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Conspiraloon 9/11- 7/7 Truther outed as Holocaust denier

I've no real problem if people on this site get him sacked. My slight twist is that this should get as much general airing as possilbe about the issue itself - that a 9/11er is also holocaust denier - less sure about specific attempts to force ucl's hand (though, really not worried if he does get booted out TBH).

At the same time, there's some liberal guff going on about this being a university. Seems to be a mix of 'will nobody think of the children' and some weird assumption that universities are committed to 'truth'. They are just big corporate employers who will make a pragmatic/panicky decision to get rid of him if the publicity gets bad (and they think they can get away with it). No different to if he worked anywhere else. If you want to get him sacked, just say so. Like i say, he deserves what he gets, but lets not dress it up as anything else.
Man has no shame, this is what he left on my site today

astro3 said...

May I have a right of reply?
Most of your viewers may share your own knee-jerk response of ‘Holocaust denier =Nazi= anti-Semitism,’ with the accompanying hate and rage; and this is the one any only topic in our culture where everyone knows they are supposed to believe it but no-one ever gets to hear what the evidence is supposed to be, and one gathers it would be very ethically damnable to inquire about it. For the one or two who wish to look into the subject and dare I say question it, permit me to recommend perusing ‘Dissecting the Holocaust’ by twenty-odd different authors which is the modern work on the subject: www. vho.org/GB/Books/dth/

You are quite right to call me a ‘denier’ in that I deny that anyone ever put Jews into gas chambers. That didn’t happen, its not part of the historical record. There are no documents, no photographs, no physical traces or remains, no post-mortem diagnoses of deaths by cyanide poisoning: there are only stories. In all the Nazi documentation, the ‘Final solution’ always meant the export of Jews, Eastwards, it never had a lethal meaning. The Bad-Arolsen archives in North Germany are the definitive record of who died in the camps, how many died, and how they died.
Thank you for allowing me to reply, have a nice day.
PS On a quite different topic, you say I ‘hassled’ a survivor of the Aldgate train-blast on 7/7: well I did have a fascinating conversation at the Kingston court with such a survivor who left me his e-mail address. Said over the first few days after the event he thought he was going mad because the reports kept alluding to Aldgate trains going the wrong way, i.e. towards King’s Cross, and to other stations Aldgate East and Liverpool Street, and then to the third carriage when he knew that it was the second. That might perhaps endorse my argument in ‘Aldgate - trains were going the wrong way’ www. nineeleven.co.uk/board/viewtopic.php?t=11503

April 18, 2008 8:40 AM
I told him to piss off. Edit: loon links broken
I'm personally concerned about it being a university for 4 reasons (a) opinion forming in the y00t who are gradually further and further temporally away from the effects of overt facism e.g. holocaust (b) increasing rise in this in Academia in the first place (c) signs of this linking in with other 'academics' influencing the y00t particularly in the drug culture/psychedelic scene maaaan; and (4) abuse of power.
I've no real problem if people on this site get him sacked. My slight twist is that this should get as much general airing as possilbe about the issue itself - that a 9/11er is also holocaust denier - less sure about specific attempts to force ucl's hand (though, really not worried if he does get booted out TBH).

im inclined to agree tbh, but the fact he works for UCL is likely to give this story far more prominance then if he worked in a chip shop
Especially as they have a Department of Holocaust Studies.

Like I said - he's not pratting away on the Stormunddrang boards under the pseudonym 'Zionist-hatah', ( or astro3 for that matter) he's writing as Dr Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD on sites that get thousands of hits a day
he's not pratting away on the Stormunddrang boards under the pseudonym 'Zionist-hatah', ( or astro3 for that matter) he's writing as Dr Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD on sites that get thousands of hits a day

Exactly, he's put his head above the parapet, he can hardly complain when people take shots at him.
Members of my family died to protect Europe from the hateful idealogy of the Nazis. How sickening to see it resurfacing now, and trying to climb into the clothes of 'free speech' to spread its message of hate.
...and members of my husband's family died in Poland, his uncle in the camps. Luckily his father escaped from the back of a truck and was hidden by monks. They weren't Jewish, but Poles were considered 'untermensch' too.
If I were UCL, I'd consider organising a series of talks with holocaust survivors present and recording them an that.
badgerkitten said:
Members of my family died to protect Europe from the hateful idealogy of the Nazis. How sickening to see it resurfacing now, and trying to climb into the clothes of 'free speech' to spread its message of hate.
...and members of my husband's family died in Poland, his uncle in the camps. Luckily his father escaped from the back of a truck and was hidden by monks. They weren't Jewish, but Poles were considered 'untermensch' too.

Oh, and I'm only alive, and Jewish in case you didn't know, BK, because my great-grandfather got out in time. He had the foresight to see what was happening before it was too late.

