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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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interesting take ive not heard before on why the SWP is the way it is:
Paid full-time leaders of “Leninist” groups stay in power for many years and decades; they accumulate huge gaps in their resumes and professional development that make returning to the labor market almost impossible; therefore, they have a very personal stake in maintaining their paychecks and livelihoods which are derived from their office.

So they institute closed slate systems to make their removal all but impossible; they expel dissidents; they prevent horizontal communication and discussion between branches of the organization; they appoint reliable yes-men and yes-women to positions of power over the membership; and they accuse anyone who objects to any of this of being anti-Leninist and opposed to democratic centralism, as if these practices remotely resemble those of Lenin or the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party!
interesting take ive not heard before on why the SWP is the way it is:

When I said much the same on here several years ago about the SWP CC caring more about keeping the racket going and glibly conning the membership than about revolution, I got scolded for being a "conspiracy theorist". :)
I am old enough to remeber a period when if as a male you were at a lefty party you had a dilemna that if you started dancing with a woman with fem earings.....

I see femjewellery has moved on since those heady days.....

That too I guess. But in reality more for leading the former Trucial States into a new federation and taking it from the middle ages to the modern era economically (not socially or politically) in about 40 years.
IIRC Zaid was handed the leadership of Abu Dhabi by the local British representative, who deposed Zaid's brother c1966 for being unwilling to turn AD into a petrostate.
Been thinking about this whole business of privilege/intersectionality and how it creates divisions between groups and people who should be showing solidarity in a common cause. Not sure it's altogether a bad thing tbh because there are quite a few of them I don't want to be solid with...and it's quite convenient that they should reject me first on spurious pseudo-academic grounds than I should have to say: "actually, no thanks...I think you're a total fraudulent posturing twat."
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