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Conspiraloon 9/11- 7/7 Truther outed as Holocaust denier

It's just _too_ obvious that it's shite.


That's indeed what they are - short term 'useful idiots'. They go off like a rocket and everyone looks at them, focuses on them. Regular intervals. Icke, Irving, Kollerstrom. And people's response is exactly what you say ... focusing on the Holocaust issue. 'Focus on this outrageous idiocy, because we'd rather you did that'.

So while we watch Kollerstrom being made into a deliberate short term useful idiot martyr to the cause, let's watch what carries on unabated in the meantime eh.

Caution eh? Give the UCL time to sort it out themselves. It's a clever leaflet PK, but give it some time.
im currently being accused of being a shill, mossad agent, cointelpro etc, im not running home crying but accepting it as a consequence of something i published, daft as it is

its called freedom of speech

Got a link? I'm always intrigued about what can get people accused of being a shill...
Typically a shill would be a person planted in an audience of potential customers for something who's colluding with the seller by pretending to be a disinterested party.
He's replied on the thread and his entire post has about three lines about the Holocaust, the rest is irrelevant bollocks about how it (since it's clearly a hoax) has been used to justify, well, everything.
Here's two very well known, very detailed analysis of the Leucther and Germar Rudolf 'reports' that NK seems to base almost his entire 'argument' on:

Chemistry is not the science: Rudolf, Rhetoric and Reduction

The Chemistry of Auschtwitz

They are long, involved and detailed but they7 are both worth taking the time to read through.

Rudolf is shown to be dishonest across the board by the same author here - caught out referencing pseudonyms of his own to support his own work and so on.
The first two paragraphs accept that he denies the holocaust and claims that the nerve gas was used for delousing alone.

3 = The hundreds of thousands of Jews who were starved to death weren't as significant as the millions of Germans who did later.

4 = Freedom!11!

5= Evil Israel and Germans

6 = They were mean to me and i'm not a bigot, buy my book!

7 = It's just like 9/11

8 = Here's my proof.
Caution eh? Give the UCL time to sort it out themselves. It's a clever leaflet PK, but give it some time.

To be honest, anything happening will depend on what kind of contract he is on. If its a permanent research contract there may be some disciplinary process - along the lines of making sure he doesn't use UCL in any of his loon activities. To be honest, I'd be surprised if he got sacked for it. He's obviously some kind of obsessive and would portray himself as a 9/11 martyr - as well as going to be tribunals. They might go down that route, but only if there is a significant enough fuss from the students, press, Board of Deputies etc.

If he's on short term project-by-project contracts, they may just fail to re-employ him and his name will disappear off the web site.
It''s not as though it didn't bother all of them. A major reason for gassing was a result of the mental toll murdering innocents was having on dedicated killing units like the Einsatzgruppen. Alcoholism and suicide were rampant among them. I mean, a person can only lead naked civilians, with babies, to lie down in trenches on the twitching corpses of the recently executed and machine-gun them from above for so long before the last vestiges of huminity kick in. Among decent people, self-loathing and revulsion follows. A neater, more private, method of mass extermination had to be found. Enter the T4 veterans.

aye. a lot of the people in the einsatzgruppen would have thought they were signing up to do something great for the country, fired up by nazi propaganda and rage against allied bombing of their country, being stabbed in the back by the enemy of germany the jews, and other things.

and then ... reality would have set in. :(
To be honest, anything happening will depend on what kind of contract he is on. If its a permanent research contract there may be some disciplinary process - along the lines of making sure he doesn't use UCL in any of his loon activities. To be honest, I'd be surprised if he got sacked for it. He's obviously some kind of obsessive and would portray himself as a 9/11 martyr - as well as going to be tribunals. They might go down that route, but only if there is a significant enough fuss from the students, press, Board of Deputies etc.

If he's on short term project-by-project contracts, they may just fail to re-employ him and his name will disappear off the web site.

It would be worth contacting the board of deputies wouldn't it? Not to mention the Jewish Chronicle
To be honest, anything happening will depend on what kind of contract he is on.

Of course but the mere fact he used his (not even history-related) academic title to give an air of credibility to his rants, should result in an official reprimand.

