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Conspiraloon 9/11- 7/7 Truther outed as Holocaust denier

They already hid the holocaust denial thread. In which numerous 9/11 site contributors contributed with enthusiasm.

None of them have distanced themselves from the 'holocaust denial' thing, they have just gone off at tangents, thrown around ludicrous accusations and abuse and straw men, accused people of being Nazis or whathave you or kept very quiet indeed,

Unsurprisingly and unimpressively.
Well I'll say this about the whole 'holocaust denial' thing. It's not uncommon for some aspects of the holocaust to be questioned in conspiracy theory circles. As with many other aspects of history. Just about all of them, in fact. But what is palpable is the desire to 'out' someone as a nazi. Oh gosh, we don't get the chance to point the finger like that these days do we. Yes, this person said that! Well maybe not quite but close enough! That means they are nazi, they are evil, and we can put them in the stocks and pelt the fruit. Maybe even they should be hanged? After all, freedom of speech doesn't apply to them - we just decided. No matter that 'freedom of speech' is an inalienable principle that means absolutely nothing if one picks and chooses where it applies. And hitler got his power from this mentality, the witch-hunt - not those who would defend freedom of speech as an absolute against all-comers.

I'm posting this while a bit drunk, probably against my better judgment. But I can promise this - Nick Kollerstrom, bumbling, slightly crazy, likeable, mild-mannered chap that he is, is no nazi. He's just a conspiracy theorist. But hey, why not string him up? After all, we need to stamp on those conspiracy theorists too - they phoned up badger kitten, don'tchaknow, after she launched an public assault on them on her blog. Let's round them up and send them to the gas chambers! Sieg Heil!

Jew-hater doesn't equal "nazi" all of the time, but I've yet to encounter a "Holocaust revisionist" who wasn't an antisemite.

Try this simple test: find a website or forum dedicated to promoting Holocaust revisionism that isn't tainted by antisemitica unrelated to the events of WWII.

Good luck.
Well I'll say this about the whole 'holocaust denial' thing. It's not uncommon for some aspects of the holocaust to be questioned in conspiracy theory circles. As with many other aspects of history. Just about all of them, in fact. But what is palpable is the desire to 'out' someone as a nazi. Oh gosh, we don't get the chance to point the finger like that these days do we. Yes, this person said that! Well maybe not quite but close enough! That means they are nazi, they are evil, and we can put them in the stocks and pelt the fruit. Maybe even they should be hanged? After all, freedom of speech doesn't apply to them - we just decided. No matter that 'freedom of speech' is an inalienable principle that means absolutely nothing if one picks and chooses where it applies. And hitler got his power from this mentality, the witch-hunt - not those who would defend freedom of speech as an absolute against all-comers.

I'm posting this while a bit drunk, probably against my better judgment. But I can promise this - Nick Kollerstrom, bumbling, slightly crazy, likeable, mild-mannered chap that he is, is no nazi. He's just a conspiracy theorist. But hey, why not string him up? After all, we need to stamp on those conspiracy theorists too - they phoned up badger kitten, don'tchaknow, after she launched an public assault on them on her blog. Let's round them up and send them to the gas chambers! Sieg Heil!


I really don't like the Witch Finder General aspect, but I don't even know where to start with what I find disturbing about this.

In your world, if people behave in a "bumbling, slightly crazy, likeable, mild-mannered" way - whatever the content, what they say is OK?

So if things are dressed up and presented in an acceptable manner, that makes those things OK? You'll entertain what people say, maybe take what they're saying on board, because of the manner of presentation?

Jazzz, there's some hateful things being said by some of the 'conspiracy theorists' and they sometimes later turn out to be holocaust deniers. The bright ones don't ever even out themselves.

Do you apply the same level of alertedness and questioning to the people that you're spending so much time with?

If we now seek to engage your attention in a different manner ... maybe agreeing with you for the most part, nice to you, make you feel comfortable ... will you entertain our nicely worded criticisms and ideologies quietly slipped in?

