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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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I used to get the bus to college, two hours in the mornings and 90 minutes in the evening (less traffic), I don't know how the fuck I did it for two years to be honest. Soul destroying and to add insult to injury my A-levels were really hard!

The bus is no problem, you can read on the bus. I used to drive 90 minutes each way to work, had to rely on "talking books..." that was tough...
Emigration from the UK is out if you have to factor in medical costs or a disability, trust me on this.
I'd love to be like LP, travel to New York at the drop of the hat, even to work in the US would be fantastic experience. My medical history would probably make private healthcare difficult to come by, and with US employment law the way it us I can't take the risks. So no emigration for me.

A lot of Americans with chronic illness retire to Mexico, precisely because their disability costs are far lower there. I'm sure Brits could do the same. As long as you can physically make it to the border, obviously. But they don't even check your passport there, and no doctor would ever ask for ID, so I don't see why not.

:facepalm: and :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

A lot of Americans with chronic illness retire to Mexico, precisely because their disability costs are far lower there. I'm sure Brits could do the same. As long as you can physically make it to the border, obviously. But they don't even check your passport there, and no doctor would ever ask for ID, so I don't see why not.

Fantasy Island or Fraggle Rock?

A lot of Americans with chronic illness retire to Mexico, precisely because their disability costs are far lower there. I'm sure Brits could do the same. As long as you can physically make it to the border, obviously. But they don't even check your passport there, and no doctor would ever ask for ID, so I don't see why not.
Don't make me dig out a handful of "sweetie"s. If you think I haven't spent a lot of time and energy looking at the feasibility of leaving the UK (at least until the ConDems are out) you're very much mistaken.

It's not a viable option. And I'm not the only highly skilled and educated benefit claimant for whom it's not a viable option. Fuck it, even working in the UK isn't a viable option. I've done the maths.
Don't make me dig out a handful of "sweetie"s. If you think I haven't spent a lot of time and energy looking at the feasibility of leaving the UK (at least until the ConDems are out) you're very much mistaken.

It's not a viable option. And I'm not the only highly skilled and educated benefit claimant for whom it's not a viable option.

I guess just because Mexico's health system is better than the US, doesn't mean it's better than the UK's... I'd move there myself if I got ill and the only other option was US public health care... but I'd take the UK National Health over either of them...
I'd love to be like LP, travel to New York at the drop of the hat, even to work in the US would be fantastic experience. My medical history would probably make private healthcare difficult to come by, and with US employment law the way it us I can't take the risks. So no emigration for me.

She'd probably turn around and say it isn't her whim to go to NYC, Cairo or Dublin (where she is now), and I am sure this sort of lifestyle is tiring and not as glamorous as it sounds but it is still a luxury. A luxury that most people will never experience. All she essentially does is go to a trendy city, send a few tweets and write a shit article when she gets back. That's it! She actually gets paid for that and if anyone dare pulls her up on it she says you're attacking women's right to birth control and are a sexist pig or a troll.

Of course it isn't limited to Laura Penny, there's that massive Cambridge prick Patrick Kingsley too. He's one of the worst journalists I have read and he swans about defecating all over the place in the name of the Guardian.


In November 2009, the paper won six prizes at the Guardian Student Media Awards, was nominated for a further two, and former editor Patrick Kingsley was named Student Journalist of the Year.

Coincidental that he now works for the Guardian, eh?

Proper lefties, not 'fake lefties'. What she really meant is people who've had an elite education.

I guess just because Mexico's health system is better than the US, doesn't mean it's better than the UK's... I'd move there myself if I got ill and the only other option was US public health care...
How's your medical Spanish? How do you fancy your chances of getting somebody with memory problems to remember enough of it? :hmm: Not just for the usual minor ailments, I'd need immunology in Spanish, neurology in Spanish, orthopaedics in Spanish etc.
She'd probably turn around and say it isn't her whim to go to NYC, Cairo or Dublin (where she is now), and I am sure this sort of lifestyle is tiring and not as glamorous as it sounds but it is still a luxury. A luxury that most people will never experience. All she essentially does is go to a trendy city, send a few tweets and write a shit article when she gets back. That's it! She actually gets paid for that and if anyone dare pulls her up on it she says you're attacking women's right to birth control and are a sexist pig or a troll.

I'm sure it's entirely coincidental that all the big stories are happening in hip tourist destinations. What on earth would a left wing journalist find to write about in somewher like, say, Wigan?
Mucho mejor de lo que debería ser....

No muy bien companera, porque...?
We interrupt this thread to bring you ropey Spanish for the day:
Lo siento querido, mi español es casi inexistente en este momento porque estoy tratando de aprender palabras suficientes polacos antes del verano. Por lo tanto, hice trampa y lo tradujo con google. :p

Si tuviera que trasladarse a México yo tendría que saber médico españolas, lo mismo que mi marido. Yo no voy a dejarlo atrás.
I'm sure it's entirely coincidental that all the big stories are happening in hip tourist destinations. What on earth would a left wing journalist find to write about in somewher like, say, Wigan?
Don't think I've ever seen her write anything about anywhere North of Watford in the UK to be honest. If she has it's hidden well.

Plenty to write about in Glasgow or Lanark or Coulport or Macclesfield or Preston or....
St. Helens has better pies than Wigan anyway, even though Pimblett's no longer exists.

I'm sure it's entirely coincidental that all the big stories are happening in hip tourist destinations. What on earth would a left wing journalist find to write about in somewher like, say, Wigan?

I have to disagree, ol' beans! I can well imagine her hitch-hiking to Wigan as per phildwyer's suggestion merely so she could write an article entitled:

The Road to Wigan Pier, by Laurie Penny.
Down and Out in Paris and London, by Laurie Penny is more likely though. An epic story of struggle as she slept on a fellow trendy journalists' "hovels" in Paris and London. Living on nothing but her inheritance.
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