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Conspiraloon 9/11- 7/7 Truther outed as Holocaust denier

lots of acedemics present their theories as fact alderban, it's nothing new.

Academics tend to limit their theories-as-fact pronouncements to subjects within their field of expertise. And then peer-review comes into play.

Holocaust deniers like Kollerstrom rarely, if ever, subject themselves to that sort of academic rigour, for reasons patently obvious to anyone familiar with their ouevre. Their intent is not to "set the historical record straight" but to bash Jews and exonerate mass murderers.
Their intent is not to "set the historical record straight" but to bash Jews and exonerate mass murderers.

And create gold, through alchemy, by watching the stars and the moon.

The origins of 'lunacy'

The words 'lunacy' and 'lunatic' stem from the Latin word luna, meaning 'Moon', and the Roman goddess Luna

A measure odf the quality of his defenders on Gosling's site and a reimnder of just how far they've passed from normaility:

Would those who believe Nick is a racist, anti-semite and nazi sympathiser care to post specific quotes from Nick's writings or other evidence that led them to conclude this or would you say that everyone who 'denies the holocaust' is automatically a racist, anti-semite and nazi-sympathiser?

I've been called a "Mossad agent" and a Nazi, not just by the same person, but in the same sentence.

Guess that makes me part of the world's smallest minority.
A measure odf the quality of his defenders on Gosling's site and a reimnder of just how far they've passed from normaility:


No, of course not, they're simply trying to defend the reich from unclean elements who seek to make people think it wasn't such an aryan paradise after all ...
I'm convinced.

Joseph Mengele's pioneering work with twins was in no way macabre or sadistic torture either, he was the friendly doctor at the happy holiday camp, whilt resident frolicked in swimming pools and painted pretty pictures.

Why would those nasty doubters think the top secret nazi papers found after the war referred to the logistical problems of exterminating millions of people?

They were obviously referring to headlice!

Its all so clear, we've been such fools, thank God for truth seekers everywhere!
We really are up to our necks in a surveillance society, aren't we?

One day maybe we will have a free education system - particularly in higher education, where people are free to put forward ideas - however distasteful and untrue they are - without feeling they will face the loss of their livelihood.

But then if people can dismiss free speech as bullshit or liberal wishy-washy shite their isn't much hope is there? I'd still like to know who and how restricted speech is to be policed? And what is going to happen to those academics who are apologists for Marxist atrocities? Creationists? Islamic fundamentalists?
i think that if you hold a set of beliefs, and not only that, spout your views all over the internet, under your own name, you should be prepared to face the consequences of those beliefs ...
But then if people can dismiss free speech as bullshit or liberal wishy-washy shite their isn't much hope is there? I'd still like to know who and how restricted speech is to be policed? And what is going to happen to those academics who are apologists for Marxist atrocities? Creationists? Islamic fundamentalists?

which ones are those then? I dont see any
But then if people can dismiss free speech as bullshit or liberal wishy-washy shite their isn't much hope is there? I'd still like to know who and how restricted speech is to be policed? And what is going to happen to those academics who are apologists for Marxist atrocities? Creationists? Islamic fundamentalists?

Is this guy apologizing for the Nazis? No he's flat out denying that "any Jew was put in a gas chamber". He's doing this while flaunting his academic credentials and urging people to challenge the "myth" of the holocaust in other academic institutions. All we're doing is asking that he accepts a dose of his own medicine.
So, in summary, the best the conspiraloons have been able to do is

a) Hide threads where people on their site deny the Holocaust
b) Make it a bannable offence on their boards to mention the holocaust
c) Call people who point out that their number contains Holocaust-deniers ''M15/Mossad'' and ''Nazis'' and chuck about personal abuse
d) Go on about 'free speech'. ( I've had a trolling commenter demanding that I give a platform for NK and holocaust deniers on my blog,. and because I allowed one comment through in which he denied the holocaust, then said ''no more'', I got called a Nazi dictator)

Not very impressive but not very surprising.


Made of fail.
If Kollerstrom loses his livelyhood then its his fault and his alone.
He works for an institution that houses the largest faculty for Hebrew and Jewish studies in Europe.
He wrote these lunatic theories that the holocaust was a myth, and published them in his own name.

