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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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makes me angry, my best mate, who posts on here, lives in the usa and wants to visit me but can't because of a shortage of time and money, shes been meaning to the last couple of years. I'd love to visit Florida where she now lives but can't. Plainly my horizons aren't broad enough.
Toby Young was on Radio 4 News at 1 the other day supporting that Tory who suggested an end to toddlers running about with no purpose, doing so by arguing that there's evidence to show that it's children from deprived backgrounds who benefit most from an academic nursery education. I actually made a complaint to the BBC :oops: about how they've given him the authority to speak on a subject that isn't his field because he's a powerful, middle-class man promoting and benefiting from Tory education policy.

He came across as an ignorant ideologue; his touchstone contributions in the several interviews he's done on the subject are:

1. his portrayal of Rousseau as the guiding light of all bad nursery education!

2. one report by some US economists into the effects of different pre-school education approaches.

He was completely unable to deal with the very strong evidence provided by the Finnish experience; one where late entry to formal education and play dominated pre-school provision produces very positive academic, emotional and social outcomes.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Malcolm Harris is the worst one out of all of them I reckon. Worse than Laurie, Molly, Owen, Sunni and Elly Mae all rolled into one.

He must be stopped. I don't care how it's done but the man is an affront to decency.

I have real trouble understanding what he is saying often:

"I think the racial semiotics of those terrible anti-teen-pregnancy ads with the babies is "not not not-white" (twitter 4 days ago)

(twitter 4 days ago) http://www.thedailybeast.com/galleries/2010/02/16/the-left-s-top-25-journalists.html
with the phrase "Ain't no such thing as a left journalist"
What does this mean?
"Keeping your daughters off the cam is the new keeping your daughters off the pole."
(twitter 5 days ago)
Salvia - not bad apparently:

My friends and I def went through a try-all-the-technically-legal-exotic-drugs phase in hs. Y'all ever tried Wild Dagga? Kratom?

Don't. Just stick to weed. Except Salvia. Salvia rules.
...the very strong evidence provided by the Finnish experience; one where late entry to formal education and play dominated pre-school provision produces very positive academic, emotional and social outcomes.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

...which is a relief for all of us who can't afford to send our kids to nursery.
I have real trouble understanding what he is saying often:

"I think the racial semiotics of those terrible anti-teen-pregnancy ads with the babies is "not not not-white" (twitter 4 days ago)

(twitter 4 days ago) http://www.thedailybeast.com/galleries/2010/02/16/the-left-s-top-25-journalists.html
with the phrase "Ain't no such thing as a left journalist"
What does this mean?
"Keeping your daughters off the cam is the new keeping your daughters off the pole."
(twitter 5 days ago)
Salvia - not bad apparently:

He came across as an ignorant ideologue; his touchstone contributions in the several interviews he's done on the subject are:

1. his portrayal of Rousseau as the guiding light of all bad nursery education!

2. one report by some US economists into the effects of different pre-school education approaches.

He was completely unable to deal with the very strong evidence provided by the Finnish experience; one where late entry to formal education and play dominated pre-school provision produces very positive academic, emotional and social outcomes.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

He's spent his whole life in his Da's shadow, and his vanity is writing cheques his intelligence can't cash.
He was completely unable to deal with the very strong evidence provided by the Finnish experience; one where late entry to formal education and play dominated pre-school provision produces very positive academic, emotional and social outcomes.

I was reading about Finnish schooling a few weeks ago, it didn't really go into much detail but give a bullet point account of the methods and results. It all seemed so.. common sense.
Well, anyone who vaguely even notices student politics is confronted by their stupidity constantly. My fear is that these people are very often upper-middle-class and well placed to be in a position of power in the future. I see that an identity politics type in Sheffield Labour Students is standing to be a councillor in the local elections, she is campaigning alongside the other student local councillor who is possibly the most transparently Thatcherite Labour party member I have ever met.

This stuff is going to be a real problem.

