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Autumn Booster ? 2023 edition [please change vote as you get jagged]

Having a Autumn Booster - 2023 edition

  • No - not qualified

    Votes: 29 25.4%
  • No - not having one

    Votes: 9 7.9%
  • Yes - AstraZenica

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes - Pfizer [any version]

    Votes: 57 50.0%
  • Yes - Moderna [any version]

    Votes: 5 4.4%
  • Yes - Sanofi [any version

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes - other vaccine [please specify]

    Votes: 7 6.1%
  • Yes - still waiting to make / attend appointment / go to walk-up centre

    Votes: 15 13.2%
  • Comedy option

    Votes: 3 2.6%

  • Total voters


heckling from the back!
Well ?

It's that time of year again ...

Some people will qualify for the autumn booster vaccination against Covid-19

Please vote & change vote as required ...

Many Thanks
currently not qualified as 50-something, although understand there are arguments going on about this.

mum-tat (80+) hasn't heard about getting one yet either.

ETA - and nobody's mentioned flu jab to me or mum-tat yet either
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Just checked what I've got booked ...

Covid on Wednesday 20th about 10miles away from home
Flu on Monday 25th at local medical centre
If you qualify and are registered with a GP in England, havent heard anything and want to see if a suitable time & place is available via the standard online booking system, go here:

I dont qualify but was able to guide my mother through the process using this site today.
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If you qualify and are registered with a GP in England, havent heard anything and want to see if a suitable time & place is available via the standard online booking system, go here:

I dont qualify but was able to guide my mother through the process using this site today.
Yesterday, I had quite the palaver to book my appointment.
{Previously I had asked both my GP and the group practice in the local market town that did the last one ... no and not yet came the answers}
Looked at the option of a "walk-in" centre, most were more miles away than I wanted to travel.
Then the 'use your NHS number' route kept chucking me out at various points.
I tried the 119 line but it cut me off and the wait time was in excess of 25 minutes due to the volume of calls ...
So, I went back to the NHS booking site and used the "don't know my NHS number" route.
That involved a lot more filling in boxes but at long last I was able to make a booking - at a pharmacy within 10 miles.
Yesterday, I had quite the palaver to book my appointment.
{Previously I had asked both my GP and the group practice in the local market town that did the last one ... no and not yet came the answers}
Looked at the option of a "walk-in" centre, most were more miles away than I wanted to travel.
Then the 'use your NHS number' route kept chucking me out at various points.
I tried the 119 line but it cut me off and the wait time was in excess of 25 minutes due to the volume of calls ...
So, I went back to the NHS booking site and used the "don't know my NHS number" route.
That involved a lot more filling in boxes but at long last I was able to make a booking - at a pharmacy within 10 miles.
Had a very similar experience yesterday. The app was groaning under the strain in the day, I think, it just kept stopping working completely. 119 had a 20 min waiting time so I tried the app again in the evening and got booked in for Thursday.

I'm still not entirely sure if diabetics qualify so I chose 'I think I might be clinically vulnerable,' and it booked me in. Said they might ask me some questions about it on the day.

This is just for Covid. If they want to give me the flu jab too when I'm there, all good as far as I'm concerned.
I'm still not entirely sure if diabetics qualify so I chose 'I think I might be clinically vulnerable,' and it booked me in. Said they might ask me some questions about it on the day.
I think they do qualify. I based this on the latest official Greenbook, chapter 14a. This chapter waffles on about the entire history of the vaccination programmes so far, but when I get to Autumn 2023 recommendations it includes:

persons aged 6 months to 64 years in a clinical risk group, as defined in tables 3 and 4

And table 3, which is for people over 16 years old, includes:

Any diabetes, including diet-controlled diabetes, current gestational diabetes, and Addison's disease.

I'm still not entirely sure if diabetics qualify so I chose 'I think I might be clinically vulnerable,' and it booked me in. Said they might ask me some questions about it on the day.
In June there was a tv report saying vulnerable people who had not been contacted to get the Spring covid jab should attend vax centre to get one. I have Type 2 diabetes and had not been contacted though I usually get an invitation. I went along to the local vax centre but I was told that Type 2 diabetes was not included in the 'clinically vulnerable' category unless I had a confirmation letter from hospital consultant.
If you qualify and are registered with a GP in England, havent heard anything and want to see if a suitable time & place is available via the standard online booking system, go here:

I dont qualify but was able to guide my mother through the process using this site today.
Many thanks for this. I was under the mistaken impression I had to wait for an invitation! Now booked.
Is it that time again already? Blimey.
I think I actually qualify agewise now and not just blood issues. Hooray.
Surprised the doctor didn't mention it when I went in last week (she was discussing my latest bloody test results).
I think they do qualify. I based this on the latest official Greenbook, chapter 14a. This chapter waffles on about the entire history of the vaccination programmes so far, but when I get to Autumn 2023 recommendations it includes:

And table 3, which is for people over 16 years old, includes:

Thanks for digging that out, elbows. Not immediately apparent is it?

I booked mine on the strength of this:

UPDATE, 30 AUGUST 2023: The flu jab and Covid-19 booster vaccine programmes start date has been moved forward to the 11th September 2023. This is a precaution due to a new Covid variant being identified. People living with diabetes aged over 6 months are included in the eligible group for these vaccines. Read our guidance below on Covid booster jabs for more information.

I struggled to find anything on the NHS website.
In June there was a tv report saying vulnerable people who had not been contacted to get the Spring covid jab should attend vax centre to get one. I have Type 2 diabetes and had not been contacted though I usually get an invitation. I went along to the local vax centre but I was told that Type 2 diabetes was not included in the 'clinically vulnerable' category unless I had a confirmation letter from hospital consultant.
That was my impression last time around too, Tony. Have a look at elbows post above though - I think we're good this time around.
That was my impression last time around too, Tony. Have a look at elbows post above though - I think we're good this time around.
If last time around was spring, the spring booster campaigns have become far more restricted, mostly just people over 75, care home residents and people classed as immunosuppressed rather than the broader at risk list of conditions. They wont make the autumn campaigns that restricted unless the risk picture substantially changes in future years.
I've had a text asking me to make a booking for CoVID and flu jabs however it was for 7 days and I forgot about it and it expired. I will have to chase it up
Had flu jab today, but I don't think I'm entitled to covid this year? Can't even get it if I paid. :(

edit: just checked, not entitled this time - even though I've had about 4 covid jabs so far...
The last booster messed up my Auto Immune Hepatitis and I steered clear of the Spring Vaxx because of this.
Will be seeing my consultant next week and will ask what he thinks would be best. I'm pretty much still cocooning in so far as I can so I probably wont be meeting people over the winter.
Sometimes you go fully armed in preparation for battle, then...

We got an appointment for Mary, but couldn't get one for me.

The plan was I would go along, and try and blag a vaccination at the same time as Mary.

We got to reception, Mary explained her condition, and that I didn't have an appointment.

'No appointment? Don't worry, we'll do you both. Can't have you catching Covid and giving it to your wife. Come through both of you.'.

Wind ------> <---------Sails. :)

Edited to add:

We got there fifteen minutes early, so we were called through, stabbed, and out before Mary's actual appointment time.

Got a sore arm. It is the 'flu one... maybe. Which vaccine comes in a pre-filled syringe? that was the one in the 'sore' arm, well more a bit of discomfort really. Less than 2 on the man pain scale. :)
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