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Conspiraloon 9/11- 7/7 Truther outed as Holocaust denier

I can't think of anyone I've ever seen who is a consistent holocaust denier who really meets the "useful idiot" criteria. Some dim "mind so open the brain falls out" types do for a bit, sometimes, but even they either learn from the experience or just shut up and never mention it again; they're short-term useful idiots at best. Every other person, from the lowliest poster on a message board, always ends up either abandoning the whole thing in an embarrassed fashion or exposing some really naked anti-semitism. Very quickly.

It's just _too_ obvious that it's shite.

:D :(

David Cole is one of them ... the naive jewish kid who went around Auschwitz for a nazi group trying to claim that it was all a lie.

its tokenism. the fash welcome these kind of "useful idiots" because they know it makes them look marginally better

Nevermind that Cole went to great lengths to denounce "Holocaust Revisionism" in general and Zündel, who paid for his trip to A-B, in particular for the way Piper is portrayed in his "exposé". Of course, the deniers can't let go of any "good" thing and they claim-- absent any evidence whatever-- that Cole was threatened by the JDL to publish his recantation. With that neatly out of the way they continue to flood Youtube and their revisionist circle jerks with this hopelessly out-of-date misinformation.

It's not so different from their attitude towards the Protocols. The exact provenance of the Protocols has been a matter of public record since the 1920s, yet this matters very little to antisemites and conspiracy theorists. They will always counter with something like, "it doesn't matter that it's a forgery; it's still the game plan used by Jews to control the world's media, banking etc.".

After a certain point, it's futile taking them on. Their antisemitism blinds them from what is obvious to anyone with an open mind.
There's far more to be gained from denying aspects of the holocaust than trying to "exaggerate" the numbers. the gypsies who were "allegedly" :mad: murdered in WWII didn't benefit from being part of this magical elite which control the world - did they?
Or the mentally ill people, petty criminals (as opposed to the bigger criminals they released into the SS and police service, or even the ones in office) long term unemployed, alcoholics and drug addicts :(

... not to mention the Nazis who were killed for thinking that Hitler wasnt going far enough ...
Just after the war, many people didn't believe it partly because it was so huge and horrific, people just found it unimaginable. Also the fact that there had been such dreadful propaganda in the First World War (Germans bayoneting Belgian babies etc) they thought it was a way of completely demonising a vanquished nation (that initially included my dad). My dad's dad worked on de-nazification in Germany just after the war ended and told my dad stuff (and showed him first-hand evidence I think...he was not only a linguist but also a semi-pro photographer before the war) and my dad realised the ghastly enormity of the industrial killing.

I think just after the war there was an excuse or at least an explanation at first for people just not accepting it happened, but not now. There's no excuse whatsoever now.
Just after the war, many people didn't believe it partly because it was so huge and horrific, people just found it unimaginable. Also the fact that there had been such dreadful propaganda in the First World War (Germans bayoneting Belgian babies etc) they thought it was a way of completely demonising a vanquished nation (that initially included my dad). My dad's dad worked on de-nazification in Germany just after the war ended and told my dad stuff (and showed him first-hand evidence I think...he was not only a linguist but also a semi-pro photographer before the war) and my dad realised the ghastly enormity of the industrial killing.

I think just after the war there was an excuse or at least an explanation at first for people just not accepting it happened, but not now. There's no excuse whatsoever now.

Exactly, plenty of people wouldn't have believed it, it would have looked like more propaganda. Many Jews also didn't want to believe it. You can imagine why. :(

But theres no excuse any more. Especially when so many of the killings weren't even carried out by Germany.
Or the mentally ill people, petty criminals (as opposed to the bigger criminals they released into the SS and police service, or even the ones in office) long term unemployed, alcoholics and drug addicts :(

... not to mention the Nazis who were killed for thinking that Hitler wasnt going far enough ...

