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Several people shot dead in Plymouth 12 August 2021

I had to look up PANDAS it a change in a child's behaviour after a Strep Throat infection and is normally treatable. What is PANDAS Syndrome? so I would guess is his taking money from desperate parents whose children have a range of behavioural issues and he classes them as PANDAS.

'Did your child ever had a sore throat?'
'Yep that's PANDAS, don't go to Big Pharma give me money '

Of course homeopathy wouldn't treat the problem even if it was PANDAS.

ETA edited would to wouldn't :facepalm:
Homeopathic bamboo. And, in all probably, a certain amount of bamboozlement, too... :hmm:

I donated 5 minutes of my life to his Twitter feed, and he ticks a lot of the boxes, most notably the Poor Little Old Me victim posture, following his all-too-brief Twitter ban (presumably for the misogynistic comment). And, of course, he's got his little echo chamber round him.
You are judging him too harshly, many of his clients have tried to kill themselves, by taking an underdose...
The cunt bills himself on Twitter as a "Homeopath specialising in the treatment of autism & PANDAS"

If there is not a professional body to report him to, that tells you quite a lot of what you need to know about homeopaths.

Oh, he has a website: https://alan freestone.com/ (deliberately broken, reassemble it yourself)

And you won't be surprised to learn that he's into treating coronavirus with supplements and homeopath.

The cuntitude just keeps multiplying :hmm:
I read the blurb in the top right corner that said Alan Freestone Homeopath Autism Specialist and thought 'Fuck this, there is nothing more worth reading on this site'
The cunt bills himself on Twitter as a "Homeopath specialising in the treatment of autism & PANDAS"

If there is not a professional body to report him to, that tells you quite a lot of what you need to know about homeopaths.

Oh, he has a website: https://alan freestone.com/ (deliberately broken, reassemble it yourself)

And you won't be surprised to learn that he's into treating coronavirus with supplements and homeopath.

The cuntitude just keeps multiplying :hmm:

Not only a fraud and a quack, but just to really piss me off to the max there's the assumption that autism is a problem needing to be fixed. Cult of the normal. Gah.
Plymouth is still reeling and continues to try and come to terms with this shocking event.
It still feels surreal.
One minute I was saying to my OH that there appeared to be more than one helicopter. We were sat eating our dinner.
Sirens, sirens, sirens.
Wtf is going on?
Local Plymouth Facebook group shares first hand news of the event along with copious amounts of speculation.
Local Police ask residents to stay indoors, shut windows and stay away from them.
We live about 20 min walk from Keyham and were being advised to do this also.
I shop at this Lidl every Thursday afternoon.
That day I did not as was not feeling great.
I can't shift the notion that I could so easily have been the brunt of this maniac's misogynistic ideals.
I wasn't.
There is a sense of vulnerability in the community. There is also a phenomenal amount of support within the community and from all over UK.
Plymouth is a small city but it's people are amazingly supportive of each other.
Plymouth is still reeling and continues to try and come to terms with this shocking event.
It still feels surreal.
One minute I was saying to my OH that there appeared to be more than one helicopter. We were sat eating our dinner.
Sirens, sirens, sirens.
Wtf is going on?
Local Plymouth Facebook group shares first hand news of the event along with copious amounts of speculation.
Local Police ask residents to stay indoors, shut windows and stay away from them.
We live about 20 min walk from Keyham and were being advised to do this also.
I shop at this Lidl every Thursday afternoon.
That day I did not as was not feeling great.
I can't shift the notion that I could so easily have been the brunt of this maniac's misogynistic ideals.
I wasn't.
There is a sense of vulnerability in the community. There is also a phenomenal amount of support within the community and from all over UK.
Plymouth is a small city but it's people are amazingly supportive of each other.
The wife has been feeling like that too. She got caught up in the aftermath driving home. She didn't realise what was actually going on until she was nearly back. All weekend she was getting freaked out by helicopters.
If anyone's in the mood to spend 90 minutes listening to a discussion of these arseholes, 12 Rules for What have a new episode up:
If anyone's in the mood to spend 90 minutes listening to a discussion of these arseholes, 12 Rules for What have a new episode up:

