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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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He's ambitious

Yes it comes out in him advising people from another country and in particular that country's left on what they should do (Spain overall official unemployment rate 27.2%):

The Spanish left ought to find a voice independent of the bellicose trade unions and accept the need for labour market reform
sihhi you are just brilliant at collating this stuff, I'm convinced that you have folders of class enemies :)
Good at reporting on riots:

Joseph D’Urso, a second year PPE student at New College who lives in Birmingham, described Monday night’s riots in his home town, saying, “a huge number of people gathered, and started rampaging through the city centre, smashing up shops and looting. Public transport was cut at about 10pm and it was impossible to get taxis so the entire inner ring road was like a warzone, poorly policed and with no transport. Looting continued until 3ish.”

lol. I'll admit I've never been in a war zone but I was in town for the riots from the start until sometime late (can't remember when I left tbh, midnight or something I'd guess but it's too long ago now).
huge number of people = around 100-200 initally, maybe a few hundred more joining in over the evening (again long time ago now so my memory may be faulty)

afaik, number of deaths (on the Monday night in town - the deaths happened on the Wednesday outside of the centre, though I can't remember where now) = zero, number of serious injuries = zero. Number of windows broken = lots, amount of severe property damage = zero. number of fires = zero.
That doesn't sound like a war zone to me.

the police lost control sure and there was no public transport but by 10pm everyone was long gone from the city centre anyway, except those rioting and those watching (and the police). There's not much in the way of residential stuff inside the inner ring road either.

Shops were attacked but by and large people weren't - the only one I saw was a photographer and as soon as they had his camera they left him alone. I've had enough other people tell me they saw looters being mugged (only for the muggers to get mugged by others) but really none of it was aimed at people.

I'm guessing he wasn't there, even though he makes his account sound like a first hand one.
Nancy Pelosi possesses the talent of a heavyweight political leader in captivating a big audience, as anyone who was at the Union on Monday night witnessed.

But in her more intimate interactions with Oxford students she also demonstrated the talent of a grandmother, gifted at dealing with inquisitive young people.

Tasked with looking after her between her mid-afternoon arrival and late evening talk, I took her on a tour of the city before dinner at the Union. I was anxious to protect such a conspicuous individual from intrusive crowds.
By the Union a scruffy looking young man in a ragged leather jacket barged in front of her, pointing a camera in her face. While security staff and I were preparing to usher her inside and block the man’s way, Pelosi struck up a conversation.

“So Jake, where would you like a photo then? Is this OK? How about this? Is that enough? It was nice meeting you Jake, you have a great day!” She carries congressional keepsakes with her, giving them out to people she meets, and has learned committee members’ names and stories before she is introduced. “Come see me in my office if you’re ever in Washington!”

As leader of the House Democrats she uses these skills to convince a disparate group of over 200 politicians, each with their own beliefs, to vote a certain way. It is initially hard to tell whether Nancy Pelosi is so good with people because she is a politician, or whether Nancy Pelosi is a politician because she is so good with people. After several hours in her company I came to believe the latter.

Her biggest legislative achievement as Speaker between 2007-2011 was extending health insurance to tens of millions of poor Americans. ‘Obamacare’ was signed into law in March 2010 after a brutal fight on the marble floors of Congress and the TV screens of America. “They spent two-hundred million dollars lobbying against the bill. That’s a lot of money, especially when it goes unanswered.”

The House Democratic caucus is now more than half female, ethnic minority or LGBT. However, she believes unrestricted ‘super PAC’ funding of political advertising is impeding further progress.

“If you reduce the role of money in politics, you’ll elect more women. Women always have an advantage in terms of ethics in government.

“Mostly people trust women more, so they go right at you on ethics. They’ll invent something. Do people want to be mischaracterised so their kids are coming home from school crying?”

A politician frequently vilified by her opponents, she has little time for the culture that dominated Congress upon her arrival in 1987.

In her book Know Your Power she describes how male colleagues were initially polite but uninterested in her political opinions. She got hers across anyway.
“It was shocking to them that a woman would speak in this male bastion. They said ‘it’s not your turn’. We said ‘no, we’ve been waiting two hundred years!’”

On Monday, one student raised the topic of the 2016 presidential race, half-jokingly asking if she was going to become the first female President. Pelosi was surprisingly open in her response. “Hillary Clinton is the full package. She’d be great. I just don’t know if she wants to do it, but I’m hoping and praying she runs in 2016.”

Earlier over dinner she told me that “Hillary Clinton would be President of the United States right now had she voted against the Iraq War. It was a ridiculous false premise, the evidence and intelligence was not there. There was no reason for us to go there, she voted for war and never abandoned her vote.”

The Iraq Resolution split the Democratic caucus in half. She doesn’t want it to happen again. She tightly whipped her troops for the Obamacare vote, which was split almost exactly down party lines – 219 ‘ayes’ to 212 ‘noes’.