In a nutshell, what you've just said is that it doesn't matter what Kollerstrom has said or believes - you're more concerned with the reaction to it.
Well I'll say this about the whole 'holocaust denial' thing. It's not uncommon for some aspects of the holocaust to be questioned in conspiracy theory circles.

That's because those circles attract crazy obsessives like flies to shit.

. Let's round them up and send them to the gas chambers! Sieg Heil!:rolleyes:

Gas chambers? According your mild-mannered buddy, those were just harmless shower rooms.

Watching a Jew making comparisons to Hitler and the Nazis to defend a holocaust-denying nutcase is one of the saddest things I've ever seen on these boards...
Well I'll say this about the whole 'holocaust denial' thing. It's not uncommon for some aspects of the holocaust to be questioned in conspiracy theory circles. As with many other aspects of history. Just about all of them, in fact. But what is palpable is the desire to 'out' someone as a nazi. Oh gosh, we don't get the chance to point the finger like that these days do we. Yes, this person said that! Well maybe not quite but close enough! That means they are nazi, they are evil, and we can put them in the stocks and pelt the fruit. Maybe even they should be hanged? After all, freedom of speech doesn't apply to them - we just decided. No matter that 'freedom of speech' is an inalienable principle that means absolutely nothing if one picks and chooses where it applies. And hitler got his power from this mentality, the witch-hunt - not those who would defend freedom of speech as an absolute against all-comers.

I'm posting this while a bit drunk, probably against my better judgment. But I can promise this - Nick Kollerstrom, bumbling, slightly crazy, likeable, mild-mannered chap that he is, is no nazi. He's just a conspiracy theorist. But hey, why not string him up? After all, we need to stamp on those conspiracy theorists too - they phoned up badger kitten, don'tchaknow, after she launched an public assault on them on her blog. Let's round them up and send them to the gas chambers! Sieg Heil!

Words fail me :(
Well I'll say this about the whole 'holocaust denial' thing. It's not uncommon for some aspects of the holocaust to be questioned in conspiracy theory circles. As with many other aspects of history. Just about all of them, in fact. But what is palpable is the desire to 'out' someone as a nazi. Oh gosh, we don't get the chance to point the finger like that these days do we. Yes, this person said that! Well maybe not quite but close enough! That means they are nazi, they are evil, and we can put them in the stocks and pelt the fruit. Maybe even they should be hanged? After all, freedom of speech doesn't apply to them - we just decided. No matter that 'freedom of speech' is an inalienable principle that means absolutely nothing if one picks and chooses where it applies. And hitler got his power from this mentality, the witch-hunt - not those who would defend freedom of speech as an absolute against all-comers.

I'm posting this while a bit drunk, probably against my better judgment. But I can promise this - Nick Kollerstrom, bumbling, slightly crazy, likeable, mild-mannered chap that he is, is no nazi. He's just a conspiracy theorist. But hey, why not string him up? After all, we need to stamp on those conspiracy theorists too - they phoned up badger kitten, don'tchaknow, after she launched an public assault on them on her blog. Let's round them up and send them to the gas chambers! Sieg Heil!


Dear Jazz

Have you read what your friend Nick believes? What he writes? He doesn't keep his views to himself. And I am not the only person involved with 7/7 that he has approached and tried to convert to his ridiculous theories. He harassed a man who had been caught up in the aldgate bombs on Monday; I saw it with my own eyes.

The reason I speak out against lies, Jazz, is because the truth is important.
A famous lie, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was - and still is - widely disseminated. Do you know who one of the most famous adherents of that lie was, Jazz? Do you know what he did, how he used the conspiracy theory to justify one of the worst genocides in history?

The Auschwitz 'Gas Chamber' Illusion
by Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD

As surprising as it may sound, the only intentional mass extermination program in the concentration camps of WW2 was targeted at Germans. From April, 1945 five million Germans were rounded up after surrendering, and deliberately starved until well over one million had died, in French and American-run concentration camps[1] - an event soon erased from the history books. There was, in contrast, never a centrally-coordinated Nazi program of exterminating Jews in Germany. Lethal gas chambers did not function in German labour-camps, that's just an illusion. The traditional Holocaust story has developed out of rumours, misunderstandings, and wartime propaganda. From stories pre-dating the Second World War to the Nuremberg Trials which gave official sanction to the notion, to subsequent trials, books and films, we have had it imprinted on our collective psyche. In most of Europe now, it is a thoughtcrime to believe what you have just read, punishable by imprisonment, so think carefully before deciding to read on.

