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London Mayoral Elections 2021

I reckon we have just witnessed some new Chinese Communist Party AI bot released into the wild. Expect waves of disjointed references to hobnobs as it crawls through twenty years worth of posts and comes back time after time in new and improved versions. Perhaps U75 is the ultimate AI replicant designer challenge for the CCP engineers.
I reckon we have just witnessed some new Chinese Communist Party AI bot released into the wild. Expect waves of disjointed references to hobnobs as it crawls through twenty years worth of posts and comes back time after time in new and improved versions. Perhaps U75 is the ultimate AI replicant designer challenge for the CCP engineers.
Or maybe he was a stupid cunt troll?
Morning 🌞

If you drill down by constituency it is clear that a significant proportion of voters are still massively confused by the electoral system used in these elections. Especially green voters but also quite a few Binface ones. Lots of votes rejected as well due to people numbering their votes.

Two things - it has been heavily leaked that the Conservatives are going to change the voting system, so this will be the last year of using something vaguely proportional.

This is something of my own chin-stroking, these are the transfers for the top-2 since the post was created. There has to be a reason why second preferences are so predominate amongst Labour voters, and so rare amongst Tory voters.

Ranked changes in preferences/transfers.

1. S. Khan (Lab) 192,313 [2021]
1. S. Khan (Lab) 161,427 [2016]
2. K. Livingston (Lab) 142,842 [2004]
3. K. Livingston (Lab) 134,089 [2008]
4. B. Johnson (Con) 124,977 [2008]
5. S. Norris (Con) 124,757 [2004]
6. K. Livingston (Ind) 108,500 [2000]
7. K. Livingston (Lab) 102,355 [2012]
8. S. Norris (Con) 99,703 [2000]
9. Z. Goldsmith (Con) 84,859 [2016]
10. S. Bailey (Con) 84,550 [2021]
11. B. Johnson (Con) 82,880 [2012]
Two things - it has been heavily leaked that the Conservatives are going to change the voting system, so this will be the last year of using something vaguely proportional.

This is something of my own chin-stroking, these are the transfers for the top-2 since the post was created. There has to be a reason why second preferences are so predominate amongst Labour voters, and so rare amongst Tory voters.
Don't think it's too much of a mystery. Without second preference, the green vote would probably be a bit less, and so would all the fringe candidates. We've already had on here a few people saying they intended binface first pref. Doing that in a fptp system is effectively cock-and-balls but in this system, you have a 'free' vote to go for someone you like/want to make a point with, but know isn't going to win.

It's also a perfect illustration of why fptp is generally great for the tories specifically, and has been for decades. They're the most-hated party. The most-hated candidate doesn't win in proportional and transfer systems.
Don't think it's too much of a mystery. Without second preference, the green vote would probably be a bit less, and so would all the fringe candidates. We've already had on here a few people saying they intended binface first pref. Doing that in a fptp system is effectively cock-and-balls but in this system, you have a 'free' vote to go for someone you like/want to make a point with, but know isn't going to win.

It's also a perfect illustration of why fptp is generally great for the tories specifically, and has been for decades. They're the most-hated party. The most-hated candidate doesn't win in proportional and transfer systems.
I was looking at the results for a well off ward in Bristol earlier. All four main parties get four figure votes for their candidates there but the Tories always win all three seats. They get just enough.
At the GE this stereotypical Tory stronghold actually voted Labour - because all those Labour, Green and Lib Dem votes coalesced to beat the Tories.
Happens all over the place
I did binface second preference. Fuck Labour. I object to the current system because it feels very patronising. There's your pretence at democracy now did you want Tory or Labour?
Fair enough if you object to the idea of electing a single person. Otherwise, I'm not sure there's a much better system than this one out there to do it.
Don't think it's too much of a mystery. Without second preference, the green vote would probably be a bit less, and so would all the fringe candidates. We've already had on here a few people saying they intended binface first pref. Doing that in a fptp system is effectively cock-and-balls but in this system, you have a 'free' vote to go for someone you like/want to make a point with, but know isn't going to win.

It's also a perfect illustration of why fptp is generally great for the tories specifically, and has been for decades. They're the most-hated party. The most-hated candidate doesn't win in proportional and transfer systems.
And why they want to force FPTP everywhere!
I've long thought that all non-tories should favour some form of pr at as many levels as possible. Basic fairness is generally their enemy.
Labour is (and this might blow you mind) split on PR. There's an old guard who can't imagine why anyone would want to vote other than Labour, and though the "it'll let in the BNP" bogey man has disappeared, they're still resistant to change. Look at the AV referendum. And that wasn't even proportional.
Two things - it has been heavily leaked that the Conservatives are going to change the voting system, so this will be the last year of using something vaguely proportional.

This is something of my own chin-stroking, these are the transfers for the top-2 since the post was created. There has to be a reason why second preferences are so predominate amongst Labour voters, and so rare amongst Tory voters.
We've yet to see the full extent of the tories' authoritarianism.
I did binface second preference. Fuck Labour. I object to the current system because it feels very patronising. There's your pretence at democracy now did you want Tory or Labour?
except that one election the Independent candidate did win.

There has to be a reason why second preferences are so predominate amongst Labour voters, and so rare amongst Tory voters.
did the same hold in 2012 or was it more Tory than Labour 2nd prefs then?
could a contributor be the difference between when you know the incumbent candidate's clearly going to win you feel safer putting them as second pref and making a statement with your first pref. but when you know your opposition candidate's going to lose by a big margin anyway you're more inclined to put them as a fist pref?
except that one election the Independent candidate did win.
He would have won fptp though. His vote went up on second round.

(I voted by proxy that year and my mum never told me about the alternative vote system so I only voted for Ken as far as I know.)
Are the Tories still planning to reduce parliament to 600 MPs with a spot of gerrymandering thrown in for good measure? That will be an extra hurdle for opposition parties.
I've met her , she is lovely , but stands no chance.

Green Party did their Mayoral Election launch on Cressingham Gardens. I attended - suitably socially-distanced, of course! - & met her again, as well as the local Green Assembly candidate, Claire Sheppard. As usual, I placed myself to the rear of the audience, so as not to destroy any cameras due to my ineffable sex appeal.
there are no way two million miles of tunnels under london

About 2,000 is more accurate for tunnels (tube & otherwise), although in terms of "chambers", if you include Elizabethan-era cellars, and pre & post-Bazelgette sewers, & culverts, there's probably another 1,000 or so.
The idiot may be counting the GPO/BT piping that carries wire bundles, too. It's all of 10 inches wide!
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