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Conspiraloon 9/11- 7/7 Truther outed as Holocaust denier

Funny how everyone so sure they have right on their side with regard to preventing holocausts happening again seem to ignore -

you seen that footage Badger Kitten?

If only you spent more time actually wondering about what the hell is going on in the world, rather than attempting to attack the ones who are doing just that. :rolleyes:

You pathetic cunt.

prisonplanet and the whole scene is chock full of this stuff from the black helicopter crowd, which is why this whole thing doesn't come as a huge surprise.

What does come as a surprise is the reluctance on many parts to disown those concerned. There are a few people who do take up the "but was there _really_ a holocaust, or is it just what THEY want us to think?" line out of "truth-seeking", but unless they have some ulterior motive they very quickly conclude "oh, yeah, actually the Nazis did kill a shitload of people, it's incredibly well documented, I feel a bit embarrassed now".

But perhaps someone espousing neo-Nazi propaganda is just one of those little details that isn't terribly important when you're considering the _broader picture_. I mean, it couldn't possibly have any relevance to anything else they say could it? Holocaust denial, eh, it's just a bit of a quirk.
prisonplanet and the whole scene is chock full of this stuff from the black helicopter crowd, which is why this whole thing doesn't come as a huge surprise.

What does come as a surprise is the reluctance on many parts to disown those concerned. There are a few people who do take up the "but was there _really_ a holocaust, or is it just what THEY want us to think?" line out of "truth-seeking", but unless they have some ulterior motive they very quickly conclude "oh, yeah, actually the Nazis did kill a shitload of people, it's incredibly well documented, I feel a bit embarrassed now".

It's not about whether these fellow travellers believe that the holocaust happened or not. It's about their reaction to being freinds with deniers. If jazzz's reaction anything to go by, well i'm not convinced by the good ones never mind the bad ones. If it stands as jazz reactions are, then i think that they're complicit in the dissemination of this stuff.

He could take a chomsky line that i don't believe in this stuff but i respect the loons rights to believe it. That i could buy - but to attack people pointing out what his person believes as nazis and people helping to make another holocaust..well fuck him. He's in it now.
Nah 23 is just a general loon number, not necc white racist.

Is it cesare? I thought it was from that stupid 1970s hippyshit conspiracy book about the Illuminati

It might well be, or both, dual meaning maybe. The US adl site ^ has a database of symbols and 23 is listed. 23rd letter of the alphabet W for white. It might be more of an american thing though.

They also had a feathered swastika that looked like that one that we had a thread about (the logo). Never seen a feathered version before.
It might well be, or both, dual meaning maybe. The US adl site ^ has a database of symbols and 23 is listed. 23rd letter of the alphabet W for white. It might be more of an american thing though.

They also had a feathered swastika that looked like that one that we had a thread about (the logo). Never seen a feathered version before.

The ADL site has the anarchist symbol too - seriously, they're right wing loons. Ignore them. They make Searchlight look normal.
It's not about whether these fellow travellers believe that the holocaust happened or not. It's about their reaction to being freinds with deniers.

Yes, sorry, that's what I mean, I may not be being clear enough here. The point being that if I, conspiraloon A, see conspiraloon B espousing holocaust denial on a regular basis, it can't be excused by the usual "oh well maybe he's keeping an open mind" thing, because you either grow out of it in a pretty damn short space of time or you've got ulterior motives.

It is of course an unpleasant experience to find out that actually somebody you thought was pretty normal and reliable believes that sort of shit, and I'd look for ways out myself - did he really say it? surely he must have meant something else? - but trying to justify or minimise the statements... well. Er.
The ADL site has the anarchist symbol too - seriously, they're right wing loons. Ignore them. They make Searchlight look normal.

I know that focal point publications don't like them, but then they wouldn't, would they :D

Anti Defamation League - are we talking about the same lot?
I know that focal point publications don't like them, but then they wouldn't, would they :D

Anti Defamation League - are we talking about the same lot?

ADL - serial smearers and liars, collelctes of duff info on and about anti-fascists and others and in the pocket of any state body who'll pay them. Sorry. Fund them.
ADL - serial smearers and liars, collelctes of duff info on and about anti-fascists and others and in the pocket of any state body who'll pay them. Sorry. Fund them.

