muslims
secondly human beings are cursed by being self-aware intelligent animals but we also appear to be fairly unimportant biological robots
science is a long way from providing all the answers (if it ever well) and there can be an unbearable emptiness when people realise that we are alone on this rock (or if not no-one out there seems to give a shit about us) and our lives are ultimately meaningless
perhaps if there is some grand conspiracy there is meaning after all
perhaps if theres evil reptiles then theres good aliens that will explain it to us and save us
perhaps, just perhaps, we wont die
its also a cop out, notice how icke et al are viciously critical of the left, activism and anyone trying to change the human experience for the better
fuck that, read a few dodgy books and write about it on internet forums, bit like fair trade coffee, the ultimate liberal guilt assuaging tool
and then theres the fact that conspiracies do happen, mk ultra was real, the cia have been caught drug running, who knows what else there is out there that we dont know
which has a degree of validity except mkultra and cia drug running were exposed by hard nosed bastards digging up facts not mere speculation
cters cant distinguish between the two especially as they have developed a mind set which has led them to believe that anything which refutes their argument is put out by the very people who are committing the atrocities
and the leaders of the movement like icke are making a tidy little nest egg encouraging people to continue in this direction
thats what i think anyway
(and im a bit drunk and havent reread it so apologies if its bollocks)