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Conspiraloon 9/11- 7/7 Truther outed as Holocaust denier

Jazzz, I think there is a simple question with 3 choices a few messages above you need to answer.

I have often read your posts on here over the years, and taken what you say with the usual balance of interest and bemusement. However the latter stages of this thread seem to show you in a very different light. I am confused as to why you suddenly seem to be even questioning the basic historical facts of the Holocaust . Like you, I champion freedom of speech. But some of your recent posts in this thread make me wonder if you have indeed thought carefully about your views and opinions, and your decision to post them in public.

I wonder if you would not be better off spending some time looking into exactly what it is you are currently saying.
I'm not agreeing with him, let's make that quite clear.

What I what I know about Nick K is that he is no anti-semite. He is a conspiracy theorist.

I am placed in the awkward position of having to comment on someone that I know (although I knew nothing of his interest in WWII). Now if I didn't know him, and quite liked the fellow there'd be nothing making me defend him against this accusation, and for all I would know it could be true. However, I'd be a pretty crap bloke if I didn't speak up for people I know when they need it. And having spent some time with Nick K I've never seen the slightest hint of anti-semitism from him and that charge just doesn't fit with the person I know.

What I 'don't have a problem with' is someone genuinely stating what they believe, however wrong that may be. What I very much DO have a problem with is people wanting laws to suppress challenging viewpoints, again, however wrong. I need hardly point out that that is the way that fascist regimes gain hold of a compliant populace. The way to combat wrong arguments is not by outlawing them. It is with openness. I would like to think that that applies to WWII as much as anywhere else, and that the information there will speak for itself.

Having said that, I'm very disappointed that he's gone off on this, because I don't think it does anyone any favours. Certainly not the 9/11 Truth Movement. It's a highly emotional, loaded topic, and what to gain?


... you see, this is the kind of hysteria I am talking about. A quick search of wikipedia, which BK didn't even bother to do before making her emphatic pronouncements:


Tiny flashes in there that you acknowledge the basic indecency with which you have handled this issue - but then off you go again, prancing, deflecting, quibbling. In a way, this thread has ceased to be about 9/11, its even ceased to be about the holocaust. Its now about you. Really basic human stuff here - you agree with someone on an issue close to your heart and are prepared to play every trick you can to avoid admitting the guy holds monstrous views. To me that's the worst kind of rationalisation, shoddy behaviour. You've still got a chance to redeem yourself, but sooner would be better than later. I'd think a lot more of you if you did that.
Jazz, care to read my post nr. 568?
Do you think all Nazis on the Nurnberg trial were innocent of what they were accused of, executed because otherwise it would all come out that there was a massive staging going on of a massive lie?
Do you believe every witness who ever witnessed about the horrors, every isngle document and film fragment still existing as witness about it, is only a falsification?
Do you, for example, believe that this evidence and witness loaden documentary I refer to was actually staged fiction and that among others Mengele was playing with an extremely sofisticated doll, acting as if he was torturing a child?

Jazz, care to read my post nr. 568?
Do you think all Nazis on the Nurnberg trial were innocent of what they were accused of, executed because otherwise it would all come out that there was a massive staging going on of a massive lie?
Do you believe every witness who ever witnessed about the horrors, every isngle document and film fragment still existing as witness about it, is only a falsification?
Do you, for example, believe that this evidence and witness loaden documentary I refer to was actually staged fiction and that among others Mengele was playing with an extremely sophisticated doll, acting as if he was torturing a child?

going on the evidence yes he does
after all NK thinks my testimony was a work of fiction
he thinks 7.7 and 9/11 were lies

and Jazz agrees. I have seen nothing to say he doesn't.
Oh fuck off! I am not 'doubting the holocaust'. I am doubting 'facts' that are not facts. :mad:

Badger Kitten stated that:

Meanwhile 6m people were murdered.
Fact,and fact. No false claims

To which you responded:

... you see, this is the kind of hysteria I am talking about.

BK's 'hysteria' being to claim that six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust. You cited a quote from Wikipedia as evidence that this claim was in doubt:

The Yad Vashem Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority in Jerusalem, writes that there is no precise figure for the number of Jews killed.
Whilst ignoring other equally valid quotes in the same paragraph putting the toll at somewhere between 5 and 6 million.

