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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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id guess they both probably get similar traffic, its a bit difficult to ask another blogger about their traffic out of the blue without sounding a dick to be honest
How do you find out about your traffic anyway? I tried using Google analytics for a while but it didn't go well.
How do you find out about your traffic anyway? I tried using Google analytics for a while but it didn't go well.

wordpress and blogger have built in stat counters, you can also use things like sitemeter, which just means adding a bit of code to your template and ive used it on other websites, it works pretty well and is a bit simpler than analytics
id guess they both probably get similar traffic, its a bit difficult to ask another blogger about their traffic out of the blue without sounding a dick to be honest
I meant the volume and style of abuse and proportion of content-free abuse.

You're making a lot of easily checkable statements, which contradict the experience of others. I am suggesting you ask people you trust who have comparable visibility on Twitter but happen to be female what their experience is rather than continue to rely on your imagination.
The crazy no holds barred world of the internet eh :(

enough is enough I'm afraid - calling yourself a blogger because you put some photos of you on holiday on the internet ffs

actually its more a gripe about journalists who spend half their lives slagging off bloggers as unprofessional weirdos and the rest of the time stealing their content and pretending to be bloggers in the hope of getting some online cred
Well, you know, take it out on them. Don't dismiss the general experience of women on-line when you have plenty of ammunition that won't cause collateral damage.

You're pissed off with her because she's appropriating the experience of others and distorting it beyond recognition through ignorance and arrogance. Well, Oxbridge isn't the only means to develop that condition.

/shuts the fuck up
Well, you know, take it out on them. Don't dismiss the general experience of women on-line when you have plenty of ammunition that won't cause collateral damage.

i havent, not once have I questioned anything a single woman on this thread has said about their experiences on the internet and ive rolled back on questioning what laurie said

but yes I am questioning the amount of feedback she gets generally, thats not a gender based issue, if owen jones made the same claim i'd dispute it and he's got a much higher public profile
We still have to speculate about an immature young woman's claims and possible desperate clinging on to a post-crisis wave?

Not what she writes in a considered way for publication but what she farts out on a social medium that is designed to be impulsive and fleeting in nature and where you can't see how many other people are @ing her at the same time or in what manner unless you make an effort to check.

People who have tweeted at her: how many times have you attacked her and how many times have you attacked the misogynists who follow her around? Did you ever try to work out how it looks to someone who can see all the traffic coming in?

Anyway. Seumas? He's getting a free pass on this thread and I'd like to redress that injustice.:)
i don't like all this "immature young woman" stuff, i'm 25 years old, i, and most of my mates are tons more mature than her despite never having the opportunities she's had, it's patronising to her as well coz it says she's somebody that's got to be looked after in some way. know you don't mean that like that i'm just making the point.
'Immature young woman' might be ok in reference to a teenager but c'mon. As I've said before I'd been living away from home for ten years, done a degree, been supporting myself at work and was already a mother by the time I was her age. It's patronising and age doesn't get to be used as an excuse past about 18 IMO.
'Immature young woman' might be ok in reference to a teenager but c'mon. As I've said before I'd been living away from home for ten years, done a degree, been supporting myself at work and was already a mother by the time I was her age. It's patronising and age doesn't get to be used as an excuse past about 18 IMO.
And it's used too often for teenagers. Treated like a kid but expected to act like an adult, etc etc
We still have to speculate about an immature young woman's claims and possible desperate clinging on to a post-crisis wave?

Not what she writes in a considered way for publication but what she farts out on a social medium that is designed to be impulsive and fleeting in nature and where you can't see how many other people are @ing her at the same time or in what manner unless you make an effort to check.

People who have tweeted at her: how many times have you attacked her and how many times have you attacked the misogynists who follow her around? Did you ever try to work out how it looks to someone who can see all the traffic coming in?

As I've said before, I'm 17 and I'm already going back and deleting the immature stuff I've written on Twitter and Facebook. I do post a load of shit but not much of it is offensive, it's just pretentious and boring. I don't claim to be the voice of the youth, even though I'm actually youth. I don't claim every criticism of what I've said is personally aimed at me rather than at what I've written. I don't have a job at a newspaper. I've not got much hope of having a job, let along an actual career. This time last year I was still doing my GCSEs.

It's difficult to be taken seriously just because of how old I am. Laurie Penny does not have this problem. She should not be immune from criticism just because of how immature she is, because she is old enough to be in the position where people don't immediately use her age to shut her up.
i havent, not once have I questioned anything a single woman on this thread has said about their experiences on the internet and ive rolled back on questioning what laurie said

but yes I am questioning the amount of feedback she gets generally, thats not a gender based issue, if owen jones made the same claim i'd dispute it and he's got a much higher public profile

You said you took on board what was said on this thread yet ignored weepipers post,

Also you're just some bloke on the internet with a blog, one of billions. Laurie Penny, Owen Jones are people who appear on radio, TV, newspaper articles and god knows where else. Their audience is massive and varied and as such are going to attract odd balls.

Can't help but think of Jill Dando, I don't know why.
As I've said before, I'm 17 and I'm already going back and deleting the immature stuff I've written on Twitter and Facebook. I do post a load of shit but not much of it is offensive, it's just pretentious and boring. I don't claim to be the voice of the youth, even though I'm actually youth. I don't claim every criticism of what I've said is personally aimed at me rather than at what I've written. I don't have a job at a newspaper. I've not got much hope of having a job, let along an actual career. This time last year I was still doing my GCSEs.

It's difficult to be taken seriously just because of how old I am. Laurie Penny does not have this problem. She should not be immune from criticism just because of how immature she is, because she is old enough to be in the position where people don't immediately use her age to shut her up.
Respect is due, you come across as much older. Fair play to you. :cool:
You're just some bloke on the internet with a blog, one of billions. Laurie Penny, Owen Jones are people who appear on radio, TV, newspaper articles and god knows where else. Their audience is massive and varied and as such are going to attract odd balls.

Can't help but think of Jill Dando, I don't know why.

look back a couple of pages and there's loads of examples of the kind of shit women get on the net.

but apparently LP is such a special one that none of that can apply to her. she's different. cause smokedout says she is.
Have you ever received a PM off me, muscy, on here or on twitter, or is LD just getting pissy because he's been called out and can't handle criticism?
Have you ever received a PM off me, muscy, on here or on twitter, or is LD just getting pissy because he's been called out and can't handle criticism?

you seriously took that post literally and seriously yes? (as opposed to all the other times similar digs have been made which you (and revol) have took in the spirit intended - like this one here for example)

as for being called out and can't handle criticism, you said yourself yesterday on facebook you mostly agree with what i've said on here
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