Ah, cheers. I knew about Searchlight but not them. Though I did break the link just in case.


After seeing what I have today (and I didn't post the weirdest spookiest occult stuff), I'm having great difficulty in separating 'good' from 'bad' conspiracy theorists if they're immersing themselves in this stuff all the time.

Sorry fm, wasn't being rude in not replying but the conversation had moved on.
Oh, another thing I came across was NG and the conspiracists having the same views on Peak Oil - zionists innit.

This all looks like an unholy alliance with anti-zionism providing a convenient common ground, but scratch the surface ...
robert anton wilson and bob shea in the illuminati trilogy

which was actually a satire on conspiracy theory, unfortunately a lot of ct-ers didnt realise that and saw it as the truth

Yeah, that's right I think.

Darios wrote a lengthy eulogy on the Robert Anton Wilson just died thread.
Nah 23 is just a general loon number, not necc white racist.

yea, no racist connotationsthat i have ever heard of and even those US groups (Church of the creator/christian identity etc) that use the letter 'W' as their symbol don't seem to have ever used the #23 that i've seen*. it was Burroughs who first propogated the number 23, illuminati and TOPY type geeks following suit.

basically just a harmless, if wearisome, obsession really :)

*not to say that might not have started though.
Am I the only person who thinks they look more like portable toilets?

that's what i thought.

my sister has a restaurant near where they have T-In The Park festival in perthshire, scotland.

those 'coffins' look like the row of portaloos they had lined up one year when i drove by it, and the 'observation turrets' look like those they have in the deer park near-by for folk to watch and photograph the deer from. there's an episode of that 'two fat ladies' cooks show where they go there for venison. it might be on youtube, i honestly can't be bothered to look.

alternatively the 'coffins' may be bales of hay which are covered with black plastic. you see that all the time in the country.

bloody coffins and gun turrets for fucks'sake !!!??? :rolleyes::eek::confused::(
robert anton wilson and bob shea in the illuminati trilogy

which was actually a satire on conspiracy theory, unfortunately a lot of ct-ers didnt realise that and saw it as the truth
Ah right, I didn't know it was a satire because the only people who've quoted it at me were conspiracy theorists...
Well Nick has just commented on our post.

And he says
Hi, I note you seem to
On April 17th, 2008 Nick K. (not verified) says:

Hi, I note you seem to object to my having defended the proposition that: no German ever put a Jew into a gas chamber. You call that Holocaust Denial, well I’m proud to be associated with it. I’m happy to defend, it any time, any place. It happens to be true!

Thanks for alluding to my recent article ‘School trips to Auschwitz.’ (1) You quote:

Let us hope the schoolchildren visitors are properly taught about the elegant swimming-pool at Auschwitz, built by the inmates … etc,

And ask: ‘Where does he get his vital research and evidence? It's ordained in the stars!’ Well, if you’d bothered to follow the reference there given it would have taken you to the thread ‘Auschwitz in Memoriam’, where I give 15 references in support of those statements. (2) If you care to peruse that and then comment here, I’m sure we would all appreciate it.

The Zyklon-B worked very well in the Nazi gas chambers of WW2, for delousing mattresses etc, but no human being was put into these. That notion is The Greatest Lie Ever Told and has a termination date upon it. My interest in this topic has been chemical: analysis of the remains of the German camps has shown exactly where the cyanide was used and where it wasn’t. My thread on ‘Cyanide Chemistry at Auschwitz’ had had over ten thousand hits and might well be the definitive modern statement on the subject. (3)

You inform your readers that I’m some kind of neo-Nazi: sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t happen ever to have been interested in them, and my political track-record (which you can check) is the Green Party, CND and Respect, that’s all. I don’t know what you are alluding to in saying that I posted on your site – if I did it must have been a long time ago. I basically just post on the two sites, CODOH (Committee for Open Discussion of the Holocaust) and nineeleven.co.uk

So, Jazzz, any response?

Or are you just going to launch into an attack on me and move the goal posts again?
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