For the record, Kollerstrom's public statement is that:

"no German ever put a Jew into a gas chamber. You call that Holocaust Denial, well I’m proud to be associated with it. I’m happy to defend, it any time, any place. It happens to be true!"
Jazzz, I think there is a simple question with 3 choices a few messages above you need to answer.

I have often read your posts on here over the years, and taken what you say with the usual balance of interest and bemusement. However the latter stages of this thread seem to show you in a very different light. I am confused as to why you suddenly seem to be even questioning the basic historical facts of the Holocaust . Like you, I champion freedom of speech. But some of your recent posts in this thread make me wonder if you have indeed thought carefully about your views and opinions, and your decision to post them in public.

I wonder if you would not be better off spending some time looking into exactly what it is you are currently saying.

Let's be very clear, again:

I am not questioning generally accepted facts about the holocaust

I came onto this thread because people were demanding that I comment, because they knew that I'd had some association with Nick Kollerstrom
Of course, if I express any sadness that someone calls me a liar and the 7/7 bombs s & the holocaust a lie, its


isn't it Jazzz?

It's mental illness.

It's lies.

It's like being a Nazi.

It's suppression of free speech to say what happened was real, isn't it?

According to NK, and now, it seems, according to you & you truth seeker pals.

Jump. One way or the other.
Let's be very clear, again:

I am not questioning generally accepted facts about the holocaust

I came onto this thread because people were demanding that I comment, because they knew that I'd had some association with Nick Kollerstrom

Why are you defending a holocaust denier then?
Let's be very clear, again:

I am not questioning generally accepted facts about the holocaust

I came onto this thread because people were demanding that I comment, because they knew that I'd had some association with Nick Kollerstrom

Answer the fucking question, for gods sake.
It's useful idiots like you who help gain fascists power Jazzz. Idiots like you who help spread their lies and distortions.

I am starting to think this pretty strongly.

I get that feeling when talking to max freakout and i-am-your-idea as well.
Jazzz -

Regarding your friend NK's views:

a) he's not a holocaust denier
b) he is, it's his right
c) he is right to deny the holocaust

Time to pick one i think.
Then why did you accuse Badger Kitten of "hysteria" when she said "6m people were murdered"?
Presumably because according to the 7/7 truth movement, I am a a mentally ill liar and according to NK, Jazz's friend, my life is a work of fiction.

That was who Jazz was siding with.
Right this thread is getting way, way out of hand. I am taking a break while it calms down.

I'm extremely pissed off at the attempts to suggest that I believe the same as Nick Kollerstrom.

I will endeavour to answer sensible points and questions but I can't carry on like this with a hundred posters twisting everything I say and demanding answers which will then get twisted by another ten posters before my next reply hits.

Jazz half an hour ago you told me you were constructing a reply to me. Unless it's the most complex multiple choice answer ever i think you're trying to avoid answering it. Can you answer it please.
Right this thread is getting way, way out of hand. I am taking a break while it calms down.

I'm extremely pissed off at the attempts to suggest that I believe the same as Nick Kollerstrom.

I will endeavour to answer sensible points and questions but I can't carry on like this with a hundred posters twisting everything I say and demanding answers which will then get twisted by another ten posters before my next reply hits.


To be honest, I don't think anybody does think you hold those views (?). People are more pissed off that you associate with such a person and, when given the evidence of Kollstrom's views, still defend him - even playing games around 'no it wasn't 6 million'.

Edit: Jazzz, I don't like the feeling of being part of the pursuing pack. Its just in this case it isn't a bloodsport, it isn't a pack - Its something you've brought on yourself - and for BK its personal.
Right this thread is getting way, way out of hand. I am taking a break while it calms down.

I'm extremely pissed off at the attempts to suggest that I believe the same as Nick Kollerstrom.

I will endeavour to answer sensible points and questions but I can't carry on like this with a hundred posters twisting everything I say and demanding answers which will then get twisted by another ten posters before my next reply hits.


The holocaust happened; Nazis killed millions

a) yes
b) no

It's hard to twist a) or b)
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