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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Perhaps unrelated but I saw it in a bit in Moldova, people living in what is basically a third world country being told to feel guilty about africa "the third world".
Perhaps unrelated but I saw it in a bit in Moldova, people living in what is basically a third world country being told to feel guilty about africa "the third world".

You think YOU'VE got it bad? Stop complaining and don't try and change your circumstances, it could be worse :mad:
Fuck this.

I'm off to find some other privileged folk like me. And together we can do privileged stuff like what us privileged types should.

Is that better?

No because they would point to your being both white and male and feeling entitled to have a fun time at the expense of others when you could be doing stuff with them to struggle against their oppression - you need "to have your wrongness shown the hell up" 'you, chilango are showing chunks of racism and sexism, stop brutalising people' you are not allying with liberation properly.

This end of things has gotten awful depressing.

Perhaps unrelated but I saw it in a bit in Moldova, people living in what is basically a third world country being told to feel guilty about africa "the third world".

Intersectionality in the classroom.

A lesson based around this idea: http://kotaku.com/5910857/straight-white-male-the-lowest-difficulty-setting-there-is

as adapted to make the intersections clearer: http://www.firstpersonscholar.com/the-other-difficulty-mode

"Activating multiple skulls in a Halo game effectively models intersectional forms of oppression. The individual effects of each of these skulls do not simply run in parallel; rather, they intersect, overlap and interlock, just like systems of oppression."

The model of social life is still a contest - whether running track (Kimberle Crenshaw) or a computer game (John Scalzi).

Would you want (or want your kid, niece/nephew etc) to attend this kind of lesson?
they very strongly identified that their potential power in society came at the point of production though...

They are also writing in a context of a segregated job floor and UAW labor leaders having their rest facilities (holiday camp) where no black UAW workers had the subs to take advantage of it.

Can this be faulted in 1970 when it was written?

The League responds to this oppression with a new and vital vigor, Black workers "entered industry on the lowest rung of the industrial ladder" (18), and that is where they remain. Organized labor has not contributed much to black labor, and the few exceptions like the IWW and the UMW have not been enough to offset the systematic exclusion and assault of black Iabor, The League knows this. It recognizes this fact of betrayal as a fossil. What follows is that something must be done, and the League is doing it.
they very strongly identified that their potential power in society came at the point of production though...
Yes, wasn't saying they were identity politics types in the modern sense, far from it; it was to do with making class unity work by stopping divisive defence of racist advantages if I have it right.
No 'progressive stack' here. Black Panthers meet Young Patriots.

Had there been a progressive stack would women in the BPP/Young Patriots/White Panthers/Young Lords etc been better treated? because 'minorities' are the majority there women go to the top of the running order.
The claim of a progressive stack: That the chauvinists/ism with the BPP would have changed their dumping of childcare, behaviour, attitudes etc because women were granted first and many rights to speak.
Yes, wasn't saying they were identity politics types in the modern sense, far from it; it was to do with making class unity work by stopping divisive defence of racist advantages if I have it right.

This amazing film from 1970 Finally Got The News is worth a watch :)

As far as I can remember, the theory was that black workers position in production and distribution was such that they had the ability to shut society down (and the greatest interest in doing so) and would therefore act as the vanguard of the revolution (in the Leninist sense of that word).

No 'progressive stack' here. Black Panthers meet Young Patriots.

Ain't anything new under the sun. Thanks for linking this vid, makes the point near perfectly.

I think though that this doesn't demonstrate some of the issues found at Occupy IME because the people at this meeting were from the same/similar community and class, therefore could see/feel they had much more in common to begin with.
As far as I can remember, the theory was that black workers position in production and distribution was such that they had the ability to shut society down (and the greatest interest in doing so) and would therefore act as the vanguard of the revolution (in the Leninist sense of that word).

It had a certain kind of warped logic in that sanitation/water supply and power station loaders for key connurbations were very often black. Although even in those fields across the country as a whole white workers were still a majority - also coal mining even by 1970 was mostly white.
From a few months ago. Leery sexism :mad:
I sort of love seeing girls in Hijab over skin-tight designer jeans with major camel toe. London: never change.

And this bollocks about the London which she doesn't like anymore cos it's full of h8rs.
Being poor and homeless and despairing here is not like being poor and homeless and despairing anywhere else. I have seen this city swallow friends whole, chew down its young for the meat and life under the skin and spit them out old and traumatised. London does this. You plonk your youth like an offering on the steps of Liverpool Street Station and you just have to hope the city will leave you a life worth living as it slurps up the marrow of your dreams. I will never forgive it. I will never stop loving it.

But it's all got a bit much lately, what with the total policing and the hysterical run-up to the Olympics. I need a break, and I'm fucked if I'm going to the country. London and I need some time apart. I've saved up some money and I'm leaving today tooff to see other cities for a while, starting with New York, which is a great floozie of a town with a far inferior subway system. But I'll be back, because it'll take more than godawful tea and all-night cupcake shops to make me forget where I come from. I come from the best city in the world ever. I come from London.
Re-posting this because I can't edit the post muscovyduck PMed me to make it clear:
Here is the 'Girls Gone Wild' payment in context.

A poster marie123 asks:
But what about when the "smart girls" who still want to be seen as sexually desirable have to do it on 'stupid terms', not those that allow them some self-respect and choice in the matter? It might become a dynamic of "show us your boobs!" or "no sexual intimacy/pleasure for you"

Molly Crabapple responds:
They should seek out partners who aren't frat boys.
And if a smart chick does show her boobs to GGW or make out with her best friend for attention? So what! It doesn't take away from her IQ or ability to get shit done. Sexiness (even tanned, Maxim sexiness) is not incompatable [sic] with smarts. The only people who are negatively affected by this are women too dumb to monetize their hotness or cultivate anything about themselves besides being hot. Most women (like most men) are never going to be astrophysicists. It's more productive to give financial and media support to articulate, brilliant //

Yeah it sounds awful.

If I'm honest I've suffered quite badly with mental health issues and feeling guilty on the basis of my upbringing (or whatever) and other things that I had no control over and to be honest if i'd got involved with shit like this it would have sent me into a really really dark place.

Not being personal but if you are referring to an affluent upbringing and its relation to your political activies/inclinations, you really have nothing to worry about, while of course there are concerns about MC domination of the left, I think you would be an asset to any organisation with your deep compassion and maturity beyond your years.

Now, about joining Left Unity...
The only people who are negatively affected by this are women too dumb to monetize their hotness or cultivate anything about themselves besides being hot.

So the message here is make pornography out of yourself or you're stupid, if after making pornography out of yourself you find that there are negative consequences then that is just because you are dumb.

Nice person, this Molly.
Stoya steps into the tub and swims in a mass of green gauze ribbons and play money printed by Crabapple herself. Crabapple’s $10,000 large-scale paintings of 2011′s political uprisings surround her; a rented bodyguard named Mike watches nearby. As Stoya poses in the tub, a throng of Occupy activists, lefty journalists, Jezebel bloggers, and burlesque stars in blue latex take turns snapping Instagram shots with her. The stench of marijuana wafts across the gallery. The windows around the tub steam up. “This is the New York I was promised,” Stoya says outside in her fur and heels, lighting one more Parliament. – Village Voice: Stoya, Pop Star of Porn
How much?
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