The Gestapo and Zionists were collaborating in the late 30s because they had in this respect similar aims.
With regard to the gas chambers, the almost endless procession of false witnesses and of falsified documents to which I have drawn the reader’s attention during this long study, proves, nevertheless, one thing: never at any moment did the responsible authorities of the Third Reich intend to order - or in fact order – the extermination of the Jews in this or any other manner

Nobody has said he should be hanged.

But he is what he is and he is working as a research fellow at a University.

He is citing his PhD when he writes this stuff. He admires Irving and others like him.

Do you still support what this man is and what he says and what he does?

I note not one conspiraloon has tried to deny what Kollerstrom believes.

All the 9/11 board have done is remove the evidence of the thread in which other posters discuss the holocaust - and deny it - making it members only.
Well I'll say this about the whole 'holocaust denial' thing. It's not uncommon for some aspects of the holocaust to be questioned in conspiracy theory circles. ...Sieg Heil!


Although, if I'm honest, this goes disturbingly beyond even the myopic dickhead stage.
BK, Jazzz has either read all that and it's OK with him. Or he's not read all that in which case he's not going to now.

I'm starting to think it's the former.
Well I'll say this about the whole 'holocaust denial' thing. It's not uncommon for some aspects of the holocaust to be questioned in conspiracy theory circles. As with many other aspects of history. Just about all of them, in fact. But what is palpable is the desire to 'out' someone as a nazi. Oh gosh, we don't get the chance to point the finger like that these days do we. Yes, this person said that! Well maybe not quite but close enough! That means they are nazi, they are evil, and we can put them in the stocks and pelt the fruit. Maybe even they should be hanged? After all, freedom of speech doesn't apply to them - we just decided. No matter that 'freedom of speech' is an inalienable principle that means absolutely nothing if one picks and chooses where it applies. And hitler got his power from this mentality, the witch-hunt - not those who would defend freedom of speech as an absolute against all-comers.

I'm posting this while a bit drunk, probably against my better judgment. But I can promise this - Nick Kollerstrom, bumbling, slightly crazy, likeable, mild-mannered chap that he is, is no nazi. He's just a conspiracy theorist. But hey, why not string him up? After all, we need to stamp on those conspiracy theorists too - they phoned up badger kitten, don'tchaknow, after she launched an public assault on them on her blog. Let's round them up and send them to the gas chambers! Sieg Heil!


((nazis)) :rolleyes:
Well I'll say this about the whole 'holocaust denial' thing. It's not uncommon for some aspects of the holocaust to be questioned in conspiracy theory circles.

And what do we know about people who like to question the holocaust? Deny the holocaust? They are without exception antisemitic. I challenge you to find me a holocaust dener who is not antisemitic.
Why do you think holocaust-denial is looked upon with such revulsion? That antisemitism is 'not uncommon' you admit- does that make it right?

As with many other aspects of history. Just about all of them, in fact.

Are you saying it is okay to lie about the fact that millions of people were exterminated?

But what is palpable is the desire to 'out' someone as a nazi.

Twisting it round so it is about me wanting to out people? What is worse, being a holocaust denier, working at a University, as a committed liar and antisemite, or people expressing revulsion at lies and anti semitic, holocaust-denial views on a bulletin board?

Oh gosh, we don't get the chance to point the finger like that these days do we. Yes, this person said that!

Yes, this person said the holocaust was a lie. This person also said:
The Gestapo and Zionists were collaborating in the late 30s because they had in this respect similar aims.

This person said that concentration camp survivors are false witnesses - liars.
With regard to the gas chambers, the almost endless procession of false witnesses

And he's still at it - denying survivor testimony of recent atrocities and calling survivors liars to this day. Not only that, but he is writing to them, attempting to talk to them and visit , hassling them whilst they eat their lunch. Do you condone what he says and does, Jazzz?