“Bipartisanship is a very popular idea in America, and as long as they can make him [Obama] look partisan, they diminish him. He is not really a political president, and that’s what people love about him, but they try and paint him another way.”

Pelosi now has her sights on gun control. She gets more serious, unnervingly beating a steady rhythm on the table.

“We are not giving up. Even though we do not have a majority in the house, we fully intend to build up support. A drumbeat, if you wonder why I’m doing this, across America, to show that something must be done.

“Asking our Republican friends to join our bill, we told them 90% of their constituents support this, and they all say ‘well I haven’t heard from any of them, I’ve only heard from the other side’.”

Although ‘government’ has become a dirty word to many in America, Pelosi does not shy away from defending its importance.

“Government shouldn’t be bigger than it needs to be, but the founding fathers saw that there needs to be a public role. There are people in Congress who are at war with government. They have daily votes on things that do not support clean air and water, food safety, healthcare, social security. There has to be a public role.”

“I sometimes ask them, do you have children? Do you have grandchildren? Do they drink water, eat food, breathe air? What is it that makes you think there should be no referees on the field here?”

“I say to my Republican friends, and I have many, ‘take back your party’. To have this disruption instead of collaboration or compromise, it’s just… you just can’t do that, I can’t believe it.”
oh my god how is this shit published by "left foot forward" hes a fucking tory!

The employed in Spain, which currently amounts to just 77% of the adult population, are split into two categories. Around two thirds are permanent workers on fixed contracts. Making these employees redundant is phenomenally costly as the maximum limit of severance pay is 42 months salary.
These workers are largely insulated from recession, and some are even seeing generous pay rises through Spain’s centralised collective bargaining system.
oh my god how is this shit published by "left foot forward" hes a fucking tory!

The employed in Spain, which currently amounts to just 77% of the adult population, are split into two categories. Around two thirds are permanent workers on fixed contracts. Making these employees redundant is phenomenally costly as the maximum limit of severance pay is 42 months salary.
These workers are largely insulated from recession, and some are even seeing generous pay rises through Spain’s centralised collective bargaining system.

Left foot forward is a Blairite website, isn't it? A couple right-wing Labour people at my uni write for it sometimes.

The analysis is just awful - http://www.leftfootforward.org/2013/05/let-the-tories-do-a-2005-all-over-again/
remarkable and inspiring, which marks her out from most women, who are of course unremarkable and uninspiring.

Did you know that Oxford students are actually labouring under a status of oppression?

Comments on Mail Online such as 'do these dipsticks really have the mental ability to attend such an establishment?' demonstrate a funny situation in which Oxford as an institution is granted respect and deference by the general public, but the people who inhabit it are not. Oxford students aren’t given much of a chance. Either we are toffs and reactionaries, elitists and traditionalists, or we are whinging left-leaning typical students. If the latter is true, it is only interesting because we are meant to be the former.

:mad: The struggle for Oxford students to be given a chance begins here.
All those who didn't attend Oxford can henceforth only be allies.
Left foot forward is a Blairite website, isn't it? A couple right-wing Labour people at my uni write for it sometimes.

The analysis is just awful - http://www.leftfootforward.org/2013/05/let-the-tories-do-a-2005-all-over-again/

It's not really, just pro-Miliband fight the Tories stuff:


Labour needs to be a strong opposition, and a good example is its pledge to reverse the NHS Health and Social Care Act. Further achievements will be ensuring that a growth programme for housing and jobs is central to economic policy.
There is nothing wrong with Ed, as leader of the Labour party, claiming the right to decide the direction of the party – indeed it is necessary – but this means listening to key players such as McCluskey. The fear of being labelled ‘red’ shouldn’t drive the party to mimic the Tories; Miliband should find a way to identify a common discourse with McCluskey. The electorate will thank him for it in 2015.
Check your privilege sihhi!

I'm sorry, are you making light of the suffering and stereotyping Oxford students face?
St. Andrew's believes it is more oppressed because it faces anti-Scottish oppression aswell and hence is in an intersection of its own with a special right to enter meetings at a higher level of the progressive stack, but the stereotyping against Oxford is something phenomenal this should be made clear in a new organisation tumblr account with Mehdi Hasan (Oxford P-P-E) as an honorary supporter.
Why are British workers too lazy to do the work that immigrants do? Probably because they are racist, if only they'd pick up the New Statesman...

The NS has rightly attacked the Mail Online for homophobic articles, when will it address this pressing issue?

Comments on Mail Online such as 'do these dipsticks really have the mental ability to attend such an establishment?' demonstrate a funny situation in which Oxford as an institution is granted respect and deference by the general public, but the people who inhabit it are not.

Please can the general public be educated on this point?
Who the fuck reads the New Statesman anyway?

I do.

I never have. Why would I?

Decent arts section. Occasional good articles, plus "know thine enemy". Always worth knowing which way the wind is blowing in terms of who's backing Labour.
Of course, there's some utter shit in it too. Will Self's columns, and Ed "turn everything into a cricketing analogy because I'm a boring cunt" Smith, for example.
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