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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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She looks like she takes her fashion tips from Pete Doherty, and by the pasty, blotchy look of her skin and the nasally sound of her voice, that's not all she's all she's following him in...
We don't focus on her appearance, but her overall body of work. Commenting on her appearance descends into bullying and puts the thread on a par with the Daily Mail.
We don't focus on her appearance, but her overall body of work. Commenting on her appearance descends into bullying and puts the thread on a par with the Daily Mail.

OK, it was my honestly expressed opinion, but as three people have immediately reacted in the way you have, I'll happily remove it as being thought inappropriate.

Those of you who've quoted me are welcome to delete or leave as you see fit.
That was my honest and immediate reaction on watching it - I've never had the pleasure of watching/hearing Lol perform before
Why would your honest and immediate reaction be about what she looks/sounds like rather than what she's saying?
What you doing on this thread if you've never read her work?

As I thought I'd explained above, I have previously read her work but have never seen/heard her speak until I watched that video.

The first impressions it made on me were, as I said, not to do with what she was saying, but in what she looked like (some of which others have also commented on) and what she sounded like
Because that's what generally happens when you watch someone speak rather than reading what they've written
I agree that in watching someone, you take in details of how they look and sound. But I don't agree that in commenting on their speech you necessarily make extrapolations about their personal life based on that as your first reaction. This morning I watched Simon Hughes busy trying to minimise the collapse of the LibDem vote in South Shields, but whilst I inevitably formed a view about his face and dress and voice it didn't occur to me to make extrapolations about his personal life from that as my first reaction.
I agree that in watching someone, you take in details of how they look and sound. But I don't agree that in commenting on their speech you necessarily make extrapolations about their personal life based on that as your first reaction. This morning I watched Simon Hughes busy trying to minimise the collapse of the LibDem vote in South Shields, but whilst I inevitably formed a view about his face and dress and voice it didn't occur to me to make extrapolations about his personal life from that as my first reaction.

I didn't intend, particularly, to make extrapolations, rather to say what it made me think of, which isn't something we should draw any firm conclusions about. I accept that what I wrote came across that way, and that was careless of me.

I did it, I was wrong, I'm responsible, I've deleted my comment and I apologise.

Let's get on with the rest of the thread now...
"Feminism is not an identity" then why treat it as one? Or has she changed her mind?
PD's Multitudinous Positionism again isn't it.

I think she may have been ill. No excuse for terrible argument though. At 7:25, Laura says she walked out when someone said that "the most important thing a woman can ever do is hold a child she's given birth to" (and we don't know if she mangled that person's words) but here we have Camila Vallejo saying that her pregnancy is the greatest thing that has ever happened to her. In Laura's mad little self-orbiting bubbleworld, does that mean Camila is rubbish at feminism? Really communisn't? A little bit patriarchy even?
Cde Vallejo said:
This [pregnancy] has not emerged from calculations or frivolity, only from our love and our youth that is more than a question of age, but rather of energy and convictions, [This] has been reaffirmed much more now that inside of me grows another powerful reason to continue fighting for a country that is without abuses, truly just, and much happier, which is where I want my baby to grow up.

I would like to tell everyone that nothing in this life, let alone in this country, is easy, and there are millions of women who carry out their pregnancies in much more adverse contexts than I will.
"We Oxford Students are the ambitious, more than anyone else. People need to listen to us."

I know you weren't really asking but...


By "regularly taking part in political debate" do they mean calling tories cunts on the internet or something more rarified? And by hold an elected position do they mean treasurer of the darts club or treasurer of the treasury?

i think i know the answer to that :(
Jemima Khan’s interview with Liberal
Democrat leader Nick Clegg led the news
agenda, with much of the coverage
focusing on his admission that he “cries
regularly to music”. A rare instance of a
political interview which redefines public
perception of its subject

yes, it doesn't say what the perception was changed to though :facepalm:
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