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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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well no . Its actual art as opposed to someone just getting their fanny out and their legs open . Your supposed to appreciate it, not have a wank over it .

dont be asking me to define art though, im not melvyn bragg .
I wonder where the line is. I guess it depends on the person viewing it.
I wonder where the line is. I guess it depends on the person viewing it.

it depends on the person creating it, what theyre trying to convey . Monet cant help it if someone starts ogling the tits on his paintings for sexual purposes, but it doesnt make him a pornographer if they do .
Pornography though is produced for the sole purpose of aiding ..and even abetting..masturbation .
it depends on the person creating it, what theyre trying to convey . Monet cant help it if someone starts ogling the tits on his paintings for sexual purposes, but it doesnt make him a pornographer if they do .
Pornography though is produced for the sole purpose of aiding ..and even abetting..masturbation .
What if it's produced primarily for money?
if an image is produced primarily for money its a commercial enterprise . Commerciality though certainly doesnt determine whether somethings porn or not .
One of the worst things about the US hipsters and twitterati is that they are living in a country of such extremes, people literally dying on the street and many millions on foodstamps while others live in massive mansions and spend obscene amounts on luxuries (yes its starting here) its just makes their petty pecadilloes, interests, and obsessions even more crass and bewildering...

the sad fact is a lot of them probably love it, as the odd glimpse of it every now and again is an experience and adds to the trendiness value of a district they havent quite gentrified just yet .
Casually Red said:
ill bet hes got a guy fawkes mask and everything..pwopa nawty

There are actually many parallels between Laurie Penny's brand of journalism and that of Danny Dyer's when you stop and think about it.
There are actually many parallels between Laurie Penny's brand of journalism and that of Danny Dyer's when you stop and think about it.

i actually called her a danny dyer type lefty a number of pages back..mebbe 2 days ago . Its like she was chosen by some executives because she represents a sort of stereotypical realness thats completely fake . And chosen for perceived marketability over actual ability . And as its her stereotype thats the only marketable asset she has shell just keep going full tilt in that direction playing up to it without a shred of self awareness . Making regular howlers along the way .
basically shes a meme, probably why hipsters like her

laurie has been known to turn out a good piece when talking about feminism and sexuality and rape. We do mock, but for all her reams of shite there is some good bits- someone dig out the rape piece for me. It was a good honest piece.

for all the mockery, she does have a nascent skill. If she'd stop winging it.
Not being personal but if you are referring to an affluent upbringing and its relation to your political activies/inclinations, you really have nothing to worry about, while of course there are concerns about MC domination of the left, I think you would be an asset to any organisation with your deep compassion and maturity beyond your years.

Now, about joining Left Unity...

cheers mate. i dont have the energy right now. i'm pulling 11/12 hour days at the mo if you coubt travel. get home and can stay up watching crap documentaries and speaking to the bf and it gets to 10/11pm at night and i'm fucked.

i really am in a better position than lots of my mates tho, probably most of them, although i do know some in better situations than me.

i reckon being involved with any stacks or anything would send me over the edge
laurie has been known to turn out a good piece when talking about feminism and sexuality and rape. We do mock, but for all her reams of shite there is some good bits- someone dig out the rape piece for me. It was a good honest piece.

for all the mockery, she does have a nascent skill. If she'd stop winging it.

so did danny dyer in the beginning

i honestly came to this thread thinking all the bitching was just lefty cosmopolitan parochialness about someone whod gone too mainstream or something . Im usually of the opinion that if someones promoting a left wing view point theres usually something positive in it . But almost 600 pages of pointing out the stuff shes doing horrifically wrong , that shes definitely reading, and there doesnt seem to be a flicker of self awareness . A pity .
No one can ever keep a bunch of whinging lefties happy unless youve guns in their backs but the ability to self critique, admit mistakes and take legit criticism on board is a sign of maturity and character . Shreiking about mysogyny and jealousy when she encounters criticism strikes me as superficiality and a complete lack of conviction in actual beliefs , and that the leftism is more an adopted pose or persona, and the worry is that weakness in character will eventually extend to her politics as well .

Although im old and wise now and she was only in nappies when...all that stuff .
oh yeah...me and krtek ahouby kissed and made up today and called off our long running internet feud . Thats maturity, i practice what I preach ms penny, if your reading this . Behold my maturity and learneth a lesson .
Yeah it sounds awful.

If I'm honest I've suffered quite badly with mental health issues and feeling guilty on the basis of my upbringing (or whatever) and other things that I had no control over and to be honest if i'd got involved with shit like this it would have sent me into a really really dark place.

Me too - still do at times. At least we now have the option of suggesting that anyone who hasn't check their fucking privilege :rolleyes:

Stay strong
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