One thing that really shone out for me, as someone simply burnt out after 16 years of frenetic politics/anti fascist activism by 1987, is that nearly everyone contributing in the book went through the same process. Then a new generation of activists had to come along - often starting from scratch , re-learning lessons we had learnt so painfully. Physical force anti fascist activism is a young person's game in the main. (Though I was in many a quite hairy anti fascist argy bargy alongside a few absolutely ancient but superb AJEX , association of Jewish Ex Servicemen guys, political Zionists all, in Manchester in the early 1970's). The point left unsaid, but nevertheless implicitly posed by the "we all have our moment on the street" thread of the book, is what happens to us old activists afterwards ? The book well describes how many, many of the early Jewish fighters were attracted off to the sterile pastures of political Zionism, and of course the communists were repeatedly lost in the endless policy contortions of the CP dictated by Moscow. Our generation of activist anti fascists are certainly politically "all over the show" too.