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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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No she would not, she'd be and is fucking awful at it - just read that latest piece for evidence

Doing good satire and being extremely un self aware do not go hand in hand

I think her biggest obstacle would be the two way dialogue. She is fucking awful at it. Conquer that and we've got a... wait for it, wait... a great laureate.

LauraShite more like

Bakunin posting.

I just added this comment to her latest bilge about the Pope:

'While I have no fondness for Catholicism, I do have some fondness for accuracy and not, through either poor research or wilful ignorance, giving the false impression that the Pope was a Nazi simply by being a member of the Hitler Youth. Membership was compulsory and, if memory serves, Pope Benedict promptly deserted after a very brief period as a front-line soldier therein. This is a matter of public record and established fact. If he'd been picked up by Nazis after deserting, the least he could expect was to be thrown inoto a composite infantry unit called a 'Kampfgruppe' ('battle group') or, more likely, simplt shot by the roadside or left dangling from the nearest tree or lamppost bearing a placard stating he was a deserter who'd betrayed his country.

To not state this indicates poor or non-existent research. Either that or a deliberate smear knowing that Pope Benedict, whatever other faults he might have, is not and never was a committed Nazi.'

I'll be curious as to whether or not it actually makes it past moderation.
radical journalist watch

15-17 Feb // Wadham College, Oxford

Free and open to all.

The Oxford Radical Forum is an annual weekend - now in its sixth year - of challenging and critical debates, lectures, and workshops, together with film-screenings, music and other cultural events - all with a committed, political edge.

This year speakers include English language professor Deborah Cameron, John McDonnell MP, radical journalist Laurie Penny, authors Robin Blackburn, Richard Seymour and Alex Callinicos and many more. Subjects under debate range from the future of the Arab revolutions to Shostakovich, alternatives to austerity to the relationship between Marx and Lincoln, the London riots to 'the North-East of England as a Quidditch pitch'.
if it's any help, it's a session which is part of the oppositional geography panel alongside a redefinition of left-wing identity in contemporary cuban music making, both of these are being held in the Okinaga Room
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That MP appears to have a good copybook though- against trident, ID cards, labours anti terror laws etc.

whats that- moderately FOR the smoking ban. Salt mines.
That MP appears to have a good copybook though- against trident, ID cards, labours anti terror laws etc.

whats that- moderately FOR the smoking ban. Salt mines.
Actually he's ok, he's just tweeted that he's going to table an opposition to whatever IDS comes up with to try and get round the new workfare judgement
Oxford Radical Forum said:
We view re-energising popular discussion and action on the left a necessity. Our belief in the need for an event in Oxford bringing together progressive politics stems both from a conviction in the continued and critical relevancy of Marxist and leftist ideas and theory and from the sad and persistent weakness of focused or organised progressive political organisation locally and nationally, despite such pressing conditions of political and economic crisis, and despite the very many who would under more favourable circumstances participate in such interventions. Therefore we are hosting again this forum which will continue to address these issues and draw in individuals from the two universities in Oxford, the city and beyond to consider critically ideas about social progress and transformation. Ultimately ORF seeks to contribute to a critical culture of left debate, theory and action, as well as to cement political and intellectual links between individuals and groups who will have a basis upon which to work in the future

No need to shout. I am reading a childrens' book at the moment, it is "A Complete History Of Art". Despite being aimed at children, it is most interesting. It is by EH Gombrich, famous for "The Story of Art" aimed at adults. I also read Wind in the Willows as an adult. Most people experience Harry Potter through film and video I suspect. I saw one video about him and that was enough.
It doesnt matter what the quiddich means in this example ( or any fucking example as far as I can see )- its another way of excluding the unwwashed masses by the use of big fucking words and made up abstract concepts, so the literati can engage in a mutual tug fest in private.
I've got nothing against grown ups reading childrens books but why choose one thats essentially a repressed midle clas fantasy about running away to boarding school away from all the 'muggles' (thats code fore peons btw). also she can't write for shit
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