Well maybe not quite but close enough!

What he has said, and written, he has said and written, under his own name, not a pseudonym, repeatedly and publicly, as a matter of record. There's not 'not quite' about it.

That means they are nazi, they are evil, and we can put them in the stocks and pelt the fruit.

If he didn't want people to know he was a holocaust denier, why is he writing essays about it citing his PhD under his real name? Would you rather we didn't discuss it?

Maybe even they should be hanged?

Because discussing holocaust deniers is the same as suggesting capital punishment for them, is it?
After all, freedom of speech doesn't apply to them - we just decided.
Nick seems to be freely writing about his views.
You seem to be freely expressing yours.
I seem to be freely expressing mine.
But here's Nick on freedom of speech, after finding out that a school is teaching about the Holocaust

( writing on a White Supremacist site)

According to my teenager's homework, it seems to be Holocaust week at school again, so all the non-Jewish kids will be learning the Jewish version of it. What do you do when a public institution teaches something is a fact that you believe is not a fact? Well, you can always call the teacher or write a letter, which will have no effect other than to get you a reputation as a dangerous nut. No school will change its policy on this because of any information you cite to them; even if they secretly agree with you, they do not have the courage.

No matter that 'freedom of speech' is an inalienable principle that means absolutely nothing if one picks and chooses where it applies

Nick is advocating writing letters to a learning institution. I see other posters here have also suggested the same on here. After all, Nick is not posting anonymously on Stormfront - he is writing citing his PhD from a University where he is a research fellow. He is open about what he says. Does he seriously expect everyone to remain silent? Do you think remaining silent in the face of a monstrous antisemitic hateful lie is the right reaction? Do you think silence is tacit consent or approval? Do the 'Truth Movement' not make great play of the right to challenge things they believe to be lies? Yet, you are advocating we do the opposite?

And hitler got his power from this mentality, the witch-hunt
No Jazz, Hitler got his power from peddling lies about Jewish people, spreading conspiracy theories about them, how they were liars and how 'Zionism' needed to be routed out.Hitler cited an antisemitic lie, a conspiracy theory about Jews - the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as his justification for genocide, Jazzz. Conspiracy theories can be dangerous.

Hitler refers to the Protocols in Mein Kampf:

... To what extent the whole existence of this people is based on a continuous lie is shown incomparably by the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, so infinitely hated by the Jews. They are based on a forgery, the Frankfurter Zeitung moans and screams once every week: the best proof that they are authentic. [...] the important thing is that with positively terrifying certainty they reveal the nature and activity of the Jewish people and expose their inner contexts as well as their ultimate final aims.[37]

Hitler endorsed it in his speeches from August 1921 on, and it was studied in German classrooms after the Nazis came to power. At the height of World War II, the Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels proclaimed: "The Zionist Protocols are as up-to-date today as they were the day they were first published."[22] In Norman Cohn's words, it served as the Nazis' "warrant for genocide".

not those who would defend freedom of speech as an absolute against all-comers. Nick's beliefs are Hitler's beliefs, given new life after we fought a war to defeat the spread of them and their hateful consequences.

I do not defend hate-speech and lies as an absolute right. Not when history shows what comes of it.

I'm posting this while a bit drunk, probably against my better judgment

I certainly question your judgement, yes.

But I can promise this - Nick Kollerstrom, bumbling, slightly crazy, likeable, mild-mannered chap that he is, is no nazi.

Look at his views, Jazzz. Look what he writes and what he says. He is a Holocaust-denier. He is someone who denies genocide, harasses survivors of atrocities, is an anti semite and a liar and who posts on White Supremacist sites. And he is someone who is your friend, who you consider likeable?
His mannerisms apparently make his views all right?

He's just a conspiracy theorist

I disagree. I've read what he says and he's more than that. And he is a research fellow at a University, where one would think standards and truth are important. He does not keep his views to himself.

But hey, why not string him up?

No, let's not. Discussing his views is not stringing him up.