Freedom of speech versus freedom to sack nazi apologist anti-semitic conspiracy loon.

These people are mentally ill and need help, its a disorder much in the same way as paranoid schizophrenia or an eating disorder.

To treat them as victims is to consider their theories as normal and inoffensive.. their ideas and their "Sacred Truth" rhetoric is the same type of crap that got Hitler elected.

Pretty much every one of these nutjobs ends up linked to facist propaganda.

This one is no exception.

Fuck him and fuck his livelyhood.
Is this guy apologizing for the Nazis? No he's flat out denying that "any Jew was put in a gas chamber". He's doing this while flaunting his academic credentials and urging people to challenge the "myth" of the holocaust in other academic institutions. All we're doing is asking that he accepts a dose of his own medicine.

Has this made James Randi yet?
Soory, BK, but threads get derailed all the time, and ino he has a valid point, if you denounce someone for extreme right wing views now, how long before it is the left wing,etc who also get denounced, dangerous path imo. In fact, as i am sure you know, in the U.S there are neo-con groups set up to do exactly that, spy on liberal academics on campuses and denounce them.

How about you start a different thread? This thread is about Nick Kollerstrom being a holocaust denier
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We really are up to our necks in a surveillance society, aren't we?

One day maybe we will have a free education system - particularly in higher education, where people are free to put forward ideas - however distasteful and untrue they are - without feeling they will face the loss of their livelihood.

But then if people can dismiss free speech as bullshit or liberal wishy-washy shite their isn't much hope is there? I'd still like to know who and how restricted speech is to be policed? And what is going to happen to those academics who are apologists for Marxist atrocities? Creationists? Islamic fundamentalists?

Freedom of speech doesnt mean you can spout off rubbish
Would you employ a physicist who kept waffling on about creation theory
A Historian who only taught stalins version of history?
An Islamic fundemntalist who just launched into rants about the great satan
at any opptunity .
Time and place for anything an acedemic who cant see the truth has no place in acedemia .
Lots of jews & others died and the nazis did it .Any other version is wrong .
Soory, BK, but threads get derailed all the time, and ino he has a valid point, if you denounce someone for extreme right wing views now, how long before it is the left wing,etc who also get denounced, dangerous path imo. In fact, as i am sure you know, in the U.S there are neo-con groups set up to do exactly that, spy on liberal academics on campuses and denounce them.

He's not being "denounced" for "extreme right wing views". He's trying to deny that any Jews got gassed by the Nazi's... Something that has been cross-referenced by umpteen different sources....
oh and its revealing that on p/p which is meant to be about many aspects of the left and politics in general, most threads are lucky if they get 100 views, this has had 9000.,
Well in the time I have spent attacking these kind of theories since 9/11, the "facts" these loons cite as proof are more often than not just invented by anti-semetic Nazi apologists.
Ive lost count of the times Jazzz has been informed his sources are essentially facist anti-Jewish crap, starting with Joe Vialls.

All these nutjob theories lead to the Jewish lizard beasts enslaving mankind.

Shame really.
At least Scientology is funny.
Well in the time I have spent attacking these kind of theories since 9/11, the "facts" these loons cite as proof are more often than not just invented by anti-semetic Nazi apologists.
Ive lost count of the times Jazzz has been informed his sources are essentially facist anti-Jewish crap, starting with Joe Vialls.

All these nutjob theories lead to the Jewish lizard beasts enslaving mankind.

Shame really.
At least Scientology is funny.

Not that funny ...

Well in the time I have spent attacking these kind of theories since 9/11, the "facts" these loons cite as proof are more often than not just invented by anti-semetic Nazi apologists.
Ive lost count of the times Jazzz has been informed his sources are essentially facist anti-Jewish crap, starting with Joe Vialls.

All these nutjob theories lead to the Jewish lizard beasts enslaving mankind.

Shame really.
At least Scientology is funny.
Some of it is just bad science. The tests on cyanide in walls is a classic example if you read up on it. Not done by Nazis, just not done in the right manner and giving results that can be abused.
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