You learn something every day didnt know hitler hated the free masons .
No one tends to care about the roma probably because the only thing europeans have in common is a dislike of gypsys:(.


With the holocaust there's a common perception that it was simply "the germans" wanted to kill "the jews". unfortunately zionist groups often haven't helped in promoting the idea of the holocaust as a purely "jewish" tragedy. The gypsies and other groups I mentioned that Hitler (and others) wanted to wipe out are almost like an afterthought. Hitler killed 6 MILLION JEWS everone ...

and a few gypsies and slavic people but who cares about them really.



romanian gov't said:
Of all the allies of Nazi Germany, Romania bears responsibility for the deaths of more Jews than any country other than Germany itself. The murders committed in Iasi, Odessa, Bogdanovka, Domanovka, and Peciora, for example, were among the most hideous murders committed against Jews anywhere during the Holocaust. Romania committed genocide against the Jews. The survival of Jews in some parts of the country does not alter this reality.[3]

serious anti-jewish discrimination still continues in romania today.

we must never forget, we must never forgive the fash for what they did or accept fascism in any form, no matter what country it is coming from. fascism as an ideology should be constantly fought against.
From the horses mouth:

Nick Kollerstrom said:
I would say that the very existence of the state of Israel depends upon sustaining the vast untruth and calumny against the German people, that they – as was alleged at Nuremberg in 1946 - put Jews into homicidal gas chambers. My opinion, which you don’t have to agree with, is that they didn’t. At Nuremberg in 1946 any discussion of the huge quantities of Zyklon-B (liquid cyanide absorbed onto clay) used in the German labour-camps was predicated on the assumption that it was for human murder: whereas we may now apprehend something different, viz that it was actually used for delousing mattresses & clothes, as part of the struggle against typhus. Those actual gas chambers endure today – but you don’t get shown round them on a visit!

Permit me also to express the view, that the hundreds of thousands of Jews who died in these labour-camps under terrible conditions are hardly to be compared with the millions of Germans who died under equally or maybe worse conditions. ‘The Holocaust’ if that word has any meaning should apply to the systematic city-incineration practiced by the allies in WW2, the most frightful war-crime ever conceived by man. The story dreamed up of human gassing meant that the Allies could walk away on the moral high ground without the city-bombing even having to be mentioned at Nuremberg. For a long time most decent people would never consider that the US/UK would ever create an untruth so frightful, however after the lies brewed up to get us into war with Iraq I think more people are open to this possibility.

Fuck him.
thats disgusting. of course britain bombed dresden and committed other atrocities, but it hardly makes us the same as the nazi government does it.
I would say that the very existence of the state of Israel depends upon sustaining the vast untruth and calumny against the German people, that they – as was alleged at Nuremberg in 1946 - put Jews into homicidal gas chambers.

As for this, the state of israel would have been founded whether or not the holocaust happened at all, IMO. the holocaust just gives the zionist project legitimacy that it would not have otherwise have had, but it was definitely on its way to statehood even prior to WWII.
indymedia have hidden most of the comments now but you can read em here

Fuckin loons mate. This made me laugh tho:

A Personal Message
19.04.2008 23:09

It has just come to my attention that certain websites have recently attempted to imply that any 'Conspiraloons™' who harbour doubts about the official narratives of 9/11 and 7/7 are almost certainly holocaust deniers as well

This is an outrageous lie and almost certainly libelous

Far too many decent, honourable and principled fascists have sacrificed their reputations, livelihoods and sometimes their personal liberty for me to sit back and witness the good name of Revisionist Holocaust Scholarship being sullied by association with the disgusting cult of Conspiraloonacy™

Whilst it would be impossible to deny that some individual Revisionists may, from time to time, express sceptical opinions about the Official Narrative of 7/7 these views are in no way representative of the majority of contemporary, forward-thinking Nazi sympathisers who continue to maintain a broad-based, irrational hatred of all foreigners and who appreciate that Johnny Darkie almost certainly carried out 7/7 as part of a wider plot to force Britain into the Bolshevik European Union. A union which will be nowhere near as favourable to the Sacred Anglo-Saxon Race as that fought for by our beloved Fuhrer.


D. Irving

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