It's no coincidence that most of the people responsible for gassing "life unworthy of life" under the Tiergarten 4 program were able to find employment in Poland a few years later.
It's no coincidence that most of the people responsible for gassing "life unworthy of life" under the Tiergarten 4 program were able to find employment in Poland a few years later.

if anyone's "unworthy of life" it's someone who can do a thing like that, to innocent people, and sleep soundly in their bed at night.

no conscience, no sense of remorse.

if anyone's "unworthy of life" it's someone who can do a thing like that, to innocent people, and sleep soundly in their bed at night.

no conscience, no sense of remorse.


It''s not as though it didn't bother all of them. A major reason for gassing was a result of the mental toll murdering innocents was having on dedicated killing units like the Einsatzgruppen. Alcoholism and suicide were rampant among them. I mean, a person can only lead naked civilians, with babies, to lie down in trenches on the twitching corpses of the recently executed and machine-gun them from above for so long before the last vestiges of huminity kick in. Among decent people, self-loathing and revulsion follows. A neater, more private, method of mass extermination had to be found. Enter the T4 veterans.
From BK post 46
The most interesting but was when these two academics did some research into the mindset of conspiracy theorists. They asked a group of students some questions about trust levels, re. family, friends, support networks, colleagues, etc then on the basis of their answers, sorted them into two groups - one of which they thought would be much more likely to ''believe''.

Then they asked the two groups if they thought it was likely that the Govt could track you all the time via your phone and were doing so ( or something like that - they made up the theory anyway as a test).

As predicted, the ones with low levels of trust went for the theory.

I find that interesting and am quite sure that there is, at least some truth too it.

I also believe that a lot of the reasoning behind Jazzz's support of CT's (even in the face of overwhelming evidence) is his need to be noticed or to get attention.
When he was a young fellow someone (his Mum?) taught him piano and music and I've no doubt he learned to like the attention from very early on in his life.

Fela Fan on the other hand is just a weirdo.

It's unfortunate that CTers, whether they realise it or not, whether it is done deliberately or not, are enablers and apologists for some of the most horrendous acts man has ever committed.
Whether they admit this to themselves or not, it is still a fact that they help these scumbag cunts by listening to them, giving them a platform to speak, supporting them and even worse by defending them (which is exactly what we are seeing on this thread)?

The (CTers) give these Holocaust Revisionists a platform and support for their fucked up ideas.
A platform and support that they would otherwise not receive.

It's a damn shame that someone who so many here have met, and say is a genuinely nice guy in real life, is defending a person who is quite obviously trying to tell anyone who will listen that the slaughter of Jews in and around WW2 either didn't happen or was no where near as bad as what it really was.

To wit, I ask....
How can you defend this person Jazzz ?
How can you defend the things this person has said?
How can you sit there and defend a person who has publicly said that "You are quite right to call me a ‘denier’ in that I deny that anyone ever put Jews into gas chambers. That didn't happen ..."
Why can you not just simply either denounce him or clearly separate yourself from his horrendous views?

Is it because by doing so you will have to admit you were wrong?
Are you so needful (or addicted to) of attention that you believe you have to do this?

Why are these Conspiracy's so important to you that you will support someone who is not just wrong but who is actively trying to change history to make the Holocaust a trivial matter or that it didn't happen at all?
What is it that makes a normal nice person support a such blatant and despicable acts (such as trivialising the Holocaust)?

BTW...it's a shame that this thread has deviated from it's original purpose, to take the piss out of, and in the biggest way possible of the fucktard Nick Kollerstrom.

Let the pisstaking continue :hmm:
I can't think of anyone I've ever seen who is a consistent holocaust denier who really meets the "useful idiot" criteria. Some dim "mind so open the brain falls out" types do for a bit, sometimes, but even they either learn from the experience or just shut up and never mention it again; they're short-term useful idiots at best. Every other person, from the lowliest poster on a message board, always ends up either abandoning the whole thing in an embarrassed fashion or exposing some really naked anti-semitism. Very quickly.

It's just _too_ obvious that it's shite.

It's just _too_ obvious that it's shite.


