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Conspiraloon 9/11- 7/7 Truther outed as Holocaust denier

There was a big fucking out cry on here at the mere possibility of ernie keeping people's personal details for sinister purposes so pardon me if the hypocrisy sticks in the throat a little...

were those people holocaust deniers holding a prestigious position at a london university?
A neater, more private, method of mass extermination had to be found.
Actually gassing started before the war ever started, very early on (1933 or 1934 iirc). The gassing of 'useless eaters' ie disabled children in Hadamar.

This was long before the T4 thing in Hadamar psychiatric hospital later in the war. There was a documentary about it on the BBC about 15 years ago....it was a home for children with disabilities.
Oh, right, different rules apply to you guys ok :D and gas chamber or not, none of you can know the long term implications of taking away his livelihood for thought crimes.
Oh, right, different rules apply to you guys ok :D and gas chamber or not, none of you can know the long term implications of taking away his livelihood for thought crimes.

politics isnt a fucking game, he chose to publish those views and now hes facing the consequences
Oh, right, different rules apply to you guys ok :D and gas chamber or not, none of you can know the long term implications of taking away his livelihood for thought crimes.

It's not a "thought crime" if he's publically publishing these lies all over the internet.

If he can justify the comments to the board at UCL, then the problem lies with them. If they're happy to have a nazi apologist and holocaust denier representing their faculty then that is a matter for them.

If they're not - then he should have considered that before repeating the vile filth put about by David Irving and similar Nazi-loving cunts.

Fuck him.
Oh, right, different rules apply to you guys ok :D and gas chamber or not, none of you can know the long term implications of taking away his livelihood for thought crimes.
Nobody's talking about "taking away his livelihood for thought crimes". There is some enthusiasm for widening awareness in the academy of his interesting and radical interpretation of the historical evidence - the simple sword of truth and the trusty shield of British fair play.

I do think that the garish poster is a bit Redwatch-y. If anyone should take action it is the University, not a mob of malodorous students.
Actually gassing started before the war ever started, very early on (1933 or 1934 iirc). The gassing of 'useless eaters' ie disabled children in Hadamar.

This was long before the T4 thing in Hadamar psychiatric hospital later in the war. There was a documentary about it on the BBC about 15 years ago....it was a home for children with disabilities.

This is true, but i would argue that the Nazis were just continuing (though clearly stepping up the pace) what had been German state policy since at least WW1. The widespread acceptance, even dominance, of eurgenicist idea amongst the health, and social policy etc 'experts' of the Weimar Republic combined with the 'scientisation' of social issues in the most terrible and absolute way post-1933. The nazis made use of already existing weapons to carry out their atrocities.
Contacting educational facilities is a trick Kollerstrom uses, it seems:

According to my teenager's homework, it seems to be Holocaust week at school again, so all the non-Jewish kids will be learning the Jewish version of it.
What do you do when a public institution teaches something is a fact that you believe is not a fact?
Well, you can always call the teacher or write a letter, which will have no effect other than to get you a reputation as a dangerous nut.
No school will change its policy on this because of any information you cite to them; even if they secretly agree with you, they do not have the courage.

Let's see if UCL have the courage to enforce its own policy.
Fair enough, but i see it as the thin end of the wedge. What if someone were to come knocking on my door for having marxist leanings? I'd hardly be in a position to complain if i support this kind of shit would I?
Fair enough, but i see it as the thin end of the wedge. What if someone were to come knocking on my door for having marxist leanings? I'd hardly be in a position to complain if i support this kind of shit would I?

What are the alternatives?

Let this guy continue publishing anti-Semitic holocaust denial with the backing and the apparent authority of University College London?

Let's be clear about this guy - he's showed up to public meetings of 7/7 survivors and heckled people, he's put his head above the parapet many times, and seems proud to publish his "no Jews were gassed" papers online.

If he's stripped of his educational credibility then it lessens the effect of his poisonous ideas, he becomes just another loon mate of Jazzz, as opposed to what he is now, a researcher in a respected university.
I don't support getting someone sacked any more than I'm repelled by his vile views. I understand why you're doing it but that doesn't mean i find persecuting someone particularly tastefull. This is all a bit news of the world IMO.
UCL were only informed on Friday: give them a chance, eh? It's the weekend.
They knew nada about this from what I hear on grapevine and are deeply shocked.

Am at inlaws on borrowed compter so can only pop in for 5 mins but wanted to sound note of caution
He may not realise it because he's so immersed in it.

Good point. This is NOT aimed at Jazz in particular but is a comment on the whole internet CT phenomenon.

CT's seem to be like drugs and alcohol. When someone gets so into their chosen drug whether it be substances or a particular CT and hangs around with that crowd who reinforce the enjoyment of the drug or the CT it becomes very difficult to see another point of view or to step back and have an 'oh fuck what have I done' moment.
This is true, but i would argue that the Nazis were just continuing (though clearly stepping up the pace) what had been German state policy since at least WW1. The widespread acceptance, even dominance, of eurgenicist idea amongst the health, and social policy etc 'experts' of the Weimar Republic combined with the 'scientisation' of social issues in the most terrible and absolute way post-1933. The nazis made use of already existing weapons to carry out their atrocities.

Good point there Butchers. There were particular economic and sociological mindsets and conditions in the Germans which the aftermath of WW1 exacerbated and particularly in the asylums you started to get the concept of 'ballast existences' becoming much more popular.
I don't support getting someone sacked any more than I'm repelled by his vile views. I understand why you're doing it but that doesn't mean i find persecuting someone particularly tastefull. This is all a bit news of the world IMO.

