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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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To be honest, uncle Schmuley does sound a little bit imaginary. Having said that, I've got a great-great grandad that protested the forced labour of some native Brazilians by sharing food with one of them in a public square. He got arrested over it and some freemasons campaigned to get him released. Sounds completely fictional and a little bit bonkers, but it's actually true. So I believe you Panda.

Social and family history is made up of supposedly-implausible occurrences though, isn't it? :)
Social and family history is made up of supposedly-implausible occurrences though, isn't it? :)

True, like the fact that my mother and stepdad's families were acquainted before my mother had married and divorced my biological father and married my stepdad instead. Odd, yes. Implausible-sounding, yes. True, absolutely.
True, like the fact that my mother and stepdad's families were acquainted before my mother had married and divorced my biological father and married my stepdad instead. Odd, yes. Implausible-sounding, yes. True, absolutely.

That's nothing. Before I was even born and knew anything about it, my brother, my mum, and my dad all were acquainted and had been living together for several years. It's a small fucking world, I'll say that.
That's well fucking degenerate!! :eek:


It's like something you'd see in a documentary about isolated villages where everyone is related.

So people are going around dressed like this


...roleplaying racists?

Human beings are so weird
Why would anyone even think such a thing? There's nothing remotely fash about wanting to hark back to a golden age of empire while parading around modern fancy weapons on view.

the Dead Sea Scrolls – which tell a weird alternative history of Britain.
One of the key changes to accepted reality is that Oswald Mosley, the British fascist leader who courted Hitler in the 1930s, actually got to form two governments. His ministers include Enoch Powell, the notorious racist politician who by some strange chicanery ends up joining the prog-rock band, Gong, and Tim Hardin, the heroin-addicted late-’60s singer-songwriter, who becomes Mosley’s Culture Secretary.
In isolation, the songs about these implausible developments – the wry chucklemaster Haines on Powell; the pithier Coughlan on Hardin – are baffling, and leave you hanging on for every line in disbelief. Elsewhere, Haines has Ian Ball, the man who attempted to kidnap Princess Anne in 1974, sitting in Broadmoor psychiatric prison, mistakenly believing himself to be the same Ian Ball who sang in the Mercury Prize-winning alt-blues combo, Gomez.

is this the same thing? :hmm:
Laurie Penny is attending the Republica13 event in a function hall/former rail store house in Kreuzberg called the 'Berlin Station'

Here is what it is all about.

Here are the other speakers

This is the twitter discussion.

Laurie Penny: So tomorrow I'm giving a talk in Berlin which will be the first outing for the ideas in my *drumroll* upcoming ebook, Cybersexism. Nervous.

Twitter: I'm going to Berlin on Friday for a few days, let me know if you find any cool places to go/eat.

Laurie Penny: A bar called Silver Futures is my favourite. The sign on the wall says 'you are now leaving the heteronormative sector.' <3

Laurie Penny: it is full of awesome drinks and smart queer people and I made lots of friends there. In Kreutzberg. Go go go.

Off-topic single post:

The back story to these kinds of events in Kreuzberg: rising numbers of arts/design/subculture/neo-punk Germans and also foreigners (regarded as tourists) profiting from the 'ethnic' background of the area - T-shirt designs with 'Kotti', pictures of the old housing used as art, (at first) benefiting from cheap market goods but producing something 'art' 'nightlife' etc that is virtually closed off due to cost to the once mostly Turkish and Arab residents.
It has reached a point where Berlin Burlesque Academy (sic) as well as the British Shorts Film Festival (German equivalent of poncy foreign films) are both based in Kreuzberg - alongside dozens of galleries, craft centres, internet start ups, hotels and 'euro-bars'.
Leading to anti-tourist feeling.

Obviously rent increases come as well, even back in 2008 people were complaining of 600 euros a month rent for a 'normal' 3-bed home in an apartment block - very high - most housing in Germany is private landlord.
2012 Protests at rent increases:

youth protests in the evenings


and street encampment at the end of 2012.


On Valentine's Day 2013 an eviction occured in Kreuzberg (over late payment of rent under new terms and conditions), of the Gulbol family - the end of a six year legal battle. Neukolln leftists and local residents tried to stop it - leading to some burnt cars.

Most low income residents are being forced out to the outskirts of East Berlin - a bit like moving someone from Ealing to outer Redbridge.
And they lack ambition and sneer at creative people.

That word has boomeranged in an unexpected fashion. :D

Oxford Union = ambition (to be on the side of business)

Former Oxford Union President - describing himself as "PHD Candidate and Entrepreneur in Innovation and Crowdsourcing" has set up an internet company that offers "Online problem solving for businesses".

Does it match Molly Crabapple's idea of a DIY Empire - 5 Minute Talk in New York from 2010:

Here is another former president of the Oxford Union - this time a tax lawyer actively resisting state revenue collection from some of the largest tax evading firms in Europe.

Barker, Harper & Wickes v HMRC (First-Tier Tribunal)

Barclays Bank plc v HMRC (Judicial Review, High Court)

Bath Festivals v HMRC (VAT Tribunal).

Recent advisory work

Restructuring family trusts (UK and international)
Business & Agricultural Property Relief
Estate planning
Varying estates
Entrepreneurs’ Relief
Tax consequences of exercising collective enfranchisement rights

This list is ambition realised.
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