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    Lazy Llama

Conspiraloon 9/11- 7/7 Truther outed as Holocaust denier

If Kollerstrom has indeed been sacked by UCL, he's still as free to put forward his thoughts about the Holocaust on the Internet as he was last week, so I think it's wrong to label the targeting of his association with UCL as 'stifling free speech,' as has been done earlier on this thread.

Thank you.
The psychedelic kids?

Yeah, see Dillinger4's and my concern re them swallowing a whole load of mysticism stuff, but in this era, not 'peace & love maaaan' but 'don't care, nothing matters, you can't prove anything, nothing ever happened' (incl Holocaust). The phenomena's been noted elsewhere, not just here.
Dunno - I'm not sure why the label "witch-hunt" is getting slapped around so liberally on this thread either, as if it applied to a "holocaust denier-hunt."

As far as I understand it, the meaning of the term, whether in Salem or in Hollywood during Mccarthyism, applies to 'witches' being hunted down and falsely accused during a time of hysteria, whereas Kollenstrom is pretty much hovering on a broomstick with a black cat on his shoulder saying "Yes, I am a witch."

This is my favourite quote on the thread:D
I almost feel like infiltrating in the Kollerstrom Movement. Must be good for some great entertainment, letting him believe in my "natural" support for his nonsense first (me being Arab/ME & historian, he must rejoice on forehand) and start asking some annoying questions and injecting evidence problems next. :)

Yeah, see Dillinger4's and my concern re them swallowing a whole load of mysticism stuff, but in this era, not 'peace & love maaaan' but 'don't care, nothing matters, you can't prove anything, nothing ever happened' (incl Holocaust). The phenomena's been noted elsewhere, not just here.

High levels of paranoia and distrust and internet-fed fatalism that nobody can do anything because it's all a Zionist NWO conspiracy are dangerous for a functioning democracy.
That's why I care.
High levels of paranoia and distrust and internet-fed fatalism that nobody can do anything because it's all a Zionist NWO conspiracy are dangerous for a functioning democracy.
That's why I care.

I'm not interested in this functioning democracy lark, cos it clearly doesn't. My interest isn't about that.
Intelligent people who care about activism and politics seem to be spending hours online discussing stupid conspiracy theories instead. It's sucking the energy out of activism. It's sad.
To who? 60 and 7 years after. No one cares but them. They don't and can't recruit anyone. It the same 0.0000000001% it always has been. The word doesn't spread becaue people aren't idiots.

If some people weren't idiots, the Holocaust(s) would never have happened in the first place. Also, if it didn't matter, we wouldn't be concerned re this Holocaust Denial now. But you know all this.
Oh, the idiots. They're nothing and mean nothing. Human dust. Don't worry about them.

slightly off-topic but there was an almost certain attempt by fascists to infiltrate the london trance scene about 6/7 years ago

i cant go into too many details but i personally followed one skinhead round a trance party (wearing shiny brand new psychedelic t-shirt) whilst he went up to all the pilled up psy-trance kids taking names and addresses and talking to them about a place where they could be free, that was just for us etc etc

they disappeared off the scene as quickly as they turned up after a botched attempt to put on an event in london (that no-one turned up to)
Intelligent people who care about activism and politics seem to be spending hours online discussing stupid conspiracy theories instead. It's sucking the energy out of activism. It's sad.

I suppose a lot depends on where you think opinions are formed really.
I suppose a lot depends on where you think opinions are formed really.

Why are conspiracy theories so prevalent? Why are some people so keen to gulp them down that they don't even bother to check who their fellow travellers are?

I admit I am prejudiced against them because I tend to come into contact with the most vocal minority, at their most vocal. But time and again you see people like Jazz, who seems a nice enough man, regurgitate stuff that turns out to be a click away from some of the really nasty far-right paranoid hateful Jews are behind everything nonsense. Time and again this gets pointed out.

Opinions are formed by surfing sites on the internet ( for large numbers of people), and there are such a prevalence of CT sites out there. Why do CT-ers seem so uncritical of so much of the material they read? Even when it is shown that some of their number are facists and using current CTs about recent events almost as cover to get people interested in their stuff ( or so it appears), still the same old nonsense gets spread around, and as fast as it is debunked, the debunking is ignored and the questions race on.

