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Conspiraloon 9/11- 7/7 Truther outed as Holocaust denier

A mate of mine lost her brother in the south tower. Truthers upset her to a degree that she cannot even deal with them.

And I do deal in facts, I've also pointed out to Jazzz that one of his truther heroes hangs out with former members of the Waffen SS. Another fact Jazzz likes to ignore.

So why don't you piss off with your thread derailing vendetta that you drag up again.

cesare, sorry Jazzz is a lost cause, he will not face up the the odious creeps he associates with.

Sorry, what on earth does that add to my ask that you keep your size 2 boots off this thread?

Oh well done btw, you pointed out what the rests of us made clear to to him 3 years before you joined the board.

Thread derailing? By suggesting that your brand of worthless shouting at someone has got zero results? NO thank you, i've destroyed jazz countless times already. No one is waiting on you to do your super-hero role again. Put your pants back on and go away.
I hope we are all wearing our anti-Zionist pants today.

So why bother again?

Why? because new info has come out? Because i want to? You're the one claiming to have booted truthers up and down the internet then coming out with stuff that's already been asked/done/mentioned a fair number of times on this thread Do yourself and the rest of us a favour if you're going to try and intervene (and i would have thought your experience as the number-one truther hunter of all time would have led you this obvious conclusion already, apparently not though), Familiarise yourself with the material. Read the thread.
It somehow didn't surprise me that UCL have a department for holocaust studies tbh, BK. When I was idly looking at the archives here for the 'conspiraloonacy' threads, I came across that one that Dillinger started about the link to Academia - which is why I asked him which Uni it related to (on the off chance that he was reading this thread).
Not surprising, Anton Wilson was a right wing libertarian like Darios.

bit of a derail but i wouldnt say his politics were that defined

its a long time since ive read him and remember thinking he was quie naive when he spoke about politics and at times leaned in both directions

in short he should have stuck to the gags, cos he is a funny writer
Do you think it's him or a shit-stirrer, BK?

It's definitely him. I know because he pressed his email address on the survivor from Aldgate when he went up to him at the court as he ate his lunch in the canteen, and the Aldgate survivor gave him his email right at the start of the conversation - before he realised he was a loon. That detail about getting the man's email made it into the comment. It's him. He really believes it.

The fact that I think he may be mentally ill is the only thing holding me back from alerting the Uni.

Or media, for that matter.

It is so stupid to write this stuff citing your PhD and using your own name on a public forum, that I think he has psychiatric issues.
It's a conundrum - I think the Uni need to know, because whatever is going on here they have a duty of care to him as well as to other students - and to protect themselves and their reputation.

What do you think?
BK, if he's mentally ill then he needs help anyway if he isn't already getting it. Plus - so what? There are plenty of mentally ill people whose behaviour doesn't manifest in this fashion, and conversely, this behaviour shouldn't be associated with mental ill health.
Either way, he's not doing his employers reputation any favours. If he's mentally ill he needs help, if he isn't mentally ill, he's appalling and also somewhat stupid not to realise that his actions might not go down well with the university.
BK, if he's mentally ill then he needs help anyway if he isn't already getting it. Plus - so what? There are plenty of mentally ill people whose behaviour doesn't manifest in this fashion, and conversely, this behaviour shouldn't be associated with mental ill health.

My concern about his being mentally ill is not because he's expressing these views, but the way he's expressing them, and his inappropriate behaviour, iyswim.

I think you and Mrs M are right. Anyone else got a view?
Can 8den leave this thread alone please. We wouldn't want his swollen swinging dick getting in the way. I deal in facts buster!I 've stomped truthers up and down the world don't make me put my foot up you ad hiniem arse did iot ever go to your head?

That's what we don't want. People been here longer than you nursing a few things.

edite: Oh god, then he really does mentions every point that's already been made. Bravo sir. Bravo. That's where you'll end up.
At least he appears to know who he's blabbering at this time.
Oh yeah, she's been leaving dozens of comments on my blog, which is particularly stupid as she
a) has a restraining order preventing her form doing this, breach of which can lead to 5 years in jail
b) She's in court in May appealing her sentence

I just delete them, out of pity
The fact that I think he may be mentally ill is the only thing holding me back from alerting the Uni.

Or media, for that matter.

Please do it now! Today. This hour.

It is so stupid to write this stuff citing your PhD and using your own name on a public forum, that I think he has psychiatric issues.

No it isn't stupid, it is a calculated move to impress the gullible.
I'm would surely be tempted to come to your blog or where ever that man posts/writes to give him what he deserves, or to contact the university myself, were it not that I can hardly claim to know he is indeed that person posting/writing this.
What are you waiting for? Writing about this on U75 or a blog is not going to have any effect on this creature.

Someone should do it, but it might be better coming from an organisation/group rather than an individual.

BK has already experienced a considerable amount of real life backlash in respect of this type of thing.
It might be best to go to George Paizis direct. I've been doing a bit of reading and it seems he's quite politically active, one example being that he started the UCL Stop The War Coalition.
It somehow didn't surprise me that UCL have a department for holocaust studies tbh, BK. When I was idly looking at the archives here for the 'conspiraloonacy' threads, I came across that one that Dillinger started about the link to Academia - which is why I asked him which Uni it related to (on the off chance that he was reading this thread).

You mean me right?

(is there another post I should have read? I have only read the first page and this page)

The uni THAT thread refers too is Keele University.

You mean me right?

(is there another post I should have read? I have only read the first page and this page)

The uni THAT thread refers too is Keele University.


Yes, I did mean you, cheers for replying. I linked to your OP in the archives re Conspiraloons and link to Academia.

You might find this thread interesting D, especially in context of the one about 'Nothing' in the philosophy forum, and your own experiences.
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