Nick K is no anti-semite. He is not 'resurfacing' the ideology of the nazis and I'm sure he finds it utterly objectionable. There is no 'message of hate' there.

If someone was to question the number of Native Americans killed during Wild West times, what would that make them?

If someone was to question the plight of the Aborigines during the British invasion of Australia, what would that make them?

Mistaken, maybe, but not necessarily evil.

I'm sure we could think of many examples.

Yes, I'm sure that many real anti-semites will question the holocaust to seek to minimise the horror caused by the nazi regime. However, that doesn't mean that those questioning the holocaust are anti-semitic, that is a grave error of logic.

If Nick K. is questioning aspects of the story it's because he genuinely believes they are questionable, and while we have freedom of thought and speech I don't have a problem with it. He isn't questioning that Jews died in vast numbers, in horrible circumstances.

Sorry to not be jumping on the bandwagon of hysteria.
Oh, and I'm only alive, and Jewish in case you didn't know, BK, because my great-grandfather got out in time. He had the foresight to see what was happening before it was too late.

Nick K is no anti-semite. He is not 'resurfacing' the ideology of the nazis and I'm sure he finds it utterly objectionable. There is no 'message of hate' there.

If someone was to question the number of Native Americans killed during Wild West times, what would that make them?

If someone was to question the plight of the Aborigines during the British invasion of Australia, what would that make them?

Mistaken, maybe, but not necessarily evil.

I'm sure we could think of many examples.

Yes, I'm sure that many real anti-semites will question the holocaust to seek to minimise the horror caused by the nazi regime. However, that doesn't mean that those questioning the holocaust are anti-semitic, that is a grave error of logic.

If Nick K. is questioning aspects of the story it's because he genuinely believes they are questionable, and while we have freedom of thought and speech I don't have a problem with it. He isn't questioning that Jews died in vast numbers, in horrible circumstances.

Sorry to not be jumping on the bandwagon of hysteria.

Kollerstrom said:
The Gestapo and Zionists were collaborating in the late 30s because they had in this respect similar aims

Kollerstrom said:
You are quite right to call me a ‘denier’ in that I deny that anyone ever put Jews into gas chambers. That didn’t happen, its not part of the historical record. There are no documents, no photographs, no physical traces or remains, no post-mortem diagnoses of deaths by cyanide poisoning: there are only stories. In all the Nazi documentation, the ‘Final solution’ always meant the export of Jews, Eastwards, it never had a lethal meaning

He is an anti-Semite. He is questioning that Jews died in vast numbers in horrible circumstances. I am more than sorry that you are still denying it. He has said it. We have showed you the links.

More than sorry.

Nothing, no conspiracy theory, no political ideology, unevidenced, unsupported, is worth denying the deaths, and the suffering of those whose DNA sings in your body, the history you will pass on to your children.

Not just your fellow-humans experiences, but your family's truth.

Wake the fuck up.
Oh, and I'm only alive, and Jewish in case you didn't know, BK, because my great-grandfather got out in time. He had the foresight to see what was happening before it was too late.

Nick K is no anti-semite. He is not 'resurfacing' the ideology of the nazis and I'm sure he finds it utterly objectionable. There is no 'message of hate' there.

If someone was to question the number of Native Americans killed during Wild West times, what would that make them?

If someone was to question the plight of the Aborigines during the British invasion of Australia, what would that make them?

Mistaken, maybe, but not necessarily evil.

I'm sure we could think of many examples.

Yes, I'm sure that many real anti-semites will question the holocaust to seek to minimise the horror caused by the nazi regime. However, that doesn't mean that those questioning the holocaust are anti-semitic, that is a grave error of logic.

If Nick K. is questioning aspects of the story it's because he genuinely believes they are questionable, and while we have freedom of thought and speech I don't have a problem with it. He isn't questioning that Jews died in vast numbers, in horrible circumstances.

Sorry to not be jumping on the bandwagon of hysteria.

I don't notice JC2 (by way of example) jumping up to negate the recent discovery of mass children graves in Canada by saying that it didn't happen; a la Kollerstrom's version of Auschwitz:

Let us hope the schoolchildren visitors are properly taught about the elegant swimming-pool at Auschwitz, built by the inmates, who would sunbathe there on Saturday and Sunday afternoons while watching the water-polo matches; and shown the paintings from its art class, which still exist; and told about the camp library which had some forty-five thousand volumes for inmates to choose from, plus a range of periodicals; and the six camp orchestras at Auschwitz/Birkenau, its the theatrical performances, including a children’s opera, the weekly camp cinema, and even the special brothel established there. Let’s hope they are shown postcards written from Auschwitz, some of which still exist, where the postman would collect the mail twice-weekly

The plight of "Native Americans" & "aborigines" aren't being dismissed and negated. Sure, there's some red faces and backward justification - but no-one's saying that it didn't happen at all. And anyone that does pop up to say it didn't happen gets laughed at or shredded - with contempt.