That's indeed what they are - short term 'useful idiots'. They go off like a rocket and everyone looks at them, focuses on them. Regular intervals. Icke, Irving, Kollerstrom. And people's response is exactly what you say ... focusing on the Holocaust issue. 'Focus on this outrageous idiocy, because we'd rather you did that'.

So while we watch Kollerstrom being made into a deliberate short term useful idiot martyr to the cause, let's watch what carries on unabated in the meantime eh.
"If international-finance Jewry inside and outside Europe should succeed once more in plunging the nations into yet another world war, the consequences will not be the Bolshevization of the earth and thereby the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation (vernichtung) of the Jewish race in Europe."

'International-finance Jewry' eh, Adolf? That'll be 'the elite', the Rothschilds, the Zionists, the whatever-you-want-to-call-it-to-make-it-acceptable-to-the-conspiracy-theorists.


On another level (and incidentally) has anyone else noticed how this:

Himmler ordered that, in the occupied Soviet areas, "sedentary Gypsies and part-Gypsies (Mischlinge) are to be treated as citizens of the country. Nomadic Gypsies and part-Gypsies are to be placed on the same level as Jews and placed in concentration camps."

plays out nowadays in terms of a rising expectation that nomadic gypsies should conform to 'our' society ... but the sedentary ones seem to be OK (ish). There's a classic thread on here from only a month or so ago, which entirely reflects this.


And on yet another level, nobody has yet mentioned the Freemasons. Well we (hah! 'we') aren't that keen on em generally. Secret Society and that. But there were a fuck load annihilated in the Holocaust because:

In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote that Freemasonry had "succumbed" to the Jews: "The general pacifistic paralysis of the national instinct of self-preservation begun by Freemasonry is then transmitted to the masses of society by the Jewish press." Freemasons were sent to concentration camps as political prisoners, and forced to wear an inverted red triangle. It is estimated that between 80,000 and 200,000 were killed.

And I notice that Freemasons figure highly in 'the elite' nowadays vaunted by the dual alliance of the conspiracy theorists and the fash.


Curious and interesting innit?
You learn something every day didnt know hitler hated the free masons .
No one tends to care about the roma probably because the only thing europeans have in common is a dislike of gypsys:(.
You learn something every day didnt know hitler hated the free masons .
No one tends to care about the roma probably because the only thing europeans have in common is a dislike of gypsys:(.

All we can do is remember, and try and stop it happening again. It will though, it is already.

The Berlin Wall came down and we rejoiced. There's no day to day reminder nowadays and our children are distanced.
Jesus wept, when did this site turn into the left's answer to redwatch? Some of you aren't gonna come out of this looking particularly good IMO.
Jesus wept, when did this site turn into the left's answer to redwatch? Some of you aren't gonna come out of this looking particularly good IMO.

Nicholas Kollerstrom said:
Zyklon-B was used at Auschwitz, as an insecticide. It was vital in attempting to maintain hygiene that mattresses be deloused.

There was, in contrast, never a centrally-coordinated Nazi program of exterminating Jews in Germany. Lethal gas chambers did not function in German labour-camps, that's just an illusion.




Fuck him.
I don't think persecuting someone for their opinons is worth congratulating tbh. What kind of people in history used to do that?... oh hang on...
I don't think persecuting someone for their opinons is worth congratulating tbh. What kind of people in history used to do that?... oh hang on...

Not as if he's being rounded up and sent to a gas chamber though is it?

No. Hopefully just prevented from holding a teaching/researcher position to allow him to spread his anti-semitic "the holocaust never happened" bullshit.

He justifies this shit with the PHD after his name, thereby giving an air of credibility to his conspiracy theories.

As I said - fuck him.
There was a big fucking out cry on here at the mere possibility of ernie keeping people's personal details for sinister purposes so pardon me if the hypocrisy sticks in the throat a little...
There was a big fucking out cry on here at the mere possibility of ernie keeping people's personal details for sinister purposes so pardon me if the hypocrisy sticks in the throat a little...

What the hell does this have to do with him??
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