After all, we need to stamp on those conspiracy theorists too-
Yeah, actually, I do think they should be challenged. Because they are lies, and I think truth is important.

they phoned up badger kitten, don'tchaknow, after she launched an public assault on them on her blog.

I see, nice misrepresentation and twisting of history there. Have you any idea of what went on? I suppose you just gulped down wholesale a false version of what happened by the perpetrators of that particular little campaign. Why am I not surprised?

Let's round them up and send them to the gas chambers! Sieg Heil!

That last remark is beneath contempt.
I am wrestling with whether he is mentally ill or not. If he ( or Kollerstrom) is seriously mentally ill then I suppose I should not be using words like fruitbat about them, and should try to feel pity for them.

No, I disagree. Fuck him. Has he been sacked yet?
But drawing a line around free speech? Nah. Speech with lines around it is no longer free speech. As for grassing people up and seeking their dismissal.... we're straight back to the fear and terrors of a Marxist or Fascist state.

People are free to spout whatever gratuitous nonsense they want. If it's vicious then they must expect repercussions. I'm not into banning people. It's what we do when they are up on their soapbox that matters.

Kollerstrom's modus operandi IS vicious.

Badger Kitten has already outlined the tactics he and other cunts like this used in several 7/7 meetings, heckling survivors and calling them liars during public enquiries, sending hate mail, stalking, defaming...

So what repercussions would you suggest?

My thinking is that a nazi-supporting fruitloon should not be in a position of trust at a University, teaching people.

I would like to see him sacked. I would like to see him unemployable.
Fela Fan is trying to derail it with a truly feeble straw man.

He's just upset because another of his heroes has turned out to be a nazi lunatic. Same as Jazzz.

Funny as fuck. Enough material to torment the sad cunts for months.

You're wasting your time BK, he won't listen, he won't read or accept anything that dosen't backup his paranoid world view, it's tragic really.
Let's be accurate.

We don't know that he is teaching people.

He has heckled and barracked and demanded the floor at a 7/7 book launch attended by maimed survivors, stating the bombers were 'innocent' and the bombs were 'sythetic terror'

It was another 9/11 truther, not him, who attempted to publish my home address, said my husband was an Israeli ( he's from Yorkshire) said he was going to 'come round' and demand money back from me for my book, which Kollerstrom had previously called a 'work of fiction'. I reported this to the police who said they would come round immediately if this happened.

The hatemail was/is anonymous. I don't know who sent it/sends it. Numerous people post abusive stuff to and about me, every time I say that conspiracy theories are toxic. I will keep saying that they are lies, because they are.

Kollerstrom writes and emails survivors and families and on Monday harangued a man from Aldgate at court who was at his lunch break, because I saw him do it and the man was upset.

I don't advocate anything other than letting the Uni know so they can decide what is appropriate, providing links to what he writes, where he cites his PhD, and letting organisers know what he writes, when he is speaking there, so they can decide on a fully-informed basis. I absolutely do not advocate violence of any kind.
As for Jazzz, he's been provided with the evidence, which he can choose to ignore and almost certainly will.

I am wasting my time, so I am now going out.
And what do we know about people who like to question the holocaust? Deny the holocaust? They are without exception antisemitic. I challenge you to find me a holocaust dener who is not antisemitic.

Well I don't think you would accept one because in your logic questioning aspects of WWII would be anti-semitic in itself.

Anyway in all my dealing with Kollerstrom (not too many, I'll admit) I never heard him mention the word 'Jew', certainly never say anything anti-semitic, and he just seems a bit of a bumbling old duffer who wouldn't mean anyone any harm whatsoever. And certainly no 'major player' in the 9/11 movement. I don't believe he is racist. If he's been posting on sites like stor*front though he is very silly, for sure.
Anyway in all my dealing with Kollerstrom (not too many, I'll admit) I never heard him mention the word 'Jew', certainly never say anything anti-semitic, and he just seems a bit of a bumbling old duffer who wouldn't mean anyone any harm whatsoever.