It's bloody depressing.
slightly off-topic but there was an almost certain attempt by fascists to infiltrate the london trance scene about 6/7 years ago

i cant go into too many details but i personally followed one skinhead round a trance party (wearing shiny brand new psychedelic t-shirt) whilst he went up to all the pilled up psy-trance kids taking names and addresses and talking to them about a place where they could be free, that was just for us etc etc

they disappeared off the scene as quickly as they turned up after a botched attempt to put on an event in london (that no-one turned up to)

I had a few dealings with this type as well, up North as well as London, usually at the more physcadelic end of the scene, they used to get fucked right off at the techno nights, we were all punks there.
Why are conspiracy theories so prevalent? Why are some people so keen to gulp them down that they don't even bother to check who their fellow travellers are?

I admit I am prejudiced against them because I tend to come into contact with the most vocal minority, at their most vocal. But time and again you see people like Jazz, who seems a nice enough man, regurgitate stuff that turns out to be a click away from some of the really nasty far-right paranoid hateful Jews are behind everything nonsense. Time and again this gets pointed out.

Opinions are formed by surfing sites on the internet ( for large numbers of people), and there are such a prevalence of CT sites out there. Why do CT-ers seem so uncritical of so much of the material they read? Even when it is shown that some of their number are facists and using current CTs about recent events almost as cover to get people interested in their stuff ( or so it appears), still the same old nonsense gets spread around, and as fast as it is debunked, the debunking is ignored and the questions race on.

It's bloody depressing.

Conspiracy theories have always been prevalent. The only thing that's changed has been communication techniques. It's no longer rounding up all your mates and having an evening in t'pub having a chat about the latest conspiracy. The Internet is a great medium for comparing notes, upping the ante, spreading the word etc.

It was always so, but now there's a platform.

It's not new. The Illuminati Trilogy. Holy Blood and Holy Grail. Erik Von Daniken. Sacred Mushroom And The Cross (hello, psychedelics, not new). It's a constant theme, with a constant theme of who is to blame for the failings of the world.
My point is much more about objectivity than subjective shit. The ideas about the holocaust not having happened are patently absurd. So i just wonder why folk get so upset about patently ridiculous ideas?

Because for some folk, it's personal. Some of us, even non-Jews like myself, had members of family we never got to meet because of this Holohoax that didn't happen. We had other relatives who, though they survived incarceration for their political opinions, nevertheless lived out the remainder of their days as shells of their former selves, post-traumatic basket cases with sunken eyes and numbers tattooed to their forearms.

So yes, it's emotive for us; and rightly so. That's our motivation for seeking out the objective truth-- honouring those people by seeing to it that liars are exposed as liars and given no more venues to spout their horseshit than absolutely necessary.
No pk, i totally accept the disgraceful stain on humanity that hitler caused.

Hitler only caused a stain on his own humanity.

It was 'humanity', or at least a selection of that fickle and irresponsible category known as 'humanity', that gave the madman his authority.
Why are conspiracy theories so prevalent? Why are some people so keen to gulp them down that they don't even bother to check who their fellow travellers are?

people do really grim things to each other and the world is not a v pleasant place for most of the occupants

this can lead quite nice if slightly naive folk like jazz to look for a reason for that, its just too hard to accept that people behave like this to one another so it has to be either aliens doing it, or at least a group that is as alien to us and our everyday lives as possible eg freemasons, jews, muslims

secondly human beings are cursed by being self-aware intelligent animals but we also appear to be fairly unimportant biological robots

science is a long way from providing all the answers (if it ever well) and there can be an unbearable emptiness when people realise that we are alone on this rock (or if not no-one out there seems to give a shit about us) and our lives are ultimately meaningless

perhaps if there is some grand conspiracy there is meaning after all

perhaps if theres evil reptiles then theres good aliens that will explain it to us and save us

perhaps, just perhaps, we wont die

its also a cop out, notice how icke et al are viciously critical of the left, activism and anyone trying to change the human experience for the better

fuck that, read a few dodgy books and write about it on internet forums, bit like fair trade coffee, the ultimate liberal guilt assuaging tool

and then theres the fact that conspiracies do happen, mk ultra was real, the cia have been caught drug running, who knows what else there is out there that we dont know

which has a degree of validity except mkultra and cia drug running were exposed by hard nosed bastards digging up facts not mere speculation

cters cant distinguish between the two especially as they have developed a mind set which has led them to believe that anything which refutes their argument is put out by the very people who are committing the atrocities

and the leaders of the movement like icke are making a tidy little nest egg encouraging people to continue in this direction

thats what i think anyway

(and im a bit drunk and havent reread it so apologies if its bollocks)
fela, I really hope you don't respond to this stuff from Lock&Light. It's punctuating an interesting conversation with shite.
smokedout, I agree with a lot of what you're saying there. I'd also add into the mix that some of the reasons you outlined are why organised religion still has such power.
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