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London Mayoral Elections 2021

SK took his seat in County Hall nearly 5 years ago to the day. During that time I am not sure I have heard from him or pronounce on anything. Does he want to expand congestion charging, give free transport to all NHS staff or carers, pronounce on planning applications, close police stations....I know not, not in the run up to the election or at any time :confused:

That's not his fault, though, since he has talked about all of them in detail.

Police stations: Half of London police station counters to close to save £8m

I think he's also said a fair bit more than in that short report.

His 2021 manifesto included several items about planning, for example:

  1. If re-elected, Khan will “review how to further involve local communities in the planning decisions that affect them, including by making the most of interactive technology”, and “will continue to oppose the government's damaging planning reforms, which threaten to remove local decision making from Londoners”.
  2. Khan will “support tall buildings where they are safe, appropriately located and designed to a high quality with tough safety and environmental standards”, but “won’t shy away from opposing those that don’t enhance London’s skyline, or which provide little social or economic benefit”.
  3. He had pledged to “push the government to devolve new ‘use it or lose it’ [housing delivery] powers so that developers don’t sit on their hands instead of building new homes that already have planning permission”.
  4. He will ensure “that regeneration projects funded by City Hall contribute to a more socially integrated London”, and that “valuable community cultural and night-time assets aren’t lost to development, planning changes or the impacts of the pandemic”.
(From here - you have to register: Ten planning-related promises in Sadiq Khan's mayoral election manifesto)

Congestion charge: Khan fought against it being expanded. Mayor sees off plan to extend C-Charge as deal reached on TfL funding

Not sure about free travel for all NHS staff and carers, permanently, anyway. There were a few moves at the beginning of the first lockdown to help keyworkers, many of whom would be NHS staff.
The stuff I mentioned was just throwaway hypothetical examples. He has not exactly been all over the news and I'm not saying he should be like Johnson, but it would have been good to hear from him occasionally. I'm sure I've heard much more from Andy Burnham over recent years, than SK.
The stuff I mentioned was just throwaway hypothetical examples. He has not exactly been all over the news and I'm not saying he should be like Johnson, but it would have been good to hear from him occasionally. I'm sure I've heard much more from Andy Burnham over recent years, than SK.

Even if they were throwaway examples, it was extremely easy to find sources where he'd talked about all of them except the one that's more niche (free NHS worker's travel). None of those sources were exactly obscure, either - the BBC, the Mayor of London website, and Khan's own manifesto. That you missed them is not Khan's fault.

I see him come up in the news quite a bit, so I guess it depends on your sources. Johnson had, as other people have pointed out, the massive advantage of having a mate as editor of the Evening Standard and numerous other "friends" in the media.

Also, I'm not sure how much value I'd put on a politician appearing in the media frequently. That's self-publicity rather than doing your actual job.
By coincidence, checking results, this appeared
" The Mayor of Greater Manchester is the most senior and successful elected Labour Party politician outside the parliamentary leadership of the party.".
By coincidence, checking results, this appeared
" The Mayor of Greater Manchester is the most senior and successful elected Labour Party politician outside the parliamentary leadership of the party.".

Where's that from?

It's highly arguable whether the role is more senior than Mayor of London. Successful is purely opinion - and he does seem pretty good to me, but, not living in Manchester, I don't know much about him. TBH I hardly ever see him in the news, but that doesn't mean he's not being featured, just that I don't see it.
His campaign, just before he pulled out, seemed to be based around asking Londoners to let him stay at their house and... not sure what the next stage would have been after that
Sounded like a scam to sofa surf for as long as possible after losing his job tbh, the scruffy meff

He found out that London is not Afghanistan pretty quick.
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Thank fuck. Khan is OK,


and the last time we had a Tory mayor it was worse than expected - all sorts of tiny local grants immediately cancelled, which changed our community a lot. And this time would have been worse.

although this does mean that tory government will carry on doing their best to bugger GLA / TFL / Met Police funding and blame the mayor for it

Disappointed Binface didn't beat Fox though.


i didn't realise there were quite that many angry incel twats in london...
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