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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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Has anyone seen this epetition being passed around by Mohammed Ansar? He's tweeting it at Suzanne Moore and a load of other people.


Full registration for UK users of social media

Responsible department: Department for Culture, Media and Sport
We the undersigned, urge the government and CPS to make UK use of social media subject to full registration.
Lately platforms like Twitter have been used for: spreading images of child abuse / pornography, hate speech, defamation, racism, harassment and bullying.

Freedom of speech, debate and critical dialogue is vital in a healthy and democratic society, however social media must not be a realm beyond the law of the land. Currently, UK users avoid identification and prosecution as inadequate identification occurs at the point of registration.
Registration should not remove anonymity during use of these services but must allow for proper disclosure of identity for law enforcement.
The Government should consult with social media providers to bring in legislation requiring UK users to provide full personal information which is subject to the Data Protection Act until and unless law enforcement agencies or legal proceedings require their disclosure.

This is all lustbathers fault.
needs a 40 a day habit to bring it down a few octaves

I've got about 20,000 words to finish by the start of April. Can I just put out a Twitter appeal to get someone else to do most of the work, claim it under my own byline and then foist it back on them by blaming a carp sub-editor if it turns out to be shite?

No? Thought not...
Even her new twitter profile pic is effete.

Leopard skin jacket and fag, like a proper working class woman, yeah!!! Or a cheap Bett Lynch, how post-modern and ironic!!
No money back guarantee if you're not editing a Sunday by your mid twenties?

Unfortunately not. Of the people I still know who went there and are now nearly 30, there's 2 TEFL teachers (including me), a Morning Star journalist (my brother), a quantity surveyor, a charity worker and a paintball instructor. Although apparently until recently there was someone from my school in the cabinet, so the connections must have been there if I'd known how to work them... :facepalm:
I don't think I'm in touch with anyone from my old school now but when I was I think I was the most successful (in terms of careers anyway) and I was a pipe fitter back then so hardly a high flyer - rest were either on the dole or minimum wage.
Yeah, but it's how the wealthy scumbags also like to eat it, so they can feel like they're real people, not just fake plastic middle-class scum. :)

Never heard that before. To be honest though find it a bit too rich when people make it with milk (and don't get me started on people who add honey/sugar/banana/anything that's not salt...)
I've got about 20,000 words to finish by the start of April. Can I just put out a Twitter appeal to get someone else to do most of the work, claim it under my own byline and then foist it back on them by blaming a carp sub-editor if it turns out to be shite?

No? Thought not...
Actually, you should do it. Get the twitterati to retweet your request to all their mates, weave a thousand soundbites together, and bob's your uncle: 20,000 words :)
Ah fuck off.


Feb 15th. Organised by SP MEP Paul Murphy. Laura happy to be on the bill with so many smelly white oldies?


  • Owen Jones, Author of “Chavs: The Demonisation of the Working Class.”
  • Laurie Penny, Independent Journalist and Blogger
  • Joe Higgins, Socialist Party TD
  • Kenneth Haar, Corporate Europe Observatory
  • Conor McCabe, UCD School of Social Justice, Author of “Sins of the Father”
  • Tommy Sheridan, Scotish socialist & activist
  • David Cronin, Author of “Europe’s Alliance with Israel”
  • Dr. Andy Storey, Afri & Debt Justice Action
  • Andros Payiatsos, Greek Socialist & activist
  • and many more
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