You and your ilk are contemptuous.
And contemptible.

You are Jewish Jazzz.

What the fuck? What the fucking fuck are you fucking doing with these people?
Millions fucking dead, and you side with these fucks who deny it?

And if the dead were any race, any religion, I would still weep, but what the fucking fuck are you fucking playng at?

Is anything worth this?
Wake the fuck up. Please. Please. Please.

We have had enough tangled limbs and screaming. We should not dishonour those parents and children and lovers and workers and colleagues so.
eloi eloi lama sabachthani

yet you do, and for what?

An idea, an ideology. One not even proved, given no credibility

A peck of nothing, nothing at all.

But he won't.

It makes me want to weep.

“I am constantly amazed by man's inhumanity to man."”

Primo Levi

Your friend calls him a false witness, Jazzz.
But this isn't "grassing", it's disclosing abuse. Telling an academic institution that one of their staff may be a holocaust denier and racist who harasses the victims of crime and is trading on his relationship with the institution is a positive public service.

Is it slander though?
If someone was to question the number of Native Americans killed during Wild West times, what would that make them?

Your friend isn't quibbling about numbers, he's questioning the nature of the whole 'Final Solution' enterprise in the face of mountains of evidence.

To match that to your crap analogy of the Wild West, I'd say that anyone who tried to question that a whole bunch of Native Americans were deliberately killed for the purposes of American expansion to the West was pretty stupid and was deliberately misinterpreting things for their own dodgy purposes.

'Jazzz is deluded' isn't exactly a newsflash to anybody who reads your threads but your defense of Kollenstrom is nudging you over the line from 'oddball' to 'nutter', IMO.
Is it slander though?
As far as I can tell, all allegations so far have been backed up by statements in the public domain. Others have better knowledge of the law than me, but afaik, there's no libel/slander here
Is it slander though?

Well, no. He said what he said. Publicly.

Meanwhile 6m people were murdered.
Fact,and fact. No false claims
In law, defamation (also called vilification, slander, and libel) is the communication of a statement that makes a false claim, expressively stated or implied to be factual, that may harm the reputation of an individual, business, product, group, government or nation. Most jurisdictions allow legal actions, civil and/or criminal, to deter various kinds of defamation and retaliate against groundless criticism. Related to defamation is public disclosure of private facts arises where one person reveals information which is not of public concern, and the release of which would offend a reasonable person.[1] "Unlike libel or slander, truth is not a defense for invasion of privacy."[2]
I can't bear this...Jazz, how can you agree with this man who says it didn't happen?

...you make accusations of a bandwagon of hysteria. I'm not hysterical. I'm numb.
I can't bear this...Jazz, how can you agree with this man who says it didn't happen?

...you make accusations of a bandwagon of hysteria. I'm not hysterical. I'm numb.

I can't get my head around the fact that the nice bloke I met at Glastonbury, sat and chatted with, had a beer with, can be this fucking stupid.
I've never even met him but I have met enough people who have met him to be biting the inside of my cheek with frustration.

How monstrous must the lie be before it becomes so big that you can shrug it off as part of a game you play, a position you hold, a space you occupy because it makes you feel good to stand in it?
He witters on about lack of "doumentation". It's well-established by the Nazis' own transport records that something in the order of 1.1 million more people entered Auschwitz-Birkenau than are accounted for. The Nazis, renowned for their meticulous record-keeping with regard to the movement of Jews stop keeping records there. Very suspicious. And that's only one of the Aktion Reinhard camps. The thing that these Hitler apologists fail to offer, while they're busy "questioning", is an alternate explanation for what happened to all those people.

In denier-world anything is possible, unless they deem it impossible on the flimsiest of evidence. All victim eyewitnesses are lying. All perpetrators' confessions were extracted by torture (nevermind that when they were freed from prison and had no need to continue to "toe the establishment line", none of them recanted. Not one). That alone should put into question deniers' claims, if not also their motivation.
I can't get my head around the fact that the nice bloke I met at Glastonbury, sat and chatted with, had a beer with, can be this fucking stupid.

Yeah and I have as well, at Ed's birthday thing year thing before last. He had a little puppet thing that he was entertaining folks with, sociable and quietly sweet and charming, he was lovely.

We didn't talk about world views though.

I want to think that he's stupid.
I really like him in real life as long as we don't discuss vaccines, conspiracy theories etc. He also plays the piano most wonderfully.
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