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Conspiraloon 9/11- 7/7 Truther outed as Holocaust denier

You would actually have to hold and to express "Marxist leanings" for that to happen in this police state you appear to be fantasising.

It's not a fantasy though is it? There's no guarantees that this country will never shift rapidly further to the right creating the conditions for those things to happen. I'm in a militant trades union ffs I understand the implications.

Rather an exaggeration, don't you think?
After all, Redwatch denounces anyone with even vague associations to leftism whose details they can get. This thread is about ONE person who is abusing his academic credentials to promote falsehood.

What makes you think anyone i worried about having your good opinion? :)

So you're proud of this little witch hunt of yours, well done. I'm entitled to express an opinion on it btw which I have. It reeks of hypocrisy. Nuff said.

You're obviously 'bothered' by it or you wouldn't have retorted :D
Well you've made your views felt now C66 clearly thus guaranteeing your survival if the great day ever dawned etc :D:D

smokedout, you wanna spell check that blog entry
So you're proud of this little witch hunt of yours, well done. I'm entitled to express an opinion on it btw which I have. It reeks of hypocrisy. Nuff said.

Correction: All that is done is commenting on a hypocrite academic who shamelessly abuses his academic title (obtained in a non-related field to history at that) to underscore inventions he presents as if they would be historical fact.

It's not a fantasy though is it? There's no guarantees that this country will never shift rapidly further to the right creating the conditions for those things to happen. I'm in a militant trades union ffs I understand the implications.
There's no guarantee of anything, but my point was more aimed at you not having to worry about being taken away in the middle of the night. You're hardly well-known, at least on these boards, for your militant Marxism.
So you're proud of this little witch hunt of yours, well done.
What "little witch hunt" is that?
Come on, actually set out your argument, justify using such a term.
I'm entitled to express an opinion on it btw which I have. It reeks of hypocrisy. Nuff said.
Yep, you're entitled to that, I'm entitled to state that you're (as usual) full of self-satisfied shit.
You're obviously 'bothered' by it or you wouldn't have retorted :D
If it makes you feel better to believe that, the feel free to do so.
Like I said, give UCL time to react. Everything I hear suggests they are on it and didn't know until Friday and couldnt be taking it more seriously.

Fair play to them.

I got no probs with this being a wall of sound on the net next week and after and going massive online since that is where these people derive much of their comfort - but I do think UCL should remain above criticism, since everything I hear anecdotally from those who have flagged this up suggests they are now 100% on the case, and I guess it is up to them to speak to the relevant people and get meetings in diary to decide on whatever course of action they think best. And that can take time - they knew of this on Friday late afternoon from what I hear.

The ramifications for the ''Truth'' movement may well be huge - but as far as UCL go - they're an innocent party who appear to be shocked and doing all they can to resolve this fairly and quickly.

Thanks to all those who have been in contact to say that they have alerted UCL to the fact that they have a holocaust-denier in their midst, writing in his own name citing his PhD denying the industrial extermination of millions on high-traffic sites.
As to the ''witch hunt'' allegations....

He is writing as ''Nick Kollerstrom PhD'', not as ''Astro3'' . He put it out there.

He wanted a reaction. I will remind people of how he himself suggested writing to academic institutions when you have a problem with what they put out ( in his case, teaching school kids about the Holocaust)

He put it out on the internet. He puts it out in real life. What, and we can't respond?

"Grassing" is what you do if you are telling tales or trying to get someone into trouble.

But this isn't "grassing", it's disclosing abuse. Telling an academic institution that one of their staff may be a holocaust denier and racist who harasses the victims of crime and is trading on his relationship with the institution is a positive public service. It is for the University to decide what they think of the information, to judge for themselves whether he's just "spouting nonsense," and to investigate for themselves whether they want to address their employee's conduct. I for one am concerned to think that the University may be unaware of their associate's activities, and would welcome their being put right.
Correction: All that is done is commenting on a hypocrite academic who shamelessly abuses his academic title (obtained in a non-related field to history at that) to underscore inventions he presents as if they would be historical fact.


Exactly. It's would only be a "witch hunt" if a person were being persecuted for something they were entirely innocent of. Dr Kollerstrom freely admits to promoting a historically inaccurate set of ideas as though they were proven historical fact.
Like I said, give UCL time to react. Everything I hear suggests they are on it and didn't know until Friday and couldnt be taking it more seriously.

Fair play to them.

I got no probs with this being a wall of sound on the net next week and after and going massive online since that is where these people derive much of their comfort - but I do think UCL should remain above criticism, since everything I hear anecdotally from those who have flagged this up suggests they are now 100% on the case, and I guess it is up to them to speak to the relevant people and get meetings in diary to decide on whatever course of action they think best. And that can take time - they knew of this on Friday late afternoon from what I hear.
I agree about UCL. They're highly unlikely to know about hosting contentious material on their servers because their users will have had to sign T & Cs that prohibit "material likely to offend", and as for a response from their faculties, I strongly suspect they'll be sitting down with the provost and their lawyers to review the situation.
The ramifications for the ''Truth'' movement may well be huge - but as far as UCL go - they're an innocent party who appear to be shocked and doing all they can to resolve this fairly and quickly.

Thanks to all those who have been in contact to say that they have alerted UCL to the fact that they have a holocaust-denier in their midst, writing in his own name citing his PhD denying the industrial extermination of millions on high-traffic sites.
What saddens me is that someone who presents themselves as a credible academic could buy into the Leuchter fantasy when research using well-proven analytical techniques by the Krakow Institute for Forensic Research showed residual traces of Prussian Blue throughout the gas chambers, but not in the residential quarters (which, if you were delousing, you'd also fumigate, given the propensity of lice to inflitrate just about anywhere).
It was more of a 'o rly? Like they wouldn't do that in any event if yer such a militant trade unionist an all' ... I'm rubbish with the sarcasm tbf :(

Belonging to a "militant trade union ffs" doesn't necessarily make one a militant trade unionist though, does it (thinks of Nottinghamshire scab miners, froths at mouth)? :D
my pc is fucked and im struggling to post with a psp cesare but call me silly names if you want and my pc is fixed and i can type more than a few words a minute i'll gladly wipe the fucking floor whth you ;)
my pc is fucked and im struggling to post with a psp cesare but call me silly names if you want and my pc is fixed and i can type more than a few words a minute i'll gladly wipe the fucking floor whth you ;)

*inserts mandy rice davies pic and waits for C66 to willfully derail thread further*
I notice there wasn't any complaints about derails when bk and alderban spent several pages quibbling over semantics. but youre right and im off to bed. as you were etc
There was a point to that though, re sorting out what was meant. You've registered your disapproval in unequivocal terms, fine. Unless you want to actually add something.
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