Ah, he seemed OK to you, that invalidates all the nasty shit he's written elsewhere then. Fucks sake. :rolleyes:

If he's been posting on sites like stor*front though he is very silly, for sure.

You just can't admit to the truth can you, even when it's put right in front of you.

It's fucking pathetic.
A very silly, bumbling old duffer?

Are we reading the same things?

Why haven't you commented on what he has written?
Well I don't think you would accept one because in your logic questioning aspects of WWII would be anti-semitic in itself.

Anyway in all my dealing with Kollerstrom (not too many, I'll admit) I never heard him mention the word 'Jew', certainly never say anything anti-semitic, and he just seems a bit of a bumbling old duffer who wouldn't mean anyone any harm whatsoever. And certainly no 'major player' in the 9/11 movement. I don't believe he is racist. If he's been posting on sites like stor*front though he is very silly, for sure.

mat, you're just being a fucking dick. what exactly does the guy have to have done for you to renounce him and his crap? and for the upteenth time, no 'holocaust deniers' actually for one minute believe the holocaust didn't happen. they all know only too well it did but they think it was a good thing and would like to see it happen again. holocaust denial/historical revisionism is all about 'rehabilitating' fascism as the holocaust is a bit of an "image problem" for any latter-day nazis who wish to promote their agenda. an agenda anti-semitism is always fundamental to.

and an agenda evidently held dear by this 'harmless...bumbling old duffer' whose defence you are leaping to.
Maybe he didn't write those things at all, maybe it's all part of a clever ploy by them to discredit the trooofers....

but who are they? The Lizards...or THE JEWS ?

woops! silly me, they're the same thing of course...only some conspiraloons prefer to remain a bit coy and metaphorical:rolleyes:
I really don't like the Witch Finder General aspect, but I don't even know where to start with what I find disturbing about this.

In your world, if people behave in a "bumbling, slightly crazy, likeable, mild-mannered" way - whatever the content, what they say is OK?

So if things are dressed up and presented in an acceptable manner, that makes those things OK? You'll entertain what people say, maybe take what they're saying on board, because of the manner of presentation?

Jazzz, there's some hateful things being said by some of the 'conspiracy theorists' and they sometimes later turn out to be holocaust deniers. The bright ones don't ever even out themselves.

Do you apply the same level of alertedness and questioning to the people that you're spending so much time with?

If we now seek to engage your attention in a different manner ... maybe agreeing with you for the most part, nice to you, make you feel comfortable ... will you entertain our nicely worded criticisms and ideologies quietly slipped in?

In a nutshell, what you've just said is that it doesn't matter what Kollerstrom has said or believes - you're more concerned with the reaction to it.

Nicely put. On the Witchfinder bit i think there are some find distinctions to be made. I'm perfectly happy about the 'outing' of a prominent 9/11er as a holocaust denial-er. Its important to show what kind of people are coming out with this shite. There's a slight distinction between that and actively trying to get him sacked. If that's what happens over the general outing, I've no sympathy - it would be, after all, his own fault. However trying to actively achieve that and justifying it along the lines that he 'teaches students' is less worthy IMO.

But, to Jazz: Cesare raises the key point. I don't normally join in the personal abuse you get over your views. But this is a real test for you. You've been revealed as associating with someone who holds repellent views. How you react says a lot about you. Do you admit that this guy - who you might agree with on 9/11 - holds truly vile views - do you do the decent, difficult, honest thing? Alternatively, do you play linguistic games, try and deflect it, minimise what the guy actually stands for? Over to you.
I don't advocate anything other than letting the Uni know so they can decide what is appropriate, providing links to what he writes, where he cites his PhD, and letting organisers know what he writes, when he is speaking there, so they can decide on a fully-informed basis.

Why on earth didn't you do that already?

There's a slight distinction between that and actively trying to get him sacked. If that's what happens over the general outing, I've no sympathy - it would be, after all, his own fault. However trying to actively achieve that and justifying it along the lines that he 'teaches students' is less worthy IMO.

It is not only about "teaching students". It is far more about shameless abuse of his academic degree, letting it serve to underscore his revisionism. He should be exposed for this by all means possible.

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