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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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He's also just taken an old, shit, tired and recycled twitter dig and got the thumbs up for it, certain twist of irony going on in the post above yours and inside his head. So fuck if someone re tweets an article of hers? Least it shows that after 150 characters they can still hold their concentration.
Not being overly familiar (or bothered about) twitter, i had no idea it was a shit, recycled dig, i just quoted it as it was on their feed and raised a smile. Although this thread has become about LP, it isn't all about LP.
For Laura;

Pro: Not a terrible article on abortion in Ireland http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/irel...ly-wont-change-a-thing?utm_source=vicetwitter

Con: Fucking terrible title. Underground Abortion Railroad? There are nearly a hundred flights from Ireland to the UK a day, never mind the fucking ferry. Jesus. Hyperbolise much?

Con: This article http://www.newstatesman.com/laurie-penny/2013/02/dear-vatican-i-would-be-pope-love-laurie-penny

Laurie Penny has GCSE Latin and a collection of ridiculous hats, plus years of experience dealing with in-fighting and intrigue (on the British Left). There is literally no reason she couldn't be Pope. Except for the Catholic thing. And the woman thing

Jesus GCSE Latin? Why don't you stick a kick me sticker on your back love?
For Laura;

Pro: Not a terrible article on abortion in Ireland http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/irel...ly-wont-change-a-thing?utm_source=vicetwitter

Con: Fucking terrible title. Underground Abortion Railroad? There are nearly a hundred flights from Ireland to the UK a day, never mind the fucking ferry. Jesus. Hyperbolise much?

Con: This article http://www.newstatesman.com/laurie-penny/2013/02/dear-vatican-i-would-be-pope-love-laurie-penny

Jesus GCSE Latin? Why don't you stick a kick me sticker on your back love?

I've got Standard Grade and higher Latin, want to kick me too?
I did GCSE Latin, everyone did in their first year and you could then choose to drop it after the second year (y10).

Not being overly familiar (or bothered about) twitter, i had no idea it was a shit, recycled dig, i just quoted it as it was on their feed and raised a smile. Although this thread has become about LP, it isn't all about LP.

Was more a go Alex than you, having a go at someone because they happened to like a LP article than you. Laurie Penny is a compulsive liar but uses that flaw to spin a yarn with. If she did satire or something she'd probably be quite good at it.
Laurie Penny@PennyRed
@benhammersley Ben, when are you in London, and when are we drinking?

all in it together

In general, I write and consult on the effects of the internet on society, foreign policy, business, and culture. I help people understand the modern world, and where it is taking us. Here are some things people have written about me.

Specificially, I’m currently the UK Prime Minister’s Ambassador to TechCity, London’s Internet Sector; Innovator in Residence at the Centre for Creative and Social Technologies at Goldsmiths, University of London; A non-resident fellow of the 21st Century Defense Initiative at the Brookings Institute in Washington D.C; A member of the European Commission High Level Group on Media Freedom; A fellow of the European Policy Centre in Brussels; A contributing editor of the UK edition of WIRED magazine, and a non-executive director of Digital Jersey Ltd. Incidentally, here is my biography on Wikipedia, and LinkedIN, and I’m @benhammersley on Twitter.

My latest book, my fifth, “64 Things You Need to Know Now For Then” is published internationally.

My speaking agent is Frances Keane. She is on +44 7704 295017 or + 353 86 602 5546 or info@personallyspeaking.co.uk.
In keeping with the keeping of good company, she's on the same side as Edwina Currie and Boris Johnson's sister at this debate at Oxford University - whole panel totally revolutionary in makeup as well

This House Believes That We Are All Feminists Now

Celebrating 50 Years of Women in The Oxford Union
Speakers in Proposition:
  • Dame Tessa Jowell - Former Minister for the Olympics; also served as Minister for Women
  • Cindy Gallop - Distinguished advertising CEO; founder of web platforms IfWeRanTheWorld & MakeLoveNotPorn
  • Camila Batmanghelidh - 'Businesswoman of the Year' 2009; businesswoman & founder of Kids Company
  • Michael Beloff - Leading Silk; Union President in 1963 when women were first admitted as members
Speakers in Opposition:
  • Edwina Currie - Former Conservative MP & Junior Minister; broadcaster & novelist
  • Natalie Bennett - Leader of Green Party; former editor of Guardian Weekly; founder of Carnival of Feminists
  • Rachel Johnson - Author, editor and journalist; editor of The Lady
  • Laurie Penny - Columnist & contributing editor for New Statesman
This Debate will be preceded by an Emergency Debate at 7.45pm
In keeping with the keeping of good company, she's on the same side as Edwina Currie and Boris Johnson's sister at this debate at Oxford University - whole panel totally revolutionary in makeup as well

The Laurie Penny biopic will have to be called "What's Wrong with This Picture?"
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