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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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This thread.

Nah this thread jumped the shark when Laurie turned up. Nothing's gonna beat that (unless Brian Paddick shows up in the naked thread or something)

"For the sake of our energy and our environment"? :facepalm:

What Yeo and co. mean by this is lets spend tens of billions on nuclear power. The idea that this is "de-carbonising" our energy production is literally absurd. There is intelligent and well-researched evidence out there that suggests that if you properly account for the carbon costs of mining and milling uranium, guaranteeing future supplies of it and dealing with the waste, clean gas is quite probably responsible for lower carbon emissions than nuclear.

I really wonder whether people like Hundal are just useful fools in this kind of drip-drip pro-nuclear propaganda or if they are actually paid up mouthpieces. It's just not possible to believe that a "de-carbonisation policy" and nuclear power are easily compatible. The case can be made, but anyone who knows anything about the subject can see it's highly controversial.
Are you utterly self-absorbed? Has your humdrum priviliged upper-middle-class upbringing prevented you from developing any meaningful sense of identity beyond commodities? Is pretending to be working class not working out for you? Do you have a really shit or non-existant personality and need to compensate? Then worry not, all your problems can be solved, with a twat hat:


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If only LLETSA had lived to see this.
a friend sums this up:

she tweeted a pic of her and owen jones having make-up tea (they fell out because he wrote an article abut George Galloway which she didn’t read properly and thought was about how great Galloway was and she had a massive go at him and he defended himself and she still didn’t read the article and kept having a go at him and all the other twitterati finally managed to get it through to her that he had not said what she said he said and she conceded that owen jones might not have been as clear as he could have done so she invited him to tea so he could apologise) and then they tweeted a pic of them looking abut 12 having a post clear the air tea and cakes cuddle and she was wearing a fedora because sex-pest chic is so now.

And this is what passes for the dialectic these days.

Picture in the attic?

Human transferance victim in cellar, probably. That way Owen can be as degenerately Dorian Gray as he wishes, and get his rocks off looking at the the results that his degeneracy has had on his captive. Perversion layered on perversion!
she tweeted a pic of her and owen jones having make-up tea (they fell out because he wrote an article abut George Galloway which she didn’t read properly and thought was about how great Galloway was and she had a massive go at him and he defended himself and she still didn’t read the article and kept having a go at him and all the other twitterati finally managed to get it through to her that he had not said what she said he said and she conceded that owen jones might not have been as clear as he could have done so she invited him to tea so he could apologise) and then they tweeted a pic of them looking abut 12 having a post clear the air tea and cakes cuddle and she was wearing a fedora because sex-pest chic is so now.

And this is what passes for the dialectic these days.


Plenty of other people steamed in on him, too, stavvers, jonanamary, etc, to tell him how his article on Galloway reduced his rape apologism to the same level as being a cat on Big Brother and when he said he didn't think so he was called all sorts of shit; sexist, dismissive, superior, all that, prompting Angry Blogs and an argument that lasted TWO FUCKING DAYS. And yet dare to mention to any of these fuckers that perhaps during these two days another 5 children's centres or a hospital have closed or old people have been told to go back to University or that maybe, just maybe their time might be better spent fighting the government it's all sneers to the pump.
fair enough, i neither read the article nor the twitter shitstorm that followed. still, if they're at least arguing over the issues then we might be making progress.
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