Double barreled surname? If so he was in my 1870-1914 British social history seminar - made some very 'interesting' comments. Really, really fucking posh too.
Idris2002: Useful (if overly sympathetic) account of the development of the fringe/heterodox Maoist "white skin privilege" theory into today's liberal "privilege politics": http://kasamaproject.org/race-liber...-debating-its-place-in-revolutionary-politics

The person it quotes from ends up recommending Buddhism:

In Zen Buddhist practice, when we open up that space in ourselves through sitting, when we get underneath all our bullshit, there all the time is unconditional love. Each one of us, in every moment through our lives, has in the immediate capacity to act out of boundless compassion and love. When we let go of our preconceptions, we can see all things clearly, and do what’s necessary in each and every situation. A being who acts from this space, who acts towards the liberation of all beings, is called a boddhisatva.
So for each of us, we can wake up. When we awake, when we are present in this moment as it is, we have the chance to see things clearly. By seeing them clearly, we can perceive what is needed, what each situation calls for. Unconcerned with how we perceive ourselves or how others perceive us, we simply help out however we can. There is no need for guilt or neurosis, strict rules or fear. The only need is for ourselves to be in world in a real and full way. We have a space of tremendous strength, courage, caring and understanding in ourselves, at all times in all places that we can always access, if we are paying attention.
Always, to be full and real, that practice of sitting must return me to the world. To this world of authoritarian capitalist institutions and white supremacist colonization of our hearts and minds, this world of murderous transphobia and deep-rooted self-hatred, this world where partners rape and abuse each other, and this world where neighbors torture and terrorize each other, this world of dangerous sex and tremendous suffering, this world of touching beauty and unimaginable possibility. This world, right here, right now, where we all feel pain. This world, right here, right now, where we can all find ways of genuinely love and caring for each other.

Someone who doesn't use whiteness examines the importance of whiteness (Noel Ignatiev's term):

"I’m a woman, I’m white and I’m British. Growing up, my family had enough money for me to have what I needed, and more. I’m cisgender. I got a great education. Even though I’m queer, I date cismen too. I’m able-bodied, and I’m neurotypical. My nonmonogamy is easy to hide. I’m fat, but I’m the ‘acceptable’ kind of fat most people can get over. Aside from the fact I’m a ciswoman, I get to navigate the world in a way that means the world just works for me. In the simplest terms: I benefit from racism, capitalism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism and heteronormativity. This happens whether or not I want it to.
All women are not the same. If you look at the list of attributes I just gave, you’ll see that I’m not just a woman. I’m a privileged woman, whose class and ethnicity and physical ability have completely and utterly dictated how I experience my society in a positive way.
The first step in becoming a less shitty person was understanding and then believing that not everyone is like me. The second step was listening to the people who are expressing the ways in which they are not like me. The third step was, and still is, figuring out how to facilitate change for the people who are not like me.
My privilege means I will mess up again and again. I will, consciously or otherwise, project my needs and experiences onto people whose needs and experiences are different to mine. The process by which you try and try to divest yourself of your own shittiness means you have to know that. Privilege means your rightness is reinforced often, and more women like me need to have their wrongness shown the hell up."
That's the one

We were looking at public health one day and he started talking (at great length - loves the sound of his own voice that one) about how it was 'ironic' that back in the 1880s when people couldn't afford to pay a doctor we didn't have a national health service free at the point of use but now everyone can afford to pay for their own healthcare we do.

'Fucking speak for yourself' was my response. I was told that while my sentiments were understandable the language I employed was unnecessarily aggressive :D
We were looking at public health one day and he started talking (at great length - loves the sound of his own voice that one) about how it was 'ironic' that back in the 1880s when people couldn't afford to pay a doctor we didn't have a national health service free at the point of use but now everyone can afford to pay for their own healthcare we do.

'Fucking speak for yourself' was my response. I was told that while my sentiments were understandable the language I employed was unnecessarily aggressive :D

:facepalm: I thought he was beyond the pale because I heard him say to Hillary Ben that his biggest problem with Labour was that they weren't flexible enough about businesses (on things like workfare) but that... wow. There are Tories that would be horrified at someone saying that.
it's not an acronym..
Cisgender has its origin in the Latin-derived prefix cis-, meaning "on this side of," which is antonymous with the Latin-derived prefix trans-. This usage can be seen in the cis-trans distinction in chemistry, or in the ancient Roman term Cisalpine Gaul (i.e., "Gaul on this side of the Alps"). In the case of gender, however, cis- refers to the alignment of gender identity with assigned sex.
/wiki :)
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