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Census 2021

The trouble is that the planning for 'digital assistance' for the 'digitally excluded' was, obviously, undertaken pre-pandemic when inviting old /vulnerable people into centres where they could be helped probably looked like a nice idea.

In a lockdown that 'assistance' is going to take the form of doorstep, socially distanced digital inputting.
Acanthus said:
Belboid: Your response is not only ad hominem, but also crude and makes no logical sense. Sorry, but it's impossible to reason with such replies. Don't be surprised if I ignore similar of what some may call 'drivel'.

Your post was sanctimonious drivel with no content.

I disagree. For me, that earlier post from Acanthus had some interesting content about the Mayor of Stroud's position that I'd never heard about before.
Won't be long before acanthus leaves gets coat
But on a semi-serious note; you can hardly blame them if they did decide to withdraw from the thread when greeted with a 'reply' like this:
No, you’re up your own arse wankers who are stealing £3000 from your community. There is no campaign this time same as their wasn’t in 2001 because no one really gives a fuck but you were manipulated by cleverer people out to abolish the census. And at least the mayor of Stroud campaigned publicly against the l&m involvement
I disagree. For me, that earlier post from Acanthus had some interesting content about the Mayor of Stroud's position that I'd never heard about before.
Yes the greens led a campaign last time. This time ten years ago it had already been running for four years. They don’t seem to be doing so this year, probably because they have just about enough honesty to recognise when something had completely and utterly failed.
I don't really care either way, but it is probably part of the reason why it didn't end up being the "interesting debate" that was envisaged.

I have learnt some things that might be useful though in any case! So it has been useful on the whole
I don't really care either way, but it is probably part of the reason why it didn't end up being the "interesting debate" that was envisaged.
Interesting that you ascribe the failure of the thread to the one instance of "offence" you attribute to the OPer.
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BTW rutabowa I've just remembered that besides that morning's 2 hour 'training' I got where they were just basically panicking about the logistics I did get 2 days in a fancy seaside hotel as well. Cannot remember a single thing we did there, apart from the breakfast and evening meal, but I'm sure we did something. Are you getting the 2 day hotel gig? And aren't you meant to be on training this morning?
BTW rutabowa I've just remembered that besides that morning's 2 hour 'training' I got where they were just basically panicking about the logistics I did get 2 days in a fancy seaside hotel as well. Cannot remember a single thing we did there, apart from the breakfast and evening meal, but I'm sure we did something. Are you getting the 2 day hotel gig? And aren't you meant to be on training this morning?
I'm nearly there!

Most of the training is online, this is just half an hour to check docs and pick up stuff
Not directly, but nonetheless I apologise for any offence caused.
It was wrong of me to categorise all of the ONS staff recruited by Adecco as "goons"; I have subsequently learned that it is only as subset of the field staff that will be specially trained to conduct formal interviews under caution.

View attachment 256759
Just a reminder to anyone else considering non-compliance with this census that to avoid the CPS being able to mount a case against you, it is important not to divulge any details when the 'specially trained' units come knocking on your door after March 21st. Best option is obviously not to answer the door to them, but if you do happen to be confronted...stay quiet. If they don't know who you are they can't prosecute.

She got a summons because she publicly announced she was refusing to comply and was willing to be fined. She acted as part of a campaign which hoped to make a difference (although it didn’t). Fair play to her, I have complete respect for those making such a stand. Her answering the door will almost definitely have been entirely irrelevant to the prosecution.

Plus, after Christmas?? I doubt adecco will employ anyone for ten months
I see.
Are you able to confirm what I've read on the ONS site that:
a) door-to-door fieldwork will take place following the actual census day date of March 21st
b) fieldworkers will input household data (socially distanced) at the doorstep if the householder has not been able to return an online or written form?
She got a summons because she publicly announced she was refusing to comply and was willing to be fined. She acted as part of a campaign which hoped to make a difference (although it didn’t). Fair play to her, I have complete respect for those making such a stand. Her answering the door will almost definitely have been entirely irrelevant to the prosecution.

Plus, after Christmas?? I doubt adecco will employ anyone for ten months
No, I think you're quite wrong about that.
The CPS would not proceed on the basis of reported statements in the media; the ONS make quite clear that successful prosecutions result from direct evidence of wilful non-compliance collected by "specially trained field staff" conducting formal interviews under caution as determined by PACE:

Maybe, but he will have been targeted due to his openness. And if he was done after Christmas, are you really saying no one should answer their door for nine months??!! Seems a tad impractical.
As a reassurance to anyone else considering non-compliance, the chances of prosecution are vanishingly remote.

Of the 1.6M missing households in 2011, only 12,000 received follow-up household visits from the "specially trained" units, (0.75%), and only 157 of those cases proceeded to court, (0.0098%), leading to 120 convictions, (0.0075%).

Roughly a 1 in 13,000 chance of prosecution.
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