I would support his sacking for the reasons I stated above.

I would support his jailing should he ever visit Germany or Austria.
So you also support the jailing of marxists in cuntries like Chile when their views didn't fit with the ones of the regime? Like I said, it's the thin end of the wedge.
So you also support the jailing of marxists in cuntries like Chile when their views didn't fit with the ones of the regime? Like I said, it's the thin end of the wedge.

No, far from it.

However I would support the sacking and/or jailing of people who might publish papers and web pages denying that thousands of people were killed by the facist junta in Chile and Argentina, who were trained by the US and supervised by Henry Kissinger with the full knowledge of Richard Nixon.

Put them in the Plaza Del Mayo in Buenos Aries along with the Grandmothers of the Disappeared and let them deny that these woman had their children killed.

Because of the internet buzz about NK it is my understanding that several people independently got in touch with various people at various levels at UCL late last week, Friday, and it is my understanding that this was the first UCL knew about the fact that one of their research fellows was a holocast denier.

He doesn't teach students thank God though have no idea if he is running 'Truth' meetings on camps or giving speeches or disseminating material about his views.

I think we need to let the Uni have time to look at it and discuss it - it is the weekend after all.

What they do is up to them but it is not fair to assme they condone this or knew anything about NK's hateful views. Let's wait and see.

Won't be able able to answer PmS til tonight sorry as on useless broken laptop with shite keyboard
What they do is up to them but it is not fair to assme they condone this or knew anything about NK's hateful views. Let's wait and see.

Fair play - and I don't think for a second UCL would knowingly employ a holocaust denier, and certainly don't believe they would condone such ideas.
And to be fair to Gosling and the nineeleven.co.uk forum, they've left a thread regarding this issue up, to allow Kollerstrom to (try!) defend himself, and Gosling has made his objections to the holocaust denials quite clear.


Only after banning me and deleting my posts asking about this exact same subject - posts that were on the correct thread, the one that he says is the only one in which he's allowing mention of the Holocaust and certain people's denial of it (and his linking to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion on his own site). So it looks to me like a rather belated realisation that he/they cannot forcibly sweep this under the carpet, despite his earlier best attempts to do precisely that. And so this

We need to be self-critical as a movement.
Or we will be no better than the bullies and fascists we have taken on.
This is an important issue IMO so let others comment if they wish.
It's important not to lock/stifle this one.
Nick can respond in his own time if he wants.

Looks more than little pathetic, and resembles nothing so much as hypocrtical and self-serving cant to me. It's clear that he'll only allow debate that he can personally set the parameters of and is happy too do exactly what he accuses various authorities of doing.
Only after banning me and deleting my posts asking about this exact same subject - posts that were on the correct thread, the one that he says is the only one in which he's allowing mention of the Holocaust and certain people's denial of it (and his linking to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion on his own site). So it looks to me like a rather belated realisation that he/they cannot forcibly sweep this under the carpet, despite his earlier best attempts to do precisely that. And so this

Looks more than little pathetic, and resembles nothing so much as hypocrtical and self-serving cant to me. It's clear that he'll only allow debate that he can personally set the parameters of and is happy too do exactly what he accuses various authorities of doing.

Ah, I see.

Looks elsewhere like after the holocaust threads were deleted people are now asking for evidence they ever existed, making out Badger Kitten invented them.


Incidentally, University College London houses the largest department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies in Europe.

I think Mr. Kollerstrom should be emptying his desk sometime next week.
I don't support getting someone sacked any more than I'm repelled by his vile views. I understand why you're doing it but that doesn't mean i find persecuting someone particularly tastefull. This is all a bit news of the world IMO.

whilst i dont agree with jailing holocaust deniers i have no problem if he loses his job and tbh if he doesnt then i reckon ucl are fair game as well

he exposed himself, he published articles in his own name, using his phd, he put pictures of himself on the web

whilct pk's converys information its also satirical and thats what media does, makes information available, satirises, criticises, argues

if he cant take that then he shouldnt be publishing on the bearpit that is the internet

im currently being accused of being a shill, mossad agent, cointelpro etc, im not running home crying but accepting it as a consequence of something i published, daft as it is

its called freedom of speech
Well I am a mossad agent, member of cointelpro and also involved in deep level black ops.

Though would never admit it.

It's all true. We are after them.
Actually gassing started before the war ever started, very early on (1933 or 1934 iirc). The gassing of 'useless eaters' ie disabled children in Hadamar.

This was long before the T4 thing in Hadamar psychiatric hospital later in the war. There was a documentary about it on the BBC about 15 years ago....it was a home for children with disabilities.

Have you read Gitta Sereny's "The German Trauma", Mrs. M?
It's partly about how she came to write "Into That Darkness: From Mercy Killing to Mass Murder", her biography of Franz Stangl. She also talks about some of her background research for it, and her work after the war returning kidnapped "Aryan" children to their real parents.
Jesus wept, when did this site turn into the left's answer to redwatch?
Rather an exaggeration, don't you think?
After all, Redwatch denounces anyone with even vague associations to leftism whose details they can get. This thread is about ONE person who is abusing his academic credentials to promote falsehood.
Some of you aren't gonna come out of this looking particularly good IMO.
What makes you think anyone i worried about having your good opinion? :)
Fair enough, but i see it as the thin end of the wedge. What if someone were to come knocking on my door for having marxist leanings? I'd hardly be in a position to complain if i support this kind of shit would I?

You would actually have to hold and to express "Marxist leanings" for that to happen in this police state you appear to be fantasising.
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