If I had got an hour and a half to spare I'd use it for something pleasant not listening to dicks.
If I had got an hour and a half to spare I'd use it for something pleasant not listening to dicks.
Tbf, I don't think the hosts and guests are dicks, so it's listening to people talk about dicks. But yes, probably not the most relaxing listening either way.
Tl;dl... synopsis?
I'm 15 minutes in and it's about a writer's PhD on anti-feminism. So far it's drawing distinctions between various bits of this movement, but it's dragging a bit. The writer's a bit hesitant in her delivery and the hosts haven't done a good job of coaxing an overview from her. Not great as a podcast, though I suspect her actual work is interesting.
I'm 15 minutes in and it's about a writer's PhD on anti-feminism. So far it's drawing distinctions between various bits of this movement, but it's dragging a bit. The writer's a bit hesitant in her delivery and the hosts haven't done a good job of coaxing an overview from her. Not great as a podcast, though I suspect her actual work is interesting.
You aren’t selling it to me …

Just had this on in the background at work. Good basic overview and not an hour and a half.
Fair - still not listened myself, but I know the interviewee is part of the QAnonAnonymous lot (which I've also not listened to, but I know is quite highly rated), so would've expected her to be quite good at podcasts.

Also, if anyone wants a bit more research on weirdo internet anti-feminist stuff to brighten your day further, here's an article on the tradwife phenomenon: Why Are Gen Z Girls Attracted to the Tradwife Lifestyle?
Fair - still not listened myself, but I know the interviewee is part of the QAnonAnonymous lot (which I've also not listened to, but I know is quite highly rated), so would've expected her to be quite good at podcasts.

Also, if anyone wants a bit more research on weirdo internet anti-feminist stuff to brighten your day further, here's an article on the tradwife phenomenon: Why Are Gen Z Girls Attracted to the Tradwife Lifestyle?
Interesting article, I’ve now realised someone I knew from Uni is a “tradwife”
Iffy in what way? I will give my opinions when I get around to listening to it, but that might take me a while.

Terms are treated in a very surface-level manner - she is not really aware of the history and connotation of terms like "SJW", for example, probably due to the narrowness of her interests and not taking the wider political scene into account. Anyway, have a listen. It's heavy going just due to the number of ums and ahs.
Terms are treated in a very surface-level manner - she is not really aware of the history and connotation of terms like "SJW", for example, probably due to the narrowness of her interests and not taking the wider political scene into account. Anyway, have a listen. It's heavy going just due to the number of ums and ahs.

I think that's just because she's discussing the term SJW as used by the right in the context of gamergate etc, the actual history of the term isn't particularly relevant.

It is very badly edited though, and poorly structured. I think there's probably some useful stuff in there, but tbh can't keep track. '12 Rules For What?' people if you happen to stumble on this, try a bit more scripting and for god's sake get a grip on removing 'ums', 'y'knows' etc.
The history of the term is relevant in terms of the political background, which relates to how these people found each other, the other sites they frequent, their proximity to the far right etc.

I agree that there’s likely useful stuff in there, but unearthing it is pretty painful.
The history of the term is relevant in terms of the political background, which relates to how these people found each other, the other sites they frequent, their proximity to the far right etc.

I agree that there’s likely useful stuff in there, but unearthing it is pretty painful.

Yes, but that is just how it emerged around on-line antifeminism and gamergate. Which they touched on I think? And there is generally an assumption that if you listen to this kind of podcast, you're probably familiar with the context. Maybe they developed it later on. I gave up. And have also forgotten most of it, so we'll leave it there... :D
The graun podcast is a reasonable summary, but didn't really add anything to what I already know as a fairly online millennial (just).
The graun podcast is a reasonable summary, but didn't really add anything to what I already know as a fairly online millennial (just).

Yeah, good for people who have never encountered the